Question for Game of Thrones buffs - Which of the gods is real?

Question for Game of Thrones buffs - Which of the gods is real?

Do more than one actually exist? Do they have a Daedric Prince thing going on? I ask not as a bookfag, but as a show watcher.

From what I've seen the lord of light (god or otherwise) is the only one with any real basis for worship. He lets his followers view visions form open fires, and can have his prayers resurrect people. I haven't seen much from any of the rest of them.

Will admit thought, the Cthulhu vibe of the drowned god seems really badass.

There are no gods. Anything supernatural can be explained by modern science.

I'm talking about within the setting, you goddamn autist.

what difference does it make?


I think the only gods we know for certain exist are the many face god and the lord of light since they have without a doubt interacted with the characters of the show

Science is a method of learning. Not a set of truths.
You don't go to watch Doctor Strange and think "Ohh, this is clearly explained by Einsteins theory of relativity"

maybe they're one in the same though.

I don't remember the many-faced god interacting with anyone. When was this?

In GoT i'd say all are probably 'real', R'hllor is the only one to show they exist though

Do you even watch the show?

well I mean we witness his powers through Jaqen H'ghar when he's training Arya.

I lika Arya's scenes the most, so I do. I just considered what Jaqen does more thematic and cloak and dagger.

the many faced god is the god of death in got

No, the many faced god is the Lord of Light.

Go to the many faced god wiki. it's literally a religion. If you're gonna make claims then give us your theory

alot you fucking moron

the old gods. we see evidence of them through the children of the forest and the white walkers. they can fucking use magic and they are both critically connected to the old gods. even so. the old gods are described as mother nature and the earth itself basically in the books which are gods in themself as they have power over pretty much anything

we don't know the old gods actually exist and the children using magic isn't evidence of them existing. we dont actually know how they got their powers. We only know of the legend of how they got them

this isn't skyrim you fucking retard

The night is dank and full of terrors.

More people who've never had DMT

Vikings is better.

> (OP)
>I think the only gods we know for certain exist are the many face god and the lord of light since they have without a doubt interacted with the characters of the show

This guy fucks

The Lord of Light, most like.

The Old Gods, though in a different sense.

The Drowned God might have some relevance, possibly.

Other than that it's all up in the air, the Many-Faced God is complicated because while the Faceless Men do practice some magic, it's blood magic and fucking everybody practices blood magic.

The only thing we know for sure is that the Seven are shit-tier and don't exist in any fashion whatsoever.

I like to think that the gods and the magic attributed to them are two separate concepts, the magic may work for completely different reasons and the gods were designed after the magic. Like the face changing shit in Braavos, that is more than likely some kind of magic, which in turn inspired the Many-Faced-God as an explanation for the magic.

>the Seven are shit-tier
Just goes to show if you've got the manpower you can push any shitty religion.

Whether or not the in-universe gods exist, the creators of the show are effectively the gods of their world. Any resurrected character came back solely because they willed it. Any visions people see in fire are there because the writers made them see it. The writers are the Lord of Light.
