Vox just dropped a new video

Vox just dropped a new video

This girl talks about the "secret rhythm" in Radiohead's song "videotape"


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That's a guy

wish people from Sup Forums would check their obsession with spamming e-celebs at the door

fantano is bad enough


vox is neoliberal crap but some of their videos about music are pretty good

why do normies like in rainbows so much?

bc radiohead is a normie band pal

All that just to say that it's syncopated?

All that to say they hide syncopation of the song.

That lesbian is fucking ugly.

Who fucking cares? Radiohead sucks.

Thank god she isn't trying to get dick


>radiohead sucks
could this board possibly be more pretentious lmao

lmao they pretty much ripped this video off entirely

Videotape is kinda pretty. Wish It developed more though.

>le funny joo parantheses meme
back to r eddit

syncopation is a secret rhythm? how is it special? or just for radio pop?

y don't they just make the piano start at the 1 what would be the difference

in rainbows is best radiohead

>10 minute long pseudointellectual video to explain syncopation to normies
what the fuck?