"Ah, now eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour right? Hello?"
"Ah, now eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour right? Hello?"
I really hate that man
uhhh ahhh uhh ahh
ahhh uhh ugghuhh
yhhhh wwnnaaauu
life uuhhhh
finds uuaahhauuhuuhhhh
uhhh a uhhahha
way uuuha
Yup that's a website alright. Good eye
Why is the screen facing away from him?
"Now eventually you do plan to have tv and film discussions on this television and film board right? Hello?"
Peak Goldblum.
because life finds a way
Because he comes from a time when we didn't need to have computer, phone, or tablet screens facing us at all times. So it's symbolic, the angle of the screen is pointing out the millenial degeneracy and dependancy on technology. The T.Rex is a symbol for phones and how everyone wants to have the latest and flashiest iphone and aren't satisfied with the slower sturdier dinosaurs like the triceratops. T.Rex is also dangerous, phones are dangerous because people get distracted by them.
It's just simple pottery that you'd have to be a weiner not to get.
>big fat computer nerd
>actually called nerdy
steven hacksberg everyone
It's nedry
are you dyslexic
Post the gif
It's bait
are you retarded
>pretending to be retarded
Yeah because I browse this shithole enough to know every troll bait and meme
>big fat computer nerd
>makes high pitched noise like a balloon deflating
i agree, what a hack
A hawrr hawrrr,
Probably pushed it away so he didn't have to look at the jew
Mmuuuaaaahhhhaaaahahhhhhuuhhhhhhst go faster
those threads get like 8 replies and die
>I really hate that man
Chill, lean in see ass.