This is why superhero films are important.
This is why superhero films are important
so that shitty, emotionally stunted kids raised by single mothers can have a fictional father figure created in a jewish dungeon in hollywood?
so that [alec guiness story]?
fuck off edgelord
Is that Joey Etsobatsu?
I feel bad for kids raised on the Snyder movies. Must be a terrible frame of reference to those characters.
It's Poongko
You're absolutely right, OP.
Why are you so opposed to making positive role models for the nigger community?
Better than 90's kids raised off Schumacher.
At least those taught the golden rule.
Imagine the first movie of Batman and Superman you saw contained a scene where batman was beating a helpless superman nearly to death and a helpless Lois had to intervene in the dumbest way possible with a look of utter terror on her face.
I think a problem with common nerd shit, disney stuff and cartoons in general is they are all partially made with adults in mind. It's fine for some portion of stuff for this to be made for adults or with adults also being in mind, but I feel like children really don't get anything of their own anymore.
Is that some kind of Indo-Jap porn collaboration?
that you can buy women with a bat credit card?
my father died from cancer when i was 2. i had to figure it out all on my own. how to shave, how to fix a damn tire. i did not know what it was to be a man. i loved old fairy tales from my country thou. i'm not some sjw or something but my positive role models were knights in shiny armors fighting off dragons to save the beautiful damsels. i am now a grown man. i have a strong sense of justice, an unwavering willpower, can ride horses, i literally fight fucktards and save people as a job. i have become the knight. a prime example of what a man should be. fuck your assumptions you sperglord.
Who gives a fuck what children want dumb faggot fucker. They're not the ones with the money. The parents are.
>hurrr imagine children seeing a violent batman!!!! :(((
Kids like to see heroes fight stupid cunt. Or did you not play wth action figures when you were little
I grew up with Batman the Animated Series and the Spiderman Animated Series;
I hear you, bro. Sorry about your dad. I lost mine long about the same time I was old enough to finally start listening to him. I'm in the rescue business myself.
holy shit how will OP ever recover
if it was captain america's suit and the kid had a marvel t-shirt on
>these movies are an inspiration to children!
I'm assuming you faggots are EMTs/Firefighters?
thanks guys we all love ya
muh comics faggots are the absolute worst
Don't lump me in with that sperg
so after all those years you have finally become...a knight
Too bad hollywood films are terrible for minorities and women
There's been a study that everyone who watches films has lowered self-confidence except for white males
That's a problem why??
>kids like something therefore it is important
>that pic
as they should
I am so fat.
Nice fanfic faglord now kill yourself
Absolutely destroyed.
It's over, capeshitters, leave the board now.
Literally fucking source
kill yourself
S-hut up!
Should we be standing behind you too?
Nah I'll stay here Pig fucker. My dads alive and well
the kid isnt even old enough to see his movie about a detective that dresses like a bat, a woman that uses a lasso and asks people uncomfortable questions and flying man who saves cats from trees because dc made them into merciless killers
Wonder Woman was always a merciless killer stupid fuck
Thanks for this. My mind is changed.
I bet it is
What was the deleted first post?
Some butt mad faggot implying kids who like super Heros don't have a father. Probably some fucking loser projecting his own family problems onto children
I wish Smug would start being relevant again
to delude and distract our kids with disposable entertainment!
Sounds like you got triggered pretty hard there kek
Ah okay.
Why was it deleted? There's possibly some validity to it. I loved superheroes as a kid and had an absentee father; I didn't make any great steps as an independent man until into my mid 20s.
Even most superheroes lack father figures, lose one or seek guidance from one they discover.
Why is this pic so beautiful ?
What the fuck did he post it's deleted
Not really lol I have a dad. He just sounded mad as fuck with a chip on his shoulder
so that shitty, emotionally stunted kids raised by single mothers can have a fictional father figure created in a jewish dungeon in hollywood?
Some butt mad faggot implying kids who like super Heros don't have a father. Probably some fucking loser projecting his own family problems onto children
This isn't exclusive to superhero films. When I was that kids age I would've looked the same way at a display of Indiana Jones costume
>not playing the new Melee game in the Nintendo booth
>playing alone
>Miya comes by and picks Mario and plays with you
>starts laughing when he's whooping your ass
>Why was it deleted?
Clearly the mod is a nigger who never met his father and got triggered
so that shitty, emotionally stunted kids raised by single mothers can have a fictional father figure created in a jewish dungeon in hollywood?
>so that shitty, emotionally stunted kids raised by single mothers can have a fictional father figure created in a jewish dungeon in hollywood?
there's been a study that everyone who watches films has white guilt and self-hatred and think blacks are warriors in a "black struggle"
well yeah but kids find inspiration in everything for example my inspiration for who i am now is a goat. Now i am the only goat in the world who can type on the internet. Go goats!
>Kids like why is this old Asian man trying to play with us.
>Mom call security. I'm scared.
>he starts throwing mushroom plushies at you while he's running away
because you're a gay pedophile?
sorry about your dad, but you're fucking delusional
being a man doesn't mean becoming a fucking fairy tail fantasy you stupid fuck, it means being yourself and being able to provide for your family, while being true to your values. all your damsel in distress horseshit is pure artifice
because they are turning our youth gay?
>kid touching himself while getting ready to prep a bull
american society 2016, folks.
because little boys need to help to realize when they're gay?
>fairy tail
Mods are going ham on Sup Forums lately
Did feminists sneak in?
>Selling merch and empty ideals to gullible kids
capitalism working as intended.
What does deleting his post have to do with feminism
top kek i didn't even notice desu
just invalidated my entire post through shit grammar, fuck it
Damn user
This person is totally not offended, you guys.
You must be though
The argument hinges on a single grammar mistake
Don't worry they'll leave within a few days. They're just putting on a show for hiro as
Lmao no wonder he never wants to move out
This is why female superheroes are important
I would kill my mother to see Lisa Ann dressed as wonder woman
Sadly, most of the time women don't create their own shit. They just want to self-insert themselves into cool shit guys do.
>The 70s were a time of change for women. We went from being in the kitchen to attending college, fighting to have a presence in the military and start the revolution in the workplace
Which you had absolutely nothing to do with considering you began stripping at 16 using a fake ID, have never attended any higher education, never served your country and your greatest contribution to the workforce has been objectifying yourself for the pleasure of men.
kek. So many women are so fucking stupid and completely lacking self awareness
>deleting text posts
oh goy!
I really hope the new Wonder Woman movie will make many girls want to be DPed all dry and have 10 men blow their loads on their big silicon tits and ass
Who doesn't ?
Are you her dad?
>he doesn't use Sup Forums X
I actually found this heart warming. Porn stars they're just like us.
not really, I at least get wet during my DPs
me too
bet you won't when you become a milf
but they're supposedly hornier because it's all dying out
but whatever im just glad that giant fake juicy ass was put to good use
Nope. Just someone calling her out on her bullshit. She says she found these things inspiring yet did absolutely nothing with or towards them.
Sounds like the worthless, fatherless MOD faggot pieces of shit got triggered ;)
I'm on mobile running clover brah
Besides after some weird updates chan x was unusable
>Whore dies nothing but shitty blacked scenes all the time
What a dumb bitch
it's the way of all pornstars leaving the industry or getting too old, it's like a getaway route, just do the shit that gets them the most cash and get out before the crash
katja kassin at the end was basically just doing black gangbangs