Gem-Tier Shows

I'll begin.


Rare gems of high quality.

Gay-Effeminate-nuMale shows.

As in Crystal Gems, OP is implying these shows are tumblr

dont have a fucking clue who the woman next to gwen is

Isn't it the doctor that used glowe and died in the fucking first episode?

"I was a fookin LEGEND"

[dies from radiation]

isn't that Vorenus' wife?

She was literally only in the first episode of the show and she kills herself at the end.

Then she gets better.

Did anyone else find that Gwen would sometimes look really hot and sometimes not? It was probably the angles or something.


John Barrowman




For a show that was like 98% gay is was pretty good.



Don't talk that way about a fookin legend.

Worst girl from Luther.



where do gems rank on the gold silver bronze scale?