Why does Spiderman wear a suit? This doesn't make any sense, isn't it his skin that allows him to stick to walls and climb? Why the hell does he wear gloves?
Why does Spiderman wear a suit? This doesn't make any sense...
Isn't the web shooter part of the suit though?
sam raimi BTFO
Because "nigger nigger nigger jews jews jews"
le seriously Raimi???????
He wears gloves so you can't see he's a white guy, identify him by his scars, etc. In the Raimi movie his spider hair pokes through the gloves or some shit. I haven't seen it in over a decade but I remember it clearly.
Serious answer:
Comic Spider-Man can control the electrostatic interaction between his body and the molecules of pretty much any surface. The suit is thin enough to not interfere with the interaction.
Also the electrostatic force thing covers his entire body so he can stick himself to a surface by his back or chest or whatever, but the force is more heavily concentrated in his hands and feet.
so its not tiny hairs like in the movie?
Because a twink in tight spandex is hot as fck.
Because he needs a disguise you retard.
So why call him spiderman???
You had one job marvel
I love how in the first movie the webs around his body were gold in most scenes. It looks wonderful with that shade of red.
To conceal his identity. You can't tell whether he is black or white or anything about him for the matter. Some people used to think he was an alien and some thought he was actually a woman.
This. Electro can make spidey fall off surfaces if he wants to.
Because it looks like he does what Spiders do and he has the proportional strength of a Spider (sorta).
>Sup Forums
What, are they going to figure out that he's peter parker by looking at his soft velvety hands?
Depends on the version.
In some versions, he has a mechanical web shooter, in some he built it.
I think in Raimi's version it was one of his powers, while in the Amazing Spiderman and the 90s animated series it was mechanical.
As for comics, I'm not sure which is canon at the moment. I think both were true at one point or another there.
>You can't tell whether he is black or white or anything about him for the matter. Some people used to think he was an alien and some thought he was actually a woman.
Yeah, that's just comics not accounting for voice and speech patterns.
Same reason people not recognizing Superman is dumb beyond just the glasses, they should recognize his voice.
So you want him to wear full spandex except on his hands for some reason.
I mean you do have a point, but a voice is the easiest thing to disguise, and you don't even have to go full "WHERE ARE THEY" to do it.
Organic shooters were canon for a while after the Raimi movies, then it got back to mechanical (which it always was before Raimi, except for the symbiote, sorta).
Ah okay. Also I've no idea why I wrote "mechanical" at the start. I think I reversed my order half way through. Let's pretend I wrote "organic" instead of mechanical.
Yeah but it should be pointed out one way or another that they disguize their speech. Like they do for Iron Man's robot voice being represented by a ligthning bolt bubble.
> you don't even have to go full "WHERE ARE THEY" to do it.
The guy who started the trend of Batman sounding different from Bruce Wayne was Kevin Conroy, who indeed did it much more subtly.
And even if he disguises his speech, there's no way he sounds like a woman... except maybe the MCU version.
Why wear a suit at all then? Why not just swing around naked except for a mask? What are they gonna do, try to catch him? They've proven they can't
Cause the nigger got his powers from a radioactive spider.
>The guy who started the trend of Batman sounding different from Bruce Wayne was Kevin Conroy, who indeed did it much more subtly.
And this is what actors need to do with secret identities overall.
>normal voice
>more forceful
>maybe deeper if they can
>but not so far in either that it sounds ridiculous, just enough to disguise it from "Hey it's That Person"
Actually Conroy says the Batman voice is the one which was "normal" and Wayne the one that was "fake". Not as fake as Matches Malone, but still.
Overall though, yeah, I agree.
Right, but I meant like [actor's normal voice] when I said that.