Hey Sup Forums literal dole-degenerate from Australia

hey Sup Forums literal dole-degenerate from Australia.
>no job
>cennalinkz fug yee
>degenerate to society
>Australia is going to shit
>hate myself for cennalinkz gibme
>don't want this.

My beautiful country is being ruined and part of the blame. how do i get job fast/easy? i have no qualifications or any that shit. what's a good industry to look for work?

tldr; help me become a true blue Australian

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Actually start looking for a job and not waste time here?

join the army

i am looking you cunt head

applying for Gov jobs later on as i hear that's good. but legit dunno what i should be applying for, but telesales is probs my number 1 application

I've actually heard joining the army for IT sorta shits alroight. i'd be shit for a lot of their jobs tho desu.

Here's the thing. If you're 25 and have never held down a job and have no qualifications you are basically unemployable in the private sector.

Every interview you ever walk into the first thing you will be asked is 'why haven't you been working user?'

Now there are ways arounds this. You can fabricate a fake CV and get friends/uncles/aunts to pretend to be references. But there's always a risk you get caught doing this and then not only are you beyond fucked but you will likely face prosecution.

The thing about the military is that they will just take you. Make no mistake, it is a shit job to start with. Military training for every single position, commissioned or not, is an absolute bitch. I'd say there is a 75% chance you'd just drop out because you can't handle the transition from NEET lifestyle to the non-compromising discipline of the military.

That said, your opportunities in the military are basically unlimited and you can get training in basically anything. Who knows, in 6 years you could come out as a satellites expert.

>i'd be shit for a lot of their jobs tho desu

what i'd say to you is go along for their YOU day.

you just register online and then go in on the day and do a very easy apittude/iq test and based on your results they tell you what you can apply for

>but telesales is probs my number 1 application

don't do it man, if you think you hate yourself for being a dolebludger wait until you spend your day pissing people off begging for money.

is it rare for guys in mid 20's to join?

This is fuckin bullshit min


it's above average for general entry but not uncommon

if you want motivation read the autobiography by Mark Donaldson. His life was a complete fuck up and he joined the army in his mid 20's and was basically able to channel all his resentment into achieving something. He went on to join the SAS and was awarded VC.

Obviously his is just one story but its a good read nonetheless.

The military will not accept a 25 year old with no job experience.

fuck nah, cunt

had a 35 year old Paramedic join when i was going through

don't want to sound like a dumb cunt, but i'f i'm in the army for 6 years or whatever, how do i make sure my job involves me never getting shot?
oh also, i've held down jobs before.
>IT support work at a uni
>Administration/assistant work in an office
>warehouse storeman

finding the biggest hurdle right now is fucken every cunt wants me to have a car and valid license for fucks sake. my legs work fine.

good point. don't really want to feel like a beggar, i'll leave that for the melbournians

They wont accept 18 year olds with no job experience

I'm joining as a RAAF Officer and I wouldn't be surprised if they did t b h.

The main thing they are looking for is how interested/motivated you are and how well informed about the role you are.

if you can turn up on assessment day and prove that I don't think it will really matter. I've basically just studied since I finished high school and only worked casually and they didn't push me on it too much and my standard for entry is far higher than general entry.

I have lived and worked at remote roadhouse on the Nullarbor and up in the NT for several years now.
Pros: they will hire literally anyone because nobody wants to live this remote. I get housed and fed by my boss on site. I have little to no competition for my job. Easy to save money. Easy to get backpacker pussy.
Cons: I am literally in the middle of nowhere. Shit phone reception and internet. No real forward momentum in career terms.

Your issue is a license and a car?

same here cunt.

did you lose yours over some shit or what?

yeah, lost it till next year. not saying what cause cunts will know instantly if they know me IRL

yeah lost it till next year, not saying what for tho cause cunts IRL that know me will know instantly who i am

>how do i make sure my job involves me never getting shot

Honestly the only guys who are regularly in danger are the Special Forces guys and they're absolute madmen, it's very rare for infantrymen to get wounded. There's plenty of non-combat roles as well look up defence.gov.au but you'll have to learn to shoot a rifle, no way around it because no matter what job you join in whether it be pilot or cook you are first trained as a soldier

>i've held down jobs before.
then you'll have no issues whatsoever

there was no point to that revision mate

you crash it through a roundabout or something?

> you'll have to learn to shoot a rifle, no way around it
sounds good 90% likely ill sign up if theres no jobs comin my way

nah my fucken telstra is fucking my shit up. posts arent loading cause dodgy internet.

yeah but didn't lose it for the crash, lost it for being intoxicated and that's all i'm gonna say lol

stay on centerlink
listen to all these wagecucks talk about how youre completely unemployable
if theres not an immediate demand for labor why should you get off the dole fucking retarded

At 25? No chance. They need some kind of assurance your not going to drop out after basic training.

dont you have a town fire to put out, cunt?

fuck off back to your wank room, you fucking seppo.


how long did you work at those places, OP?

3 years is the longest i had one job.
i worked for about 5 years straight between 3 or 4 jobs

Yeah you're probably right.

you wont have an issue

what if I said soemthing like "in 4 months i wont even have a home so no where else to go"

telling any employer that you're about to be homeless is probably a bad idea. Just act normal, say you've done different kinds of work and are excited to start a career in the military.

If society refuses to give you a job, then society should pay for your welfare imo.


You ring a labour hire mob like challenge recruitment. You offer yourself for work, give them resume fill out details. Ring them for work, you get work. Work hard enough, eventually you will get offered a permanate position at a job site.

It's how I am on 96k now in the same job for the past 12 years, took 3 years to go from casual laborhire to full time permanent of that company and being paid very well.

Nice one m8

What industry? Anything you had to study?

My pathway has been similar except that I doubt I'll ever pull +80k unless I leapfrog a few of my coworkers

I have the qualifications, I live near warehousing, yet I'm not employed, I've always thought my not having a lisence is a problem but it ain't that either.

Honestly mate, I don't think it's you if you live in a place like western sydney, we've got worse, if not much more worse higher rates then a few decades earlier. It's absolute shit. Doesn't help that these days it's easier to hire then train.

I think your written English skills are probably a big factor.
>we've got worse, if not much more worse higher rates then a few decades earlier
I'd probably throw out your resume, too.

I was like you. I used my free time on the dole to teach myself web dev. Now I make 16k a month running a porn piracy site.

You're on the internet faggot. You can literally make billions if you put some effort into it and have an IQ above 90

day labourer m8, just take a pack of winnie blues and a high vis shirt to the worksite and youre in the workforce

22 NEET here

They cut off my newstart for not attending an appointment and I'm shitting the bed

teach me your ways man

I've gotten like 4 different jobs in the last year. Finally in a permanent one, it's really not hard for me.


how the fuck do you get to age 25 with no job or qualifications? what work have you done before? maybe that will help with suggestions

And for a lot of people, being jobless is humiliating, it's also a straight ticket to becoming stir crazy. The funny thing is that it's a vicious cycle, I'd make a good bet the same people yelling at dole recipetents are the same managers throwing out resumes.

What's your appeal?
I bet you live in a good area or you've got references or some shit, not saying that in a bad way just being genuine. A lot of employers won't even bother if they see anything other then rich neighbourhoods.

I read over it, I can read and write well.
Besides my point is valid.

not him but I have social anxiety disorder and depression. I haven't really left the house in the past 4 years at all. I've tried applying for jobs and doing the shitty courses that the job services provide but none of them help.

Given you don't seem to understand the difference between a period and a comma, I doubt your resume reads well.

I also have very little desire to contribute to society due to being constantly shat on by the feminine education system and having a shit home life

Start your own business. Sell stuff on eBay and at weekend markets.

>porn piracy site.

how the fuck do you profit of piracy?

are you the admin of empornium?

ADF leads to suicide.

I'm guessing you are the same fella who was shitting on everyone in the last thread. I know why you decide to go around abusing others for not having jobs but I honestly just find you the epitomy of irony.

Don't even bother. Cushy upper middle class kid thinks he's entitled to an opinion because daddy got him a job.

How many hours do you work? Labourers do not make 95k

I honestly wouldn't be surprised in the least if I know you, do you look like a fat hipster?

step 1 is to stop blaming externalities on your problems

I get that this is easier said than done but it takes a revolution in your attitude and mentality to move forward.

Again, I totally understand it's easier said than done but unless this changes than your situation won't either. I've been in this situation when I was younger.

Find some books on motivation it will help you reevaulate your perspective

iPhone repair OP, its cheap together into and as soon as you get your first customers you can go into the repair business yourself. Also watch battery repair to add to that. Fuck getting a job, make a job!

Ok. But getting a job is like winning the lottery when you struggle to even leave the house.

I wasn't in the last thread. Just pointing out what that guy needs to work on. No use throwing a pity party about why you can't get a job when the reason is plainly obvious. English skills matter far more than people realise when it comes to job-hunting. A poorly written resume will get thrown out immediately, unless the employer is very desperate to fill the role.

>A lot of employers won't even bother if they see anything other then rich neighbourhoods.

uhh..I don't think employers care where you live as long as you can get to work.

Check out humans of Centrelink on Facebook for hints

>you will likely face prosecution.

A resume is not a legally binding contract. You can put anything on it with no repercussions. The worst that can happen to you for faking cc references and experience is you not getting the job.

Don't write about things you know nothing with certainty.

Shit mentality. I know the stats are bad and theres more unemployed people than there are jobs, but you cant look at it like that or you're fucked before you even start. You have to think about what you can do to make yourself attractive to employers. What value do you bring? What skills do you have? Look at it from the employers perspective, who you gonna hire: some cunt who thinks the world owes him a job, or the guy who is actively trying to better himself and demonstrate the value he brings to a business.

Its shitty to have to sell yourself to survive but thats life.

start working out and volunteering in your community then apply for the fire brigade intake for next year in february

Join the RAAF. Completely different environment to the army, better pay, better conditions, far less shitty exercises out field and you can get set up with a very lucrative trade.

thanks man, honestly. theres a lot of ways at least i think i can make a lot of money from this

getting a job is winning the lottery in general. Unfortunately the game is about who you know and not what you know.

When I said get some books I really mean just download them off torrents.

Your social anxiety and depression might just be feeding into itself and created by social isolation. Having friends and lots of social contact fixes this for the vast majority of people. I assume you've seen the doctor about this already and you've been given drugs. In some cases it's a biological problem but most of the time its a result of social isolation.

I'm no lawyer but that is literally fraud and just about every professional job I've ever applied for and advanced passed the initial screening has asked me to sign a document saying that everything that I have submitted is true and that IS a legally binding contract.

You will not get a job with a fake resume and not face legal consequences if caught.

You're mostly right but not on the army bit. The military is going to want the same fucking experience and skills that the private sector want.

OP, go door knocking on everything. Just keep trying user

> or the guy who is actively trying to better himself and demonstrate the value he brings to a business.

Don't fucking kid yourself. People work for money. Not because they want to enter a higher echelon of productivity aside from some outliers. The way society portrays work as something other than a means to make is comical. It's a bullshit excuse and wishful thinking from a shit economy and an incompetent government.

Start watching motivational videos on youtube whenever you get the free time, read Elon Musk's autobiography, look into Steve Jobs' view on education and other things he's done (His interviews are great).

Please for the love of god find online communities full of people that aren't here. This place sucks you in and skullfucks you even further. You're a combination of the 5 people you spend the most time around, and if Sup Forums is 4 of those you're getting fucked up.

Surround yourself with winners and you'll become a winner. I used to be in the situation you're in now, and everything changes once you look at life differently.

After you change your thinking, people with a similar attitude to you (Winners if you're actually open to winning, losers if you're not) will intrude into your life and begin surrounding you.

I understand you probably aren't taking my words with that much regard, but the first thing you need to do is change the way you think. Everything else follows.

Learn a trade. The fucks so hard about that? You're doing nothing anyway, just like most aussies. Though at least not everyone in your country is trying to become a pro sports player.

Unless your job involves security clearance or you fuck up in a way that loses the company money, I really doubt anyone is going to waste money or time when they could just fire you.

But thats what im talking about. Business is business, the sole purpose of it is to make money. If you can demonstrate that you are valuable to the company, you are worth more to them than someone who cannot.

>people work for money
No shit, and the more value you can bring to a business the more money they'll give in return.

It's why people go to University. They don't go for the learning, they go for the piece of paper that accompanies it.


Your whole life in one song.

If only you could have told this to the Jews in Auschwitz

My english isn't the problem, I've had interviews and most of them are the result of lying which is easily sniffed out. It leaves a simple but understandable reason for unemployment, people just don't want to train employees because it costs far less to just shove in one dude to fit multiple roles then train newbies. I'm not throwing a pity party, I just find it laughable when people spit at me for being unemployed when they're more then likely the reason I haven't got a job.

Besides that, I actually take effort to scrutinize and criticize my errors so I pick at my faults and improve. So you can't really say I haven't taken time to self-reflect, if there is anyone I look towards first it is myself.

My friend's brother is a complete autist who never had plans of working or moving out and was into his mid-20s before he finally got a job and within a year moved out and is happier than ever. Either study or go get a job. Just do something.

hey mate listen to this cunt;

he's absolutely fucking right. This online forum is basically a congregation of people in the same situation as you. It's going to only dig you deeper. I come in here mostly just to shitpost and troll but I have to disconnect once in awhile because this community is abso-fucking-lutely detached from the real world.

You need real world interaction. The best way of meeting people is taking up hobbies and then you'll come across people through that. Step 1 is getting off the internet

>I'm not throwing a pity party

>they're more then likely the reason I haven't got a job.

then train yourself dude, skill up.

We're talking about jobs here, not professional qualifications for positions of legal authority.

Unless you're dealing with the law, or enforcing government standards, no job will prosecute you for deceiving them. They'll just fire you.

Basically, write whatever you want on a resume If you're desperate for work.

Doesn't make what I've said any less valid, there is an actual, statistical problem in western sydney. I'm right in the middle of an actual shit environment for employment.

I'm looking to do exactly that, I'd rather not be on the dole and if there were possibilities or oppurtunities I'd take them. It seems ridiculous that I can be ridiculed for this kind of shit when I'm actively looking to be employed.

A buncha ciggybutt brains you are, M8

I was mentally fucked up before I even had an internet connection in my house.

I come here because my real world experiences have led me to relate to people here more than I do with people on the outside.

I tried going to uni and I spent each class trying not to pass out. I go to the gym almost every day and go for a long walk on every other day. I'm in peak physical condition. I apply for shitty entry level jobs and never get a single reply. I have an IQ of 130 and have produced music that's been played on internet radio stations.

Don't give me the "motivation" shit. Yeah I really just need to get motivated so I can participate in some kind of monotonous task for a small amount of capital.

You're becoming defensive and throwing excuses everywhere. Do you want to get out of this situation or not?

I dont look down on you for being unemployed man I've been there myself. After only 3 months I lost all motivation and my ego was totally destroyed. I stopped looking after myself, I got fat, showered a couple times a week, the carpet of my room wasn't visible because of the amount of rubbish everywhere. I put myself into social isolation because I was too embarrassed. Once I got a job I changed very quickly into the better version of me. I've been you already.

You need to get off this community it is the septic tank of the internet, as bad as Reddit. Sign up to university to study a course and sign up for some hobbies. It will get you on your path to a qualification as well as meeting people. You're a ball of spikes right now and social interaction will wear them down and adjust you to become a normal person.

your attitude is pessimistic as fuck, you definitely have a motivational problem

I'm merely explaining my situation.

I'm not denying I have a motivational problem. Just that I have it for some real reasons that are harder to fix than watching some youtube videos and pulling myself up by my bootstraps.

I want to get better. It just frustrates me when people trivialize problems.

>I have an IQ of 130 and have produced music that's been played on internet radio stations

Where do you live mate?

It is a legitimate form of discrimination, don't forgot employers are human as well and tend to have bias, I don't blame them but I see why they'd deny some bloke live in shit area.

>I've been you
Mate, I've got a fine ego and I've got great motivation. I've done multiple courses in this year and I'm taking both a cert 4 and 3 if possible.

I'm not socially shy, infact I barely uhh or stutter, I look into people's eyes when I talk.

>Social interaction
Look, it might have helped you mate but I was raised in a single house, practically anyone who could have taught me trade is either dead or just absent from my life on their own white lies.

I know Sup Forums is shit, if not the whole internet is shit. I don't project that other people are the problem. I'm just making statements that my obstacles could easily be out of my control.

>join the army

This, i'm 20 in a similar position as you, i made the decision that if i don't have a job at the end of the year i'm going to join the military.

Do you have any facial hair, op? Shave that shit off. You won't get hired if you do.

Op if I were you I'd join the ADF, probably the navy since it's the best choice. Lie on your application about your work experience etc if you have to. It'll change your life. It's practically your best shot out of your situation.

>Just that I have it for some real reasons that are harder to fix than watching some youtube videos and pulling myself up by my bootstraps.
I nearly killed myself on pills at 12, only got stopped from jumping off a building at 14 because some random guy wanted me to help him lift something up an elevator, and I was hospitalized at 15 after jumping in front of a truck doing 75 km/h. I thought the exact fucking same, but all of that changed once I actually listened to people who have been huge successes.

You don't trust me sure, you believe that I'm full of bullshit and my life has been easy sure, but my advice will change your life if you actually take it.

I can't make you do it, but it's the damn best thing you could do at this moment in time.

As cringe as it seems my point is that there are probably (I have no idea) A lot of people like me on centrelink that aren't complete deadbeats that sit around drinking VB and smoking all day but have actually faced some pretty adverse life experiences and are legitimately trying just to gain some semblance of a normal life, but constantly get lumped in and shat on for being losers that just don't try as hard as they could. It's a dynamic and complex situation.

>all these people think joining the ADF is as simple as just joining

This isn't America. The ADF is EXTREMELY strict with who they take on FULL-TIME. You will get rejected for lack of life experience. This isn't the American military where they want as many goys as possible to put through the meat grinder.

If you're a NEET with no job experience or life experience you WILL get denied for full-time employment in the military.

The dole is goddamned awful, it is actually more of a problem in my life then a positive, it's a safety net but goddamned, I've done more for myself then any service provider or government program has done for me. I wish to be off the shit as soon as I can because christ, even though I'm a happy man centrelink is like a cancer lump.

Depends. I got in at 19 with no work experience. Granted this was just before the GFC. Depends what job you're going for. I met some real retards during my time in the ADF.