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this can't be real.
this isn't comedy, it's blatant propaganda.
South Park really just needs to end. The past few seasons have been awful.
They already made a hugely successful billion dollar broadway show, they should just try to make movies or something now.
What time does it start? is it 8 central or 9 central?
it's the current year, comedy and propaganda are synonymous
>waste your votes on johnson so trump can't win ;)
That Gary Johnson South Park character is blatantly fake. Whoever made it can't nail the style at all.
Wish this forced meme would die. It's almost as bad as some of the other memes.
This is a good thing, though. Johnson voters fall on the left, not the right. He's taking votes from Hillary.
>South Park really just needs to end. The past few seasons have been awful.
How else can they make fun of Tom Brady and his full head of hair?
looks more like Kasich desu
>implying south park hasn't been libertarian propaganda forever
I have libertarian leanings, but I can't watch that shit because it hammers you with it's leanings. Even some episodes of parks and rec had libertarian messages that were so blatant they got on my nerves. When satire speaks it's solution instead of just criticizing it gives up it's own game, but that might just be how I feel.
you're a hillary supporter. How does it feel to know your god is about to die faggot
9 central
pfft the last 2 seasons of south park have probably been their greatest. Now their are episodes in the past that are better but over all the last 2 season where truly funny.
You guys are retards if you think this is real
>what is satire
This is genuinely autism. When you can't process any subtext and read everything as literal. Some part of your brain which is meant to interpret emotional meaning and nuance just isn't working.
that's not a good thing
Please stop.
lel. NO. The past couple seasons have had some good premises, but they just weren't funny
Family Guy told its viewers not to vote of Ron Paul
>gun grabbing faggot libshit in disguise
Yes it is
Pick one, faggot. She may not know how to pour a beer, because she's poundin' shots.
the difference between hillary supporters and trump supporters is that we aren't constantly making false idols
are they implying that Donald Trump is Canadian?
they have benefited from the season long arcs. it allows for some interesting story telling and jokes
Literally looks like a shell for some sort of creature living inside of it.
shots of morphine
this encompases the entire process of american "democracy"
reminder that in america voting is the most cucked thing to do, you are taking time out of your day to choose your master you fucking cucks. If you don't live in a swing state you might as well jerk off into the gas money you'd spend driving to the voting booth. You'd achieve the same effect of feeling good about wasting your time.
>some episodes of parks and rec had libertarian messages that were so blatant they got on my nerves.
haven't watched every ep, but don't they make fun of libertarians? I mean Ron is a good guy and all but he is a libertarian who works for the government
Hilldawg sells oxys - she doesn't taste the supply.
there is no difference. Thats the point. distract and break the population in half. Pitting them against themselves. Both of them are irrelevant. The presidency has been a fascade for a long long time in america.
Showing the episode at Suptv for you foreigners and poor people. Won't link the URL because I don't wanna be banned, so just google the name.
Turd Sandwich>Giant Douche>Gary Johnson
Only an idiot would think that the President does anything. Look at Obama, and Bush. The power's in the legislature and courts.
No room for false idols amongst the false everything else.
>letting other people make the decisions in the country and fuck your wife while you watch and do nothing
>less cucked than voting
probably the same as Archie bunker from all in the family where the writers were trying to make him the butt of every joke, but in reality most of the audience liked archie and thought he was right on most things.
That's how I feel the writers tried to portray Ron Swanson
>trump over Hilldawg
The KKK is great at gathering rallies.
Politics has become a parody of itself.
Nothing is real anymore.
Calling Madam Secretary Clinton a "douche" is sexist.
Ron is right a lot of times, they do make fun of libertarians, but they also endorse their messages a lot of times about letting things just go instead of trying to manage shit through bureaucracy. It's not like I don't agree with some of the messages, I just don't watch comedy to affirm my own beliefs and it annoys me.
You are an idiot if you think past presidents didnt have any power. Go look at who built the US highway system look at what FDR did. Now its been peaks and valleys as far as when a president actually can do something while in office. its been a while since we have had anyone worth a damn in the office.
if you honestly think that a trump presidency would be the same as a hillary presidency please shoot yourself.
the whole both sides are bad vote republican is a shitty meme
South Park isn't Political, they have no political message/affiliation
Were you not a tv watching person during the Stewart/Colbert era, or the earlier Norm MacDonald era, or the earlier Sam Kinnison Era, or the earlier... well it's always been shit.
Politics were never meant to be a thing at all.
Just a man-made thing that makes Satan very happy.
>based Kasich
The true president in my heart
>not getting rich enough to live outside the consequences of voting
>getting married
lmaoing at ur life pham
>telling a falsehood by posting misleading and manipulated photographs
trump supporters everyone
are you a meme?
Liburls can't be this stupid, but this is the shitboard known as Sup Forums
>That's the joke.png
are you honestly questioning the importance of the national highway system?
please kid go back to school
You're an idiot if you think Trump won't mimic the Cheney/Rumself (lol Bush) policies through the legislature which will continue to destory this country morally, financially, and environmentally.
Hillary, if anything, will be a more Wallstreet friendly Obama. Nothin' wrong with that as I own stocks and work for a publicly traded company. Oh, and I don't hate niggers and gays.
Pic related, as it's the basket of deplorables now supporting Trump and making 'Weekend at Hillary's' memes.
I unirinically voted for Kasich in the primaries. Get at me
>everyone is white
they are pretty nice
>awaiting 'cuck'
non-American here
Maybe not for you. You could always go to your safe space though.
don't worry, trump support is a meme.
all this internet bullshit will result in zero votes.
as long as the dems turn out the vote election night will be full of delicious trump tears
Gary takes more from Hillary voters. That's why they set him up with the Aleppo question
>basket of deplorables
i wonder if that phrase will be hillary's 47%
As they crumble to dust.
filtered, go back to Sup Forums you braindead normie faggot
t. pants shitting man that just looked at the newest polls
i wish i didn't know what Aleppo was, thanks neocons
>As they crumble to dust.
didn't have to be that way, thanks again neocons
>Gary Johnson
no thanks
It only offends those who have something to hide. It's like the phrase, "Only Cunts are offended by the word 'Cunt'." You can sub in Racist, homophobic, xenophobic, hate monger.
>Le cuck meme
>Le racist KKK meme
There really should be a ban on children using the internet.
You said it, not me.
Why are you posting a potato in a suit?
>gary johnson
>the man who can barely dress himself
The one thing Trump has going for him is he's appealing to those swing state voters like Ohio and Pennsylvania.
At the end of the day he will be just another big government republican like the Bush's. But he might actually have a chance this election.
reminder that gary johnson spent $30,000 on this meme
Some guy who apparently doesn't know where some obscure-ass place is.
So despite shitting on Bush and the neocons he will actually do their policies based on your psychic reasoning?
huh? Im telling you i give no fucks on trump or hilirary being elected. Right now America is in some sort of puppet-erring phase. Its been going on for quite some time though. Its really time it ended doing that and actually go back to what america has always been about. Showing the world there is a better way to live on this planet. Of course americans still havent figure it all the way out. But there is nothign wrong with spreading the ideals of life liberty and the purist of happiness. Freedom of Religion freedom of the press. These are great ideals to hold however most of the world really cant wrap their head around this idea. Hell america has been losing focus on that for quite sometime now.
bradysknee !!lLQitmVMxfi is making some awesome posts itt please show respect by replying
Jesus fucking christ. I'm so glad I haven't been following the Johnson Campaign. He is no libertarian. He is such a fucking faggot. I can't believe I voted for him in 2012
It's not even libertarian. When's the last time you saw libertarians endorsing the NSA.
>When satire speaks it's solution
But it doesn't. Most of the >I learned something today bits aren't solutions in any way, they're just "yo, take it easy".
you been paying attention? Donald Trump is all over the place on policy, and he has sounded like neocon for months now.
Explain how this would be above or below South Park's standards, reddit.
Do you really expect people to read your shit when you use that disgusting syntax? Fuck off back to normiebook or wherever the fuck you people who write like texting 15 year olds come from.
>But he might actually have a chance this election.
538 has him at a 35% chance of winning the election and i doubt that is going to improve much.
he has released no medical info, he can't run a business, made his money licensing his name, and without a prompter sounds like grandpa simpsons telling a story
he has a chance sure, but i wouldn't put money on it
and if you think he would be a competent president then i have a bridge to sell ya
>literally it's real in my mind
fuck johnson what a bunch of bullshit
lol try harder faggot.
another one for my collection.
>there are retards out there who voted for trump and Hillary in the primaries
Where were you when the strength of men failed?
Thank you for Correcting the Record.
>The power's in the legislature and courts.
It's cute that there are literally people who disagree with you on that.
Americans don't even know how their country works.