Stop owning property

Stop owning property.

I like this meme as much as the Varg one.

Who is he

le anarcho-syndicalist noise man

I love GYBE

le i dont know the difference between private and personal property meme

>government managed housing bloc burns down
>people blame capitalism
Still don't get this one

>no export to israel
Why? Is this because of some dumb law or in protest of something?

fuck off


documented cost-cutting that lead to said fires?

Aren't the members of GYBE well into their 40s at this point? This is really embarrassing for people their age.

I thought zappa was a libertarian

We'll see who's embarrassed when they found a micronation in the Maritimes

I think the only reason people disown these kinds of ideas in middle-age is more to do with investing in the system than anything. At that point in your life the current system becomes a kind of comfort and you find comfort in yourself and your place in it.

because they're antisemitis

>god's pee

what did he mean by this?

wtf i hate slayer now

>documented cost-cutting
>by the government
Really makes me think

the real embarassment is when you abandon all your values when you "grow up"


is this the americunt conspiracy where government is trying to sabotage innocent businesses?

looks like they haven't grown up yet

I’m curious to hear what you think of Radiohead’s pay-what-you-want method.
>I think they’re really fucking clever, careerist con men. Yeah, they’re smart. Fuck yeah, they’re smart. It interests me about as much as something Bill Gates would do or what Oprah Winfrey would pick as her book of the month. It’s interesting in that category of "What do people do when they have an insane amount of money at their disposal and the means to make statements writ large."

Is it a method you could ever see yourself adopting?
>I mean, yeah, Well, maybe. I dunno. It already is like people pay what they can, except it’s binary. They either pay or they don’t.

what did he mean by this

>what did he mean by this
its not hard to get unless you are illiterate

woah... ...w-what did he mean by this...

yeah, the existence of israel

>4 songs that will make you say fuck having borders and laws and shit

>thinking those are the primary components of anarchism
I love to discuss politics without ever reading political theory too, user

>ITT newfags

Reference to anarchist spain, and to be fair the anarchist forces did well considering they were fighting the nationalists, heavily backed by Germany/Italy, and by the end the POUM etc backed by the Soviets.

Not that user but the no borders but is dead on.

No, Israel is authoritarian and shit

>when you take down borders before dissembling the state and low-rent immigrants vote in a bigger state


But secondary to the dissolution of hierarchy, which he would never guess

imagine being an unironic anarchist well into your 30s haha

*buys GYBE entire discography*

You're shit

Get off of my lawn!!


Montreal anarchist collective is massive and very influential of the underground music scene of the city.

should I get pizza for supper or what?

Literally like half the band is Jewish, you idiot. Hence, them forming the side project "A Silver Mt. Zion"

you can be against Israeli imperialism without being anti-semetic

Menuck has stated at ASMZ concerts that he is aware most of their fans don't pay for their music, and that while they wish people would support them, they're not gonna go after people for pirating their stuff

No it's the Americunt conspiracy where 90% of the country has never read a fucking Macroeconomics textbook. If you try to explain government deregulation is part of pure free market theory, and that it simultaneously leads to cost cutting and no consumer protection due to the abolished state, his tiny little head will fucking explode. He'll then panic and run to youtube to watch videos made by libertarians, objectivists and Anarcho-capitalists who also don't understand how macroeconomics works and think that fractional reserve banks "print money out of thin air". Once he's had his biases confirmed, he'll go back to doing Murican things like jacking his tiny wiener and mocking countries with better healthcare, happiness and life expectancy for having recently increased rape statistics, all while missing the irony that said country will still have a lower rape rate than the United States.

Well he was anti-communist, but believed in a welfare state that helped the vulnerable like the one Thomas Paine wanted, so long as people that advocated said federalism were willing to pay for it.




Get a stuffed crust, ham, onions, mushrooms, chicken, extra sausage and peppers.


Why is Yangui UXO so underrated?

Because listening to albums wedged between awesome debuts/sophomores and well received return albums in a thin discography by a band that makes tracks 15 minutes long is a lot to demand from anyone except a huge fan?

It's not underrated, it's nowhere near the excellence of their other albums and demands too much for too little gets just as much love as it deserves

I don't know. It's the one I put on when I don't know what to listen to.
f#a# is my favorite but yanqui is a close second.

Really? You like yanqui more than LYSFLATTS? Why?

way too many toppings senpai

If they're so against imperialism, then why do they have no problem touring in places like america? The no-export to Israel thing is just a petty thing to do to show how righteous they are.

There is no such thing as too many toppings, sempai. Especially if your part of the deep dish master race.

Yup, cultural boycotts of entire states is just virtue signalling.

Fucking auto correct.

Stop trying to copy my meme.


Make me faggot.

are people still pretending that anything left of hilldawg/right of yeb is practical? kek take an econ course kiddos.

What what what? What is that, just another name for anarchist communist?

That's way too much to ask. It's easier to watch Murray Rothbarf wax poetic on books he's clearly never read on YouTube and think that Bitcoin is "a totally revolutionary thing, man"

it's like ancom but with a focus on worker's unions

What those things run by the mafia?

dumb nocoiner

Yeah man, decentralized currency is so new, never been tried before. It's not like every example we have is a fucking failure. Why will it work his time? Because it's electronic?



>what is scarcity
>what is a blockchain
>what is independence from central banks


>What is Gary Johnson supporters?

I get the feeling these guys would be Luddites screeching about 'dark satanic mills' back in the day

ned ludd was right about eveything

Keep believing it's the statists and not the free marketers who are the good goys, faggot.

He wasn't even a luddite and that stanza wasn't actually referring to the industrial revolution. Learn how to literature faggot.

And also, the Luddites didn't actually try to halt progress. I guess you need to learn how to literature and history

>signed "god's pee"
>Godspeed you
>Gods peed you
Is this some thing against organized religion?

less filler

*teleports behind your back, knifes you to death, goes to prison and composes a dungeon synth album*


unbelievably childish

Can't believe I never noticed this

Govt. regulations increase costs and thus increase overall prices.

>Avant-Garde Metal
what the fuck

See, this is why rock music still has a long way to go before being taken seriously as a form of art.

>is real

imagine being an unironic anarchist well into your 70s haha

The only question is, will it be good?

idgaf. i can separate the music from the makers. gybe makes good shit even if theyre silly commies.

It'll be no F# A# or LYSF but i'm sure it'll be fine. I'm kinda curious about the "Avant-Garde Metal" tag on it.

Anything fueled by that much anger has to be good

>yfw it's better than Lift Your Skinny Fists