Was anyone else kind of disturbed by CIA's death? I mean he was a dangerous fuck who got what he deserved...

Was anyone else kind of disturbed by CIA's death? I mean he was a dangerous fuck who got what he deserved, but the way he immediatly goes from trying to silver tongue his way out of the problem to begging on the floor was....jarring. And sad. I can't tell if its shit or not, but it was weird seeing this God like schemer go from manipulating all the shit thats happened to begging on the floor.

Also, the gargled and damaged screech of Viserion fucked me up to. It sounded sad an unnatural. Well done part imo

Who the hell is CIA?

meme name for LITALFEENGAH

the season was shit and this episode was shit.
this is now a mainstream show for the masses. you are a sheeple if you watch this.

No he deserved worse

This scene was surprisingly well-written.

Manipulative people are extremely confident when they are in control of others, and they fight desperately to maintain a balance of power that is completely in their favor.

As Littlefinger lost power, his masquerade broke apart. He became more and more panicked as he realized how cornered he was, finally breaking apart into emotional begging and pleading.

Lol it's not THAT bad

The action is fucking great and dwarfs ANYTHING else on television still, but I do miss the more subtle seasons with Tywin and what not.

The purists who are proclaiming the show is shit because of a change in pace are blowing it out of proportion. A lot of it can be attributed to GRRM's fat fucking ass not finishing the books and giving the show runners cliffnotes to finish with

It's not just the change of pace. It's that the pace is no longer realistic.

How far apart are Eastwatch and Dragonstone?

Why Jon has black hair if he is aragon targaryen

30mins by boat

There Like 2000 miles apart

waaaaah! something I like has become mainstream so now it sucks! waaaaah!

Not enough time for travel when they're ending it. Fuck scenes of travel

cuz he's a stark!

I don't care about travel scenes.

How does someone spend hours running to Eastwatch, then a bird flies to Dragonstone, then the dragons fly all the way back north of Eastwatch, and they arrive so quickly?

For that matter, how did zombies run all the way around a lake faster than people can run directly through the center?

It doesn't make sense anymore.

It was the only good scene of the episode yet was totally out of place and was awfully incorporated on a pacing level.

>this is *now* a mainstream show for the masses
>most pirated show in 2012

Dude come on stop being a faggot, literally complaining about the show being mainstream?
Fuck off.

> how do genetics work

Just this season? You've always been a sheep

these are very good questions. im doing my best to chalk it up to organizing the actual scenes poorly, but I also thought about that travel time to dragonstone.

> being this edgy

All objects and people in Westeros are twice as big as they are in our universe... There's your theory.

I didn't like it. It felt forced as if someone HAD to die for the episode to be a success. Someone important should have died earlier on - a bit more important than Thoros of Myr as well

Plenty of time.. the dragons were already heading there before that fight scene took place...

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


>This scene was surprisingly well-written.
>Manipulative people are extremely confident when they are in control of others, and they fight desperately to maintain a balance of power that is completely in their favor.
>As Littlefinger lost power, his masquerade broke apart. He became more and more panicked as he realized how cornered he was, finally breaking apart into emotional begging and pleading.
I saw a meltdown like this first hand at Apple during Steve Jobs return minus the throat slashing. There was this self appointed demigod of OS 9 that knew the whole thing inside and out down to the trade off of 68K assembly vs. Power PC assembly code.

Steve was in the middle of a meeting addressing the issues with OS 9 and if it was worth keeping around at all. This "demigod" was constantly blaming junior engineers for fucking up the elegance of the OS 9 kernel for the sake of new features.

This meeting, Steve pulled in a few junior engineers and he started to talk about bugs in OS 9 and other lack of features. Everyone expected Steve to unload on these younger engineers. Instead he turned to the right and started blaming the demigod for all the problems.

This demigod's ego and control base just collapsed in five minutes as Steve transferred these younger engineers on the OS X team. Demigod was fired and shown De Anza Boulevard in the afternoon with his office cleaned out by security and placed on the curb.

Points for anyone that can name whom I'm talking about that Steve unloaded.

The reason why this season seems so fast is they are packing 14 shows into 7. HBO, continued the series but cut the budget to a shorter season to maximize profit. Expect the final season to even be more accelerated.

Keep on thinking what all those discovered faces will do. I bet Arya has Little-finger's face. Boy could she play merry hell with Cerci using Littler finger's face.

Starks always have dark hair and Targaryens have recessive blond hairs cause they usually keep the fucking in the family.

Doesn't make sense. GOT has to be HBO's top driver of subscriptions. I could see cutting the number of episodes in a season in half, but if they aren't extending the number of seasons, they're hurting themselves. It isn't likely that they're going to have anything as big to replace it as soon as it's over.

The salaroes for the actors are getting insane, something like 60-80miion jist in wages, when the first season cost them 50million...