Sup, any other anons here on methadone maintenance...

Sup, any other anons here on methadone maintenance? I have this feeling in the back of my head that it's fucking with me, like emotionally. I don't cry, or feel that many emotions. I mean I can get pissed or annoyed or whatever, but I used to express myself emotionally much better I think. I also have this thing, that if I go without it for a few days I become HYPER emotional. Like last time I was wding, I was crying for no fuckin reason. Maybe the methadone is making me bottle the shit out of my emotions. Besides that, I don't really have any side effects cept for the usual constipation(opioid constipation is insane).

Also any addict out there thinking about getting on methadone or suboxone? I would recommend it, it will improve your quality of life.

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vag bump

meh fuck methadone and especially fuck bupe

methadone you have to show up every day, not take anything else

bupe you have to wait til you're 50% of the way through the worst of withdrawal to start taking it or it makes it worse

methadone you have to keep using other opiates for weeks because of obnoxious rules about how much they can start with and how fast they can increase it

i just use otc opiates to completely stop withdrawal until i can buy good ones again.

You know lope really fucks your heart up in high doses right? I'd chill with that shit man.

i got into a huge fight with bluelight staff over this. i was presenting the current medical knowledge on that topic

they were deleting those posts and allowing only anti-HR fearmongering absintence only exaggerations

the MEDICAL FACT is that some people, who use 400-800mg/day, for MONTHS, or 2000+mg at once, face a risk of serious heart issues

this has as little relavence to taking 40-80mg to stop withdrawal for 3-4 days as it does to taking 2mg for diarrhea.

there are **zero** cases where below those extreme doses have been implicated in the prolonged QT arrhythmias at issue, or any other heart issues

Oh, I was only aware of the heart issues, but didn't know the dose of length of use. I'm actually interested in that. Bluelight sucks dude, bunch of weed smokin drug-hypocrites.

It also had me wondering as my methadone clinic does require EKG's once a year. When I first start methadone, I was fine, but about 6 months later when I went to rehab, the rehab place said I had prolonged qtc. They told this information to my clinic and now my methadone doctor won't give me any increases unless backed up by a EKG or QTC interval of less than 420ish. It's bullshit. I was trying to think of why I had prolonged atc and it made me think of when before I got on methadone that I would take Lope for wd's. But the timing doesn't make sense on it.

I used lope for wd's about 3-4 months ago and I'm nervous why my EKG is going to look like come this november. I know methadone prolongs qtc and so does lexapro(which I take). It has my curious and interested in the science behind it.

yeah, they're outright censoring medical information and posting assumptions based on no evidence (if 800mg for months=harmful, ban anyone who tells someone they won't also die from 40mg for 3 days), in direct contradiction to their HR approach.
that's why everyone thinks 'oh lope has heart issues' but doesn't understand 'only in people who take 400 pills a day, every day, for months on end, or 1000-2000 pills at once'

the cynical conspiracy theorist in me thinks they're in the pocket of the methadone/bupe industry, because they got fucking pissed when i challenged them to back their opinion and not censor HR information full of pubmed cites.

yes methadone has similar cardiac issues, and at dosages far closer to the therapeutic doses than lope does.

the prolonged qt comes from action on Na+ channels (notice how you pee alot on huge lope doses? from the same disruption)

and notice you don't see the bluelight idiot staff forbidding recommending methadone, even though the same mechanism causes the same problem at a far higher risk rate.

Do you know of any ways to reduce the qtc interval so I can my fucking increase? It's been years man at 65mg. Sometimes it doesn't cut it.

Also why methadone and not other opioids? Does methadone just effect the Na+ channels way more than other opioids? Also isn't that the reason was dextropropoxyphene was removed from the market as a pain killer?

it's really only an issue if you have existing heart problems, so if it is prolonged you need to see a cardiologist

methadone, loperamide, and yes darvon as you mentioned, are all in a class called diphenylpropylamine derivatives, and other opiates are not; they share a similar structure that allows them to bind with sites other opiates do not, causing the different side effects

Interesting. I should probably stop abusing my methadone then would really suck to have an arrhythmia. I take 3 doses to high feeling good and noddy.

if you have preexisting heart trouble or are taking heroically excessive doses it might be a problem, otherwise no. (heroically excessive on methadone is probably around a thousand mgs per day, you're probably not taking that)

No, 3 doses for me is 195mg. So what's your story with opioids? You currently still fucking around? Opioid of choice?

have been using for 14 years, will never stop.
using heroin (or whatever the fent analog du jour in my dealers bags is) right now at just a low level habit of a few buns a day. started back in the glory days of florida pill mills... 2400mg/day IV oxy habit actually sucks pretty hard, because theres actually a ceiling after which you simply can't get high even shooting 3200mg in a couple hours.
right this minute im on lope until my dealer wakes up in a few hours.

Christ, how do you afford that kind of habit? Worst I ever got was about a bun and a half a day. This was before the fent craze do I presume it was actual dope. I was working at a pizza place and could BARELY afford doing a bun or two a week until my habit got REALLY bad for a month or two. And even then I was going without more than i was going with.

my family has money. 6 figure jobs and a major lawsuit win for the whole family; i got 300k from that after lawyers fees and taxes

jeez. So you don't plan to stop huh. I would if I could. I would do opioids til the day I died if I could and had the money. I feel like I'm not the person I want to be without opioids. they make me feel like the person I so desperately strive to be. Nice, caring, emotionally well-rounded, sympathetic. Just a really nice person, who would go out of their way to help people I feel like I'm waaay more likeable as a person when I'm high. Not noddy high, but you know what i mean. Though nodding is nice in itself. To potentiate my methadone for maximum nods I take about 75mg of diphenhydramine. makes me nod like no ones business.

Why do you use user?

Why not get off all of it see how you feel?


>I feel like I'm not the person I want to be without opioids. they make me feel like the person I so desperately strive to be. Nice, caring, emotionally well-rounded, sympathetic. Just a really nice person, who would go out of their way to help people I feel like I'm waaay more likeable as a person when I'm high.
yup that's me exactly. me off opiates can't make friends, can't socialize, can't date.. tried every option. alcohol and pot make me more nervous and anti-social, same for benzos, ssris do nothing.. only strong dopamine/endorphin drugs help.
would rather be dead than never use them.

almost all problems come from not having enough. back in the doctor days of limitless access, then once i found lope, that stability that comes from never having to worry about being sick is huge. you can live a totally normal life, with people around you having precisely zero clue you just pumped a syringe full of smack into your arm

13 years clean from opioids and i still get emotionally very easy. I think this will never go.

Do you think they'll ever design a drug that can make us the way we want to be without the addiction? Also will there ever be a day where opioids are legal and readily available? I don't think so but I can dream. At the end of the day though, I really wish I wasn't like this. I realize how bad I've fucked my life up by being an addict and I hate myself for it every day. That hate makes me want to get high and its a never ending cycle.

I've thought the BIG nod(suicide) but I would never actually do it. I do want to live, just not without opioids. Methadone keeps me sane, but I want more, I want to be high. LIke I said, I really hate i've done this to myself. I've basically fucked my natural reward system for life. At least that's what I've read, that opioids addict's natural reward system never truly recovers. Whats your take on that?

U jelly?

More salt to the wound

Not really man. It would take a butt load of oxy to get me high. Ultimately not worth it. Besides once you start shooting, you can't do opioids any other way again. Just seems like a waste in comparison.

Thats why you don't start shooting dummy, and you have the night of your life with 60~mg of oxy and 100~ of morphine.

there won't be a non-addictive drug anytime soon. perhaps one that doesn't build tolerance or have as bad a withdrawal; but it's simply a logical impossibility to have a drug that stimulants dopamine/endorphin yet isn't addictive; and modifying the problems i (and possible you) have that need to be corrected without doing that would require restructuring of the brain that won't be possible for thousands of years if ever

yeah your reward system never fully recovers from long-term high level addiction, but mine was fucked in the first place; hard drugs were the absolute last stop on the list, and the next option was suicide.
if you're not high enough to not want more, you should be on more methadone in a world where they're trying to help you instead of enforce sobriety.

Also weed.
Without weed opes seem bland.

Yeah you're right. That's probably the biggest regret i have in my life.

Its okay opes are expensive I get it.
Fent is a better option tho

you are a jackass when you arent on opioids because of the withdrawals right? like once you got past withdrawals you would just be a normal amount of cunt-y?

i know its hard as fuck to quit and stay sober but i also know some people do it

Ok, theres still a risk of getting addicted but if you watch the amounts consumed carefully and don't cheat on yourself. Weed could easily fulfill exactly that criteria

if weed works that's great. do that instead.
weed did nothing for me.
i knew i was going to get addicted, being already in a univeristy neuroscience program before ever trying a drug besides weed, and determined in advance that's fine, because i'd rather be dead than live like i was

Pretty much this, was on 115 mg of methadone for 3+ years

yea op this did happen to me. After getting off of it I also realized how out of it I had been for the past 3 years. When on it I did not think this was the case, but turns out I was slightly messed up for years at a time. When detoxing I would get incredibly emotional and cry for no dam reason

I honestly think this is how normal people feel, we just don't realize that after years of addiction.. Emotions are normal but my addict brain forgot that

You guys are me, I felt this way my entire life even before drugs. After I got off methadone and relapsed again I started going to AA and it has helped me a lot with these feelings. I feel better than I ever have now, and that includes before I got on drugs

I'm pretty sure this thread died, anyone still here? Have some monster girl tits, Alma Elma is best girl

That's great to hear user, I'm glad you're doing better. Unfortunately, AA/NA didn't work for me. They are extremely judgemental and HATE replacement therapy. Also having given the orange papers a read, I've come to seriously doubt the effectiveness of AA/NA. I'm glad you've found success with it, but give this a read, it's interesting to say the least.

saved for later user! AA is my city doesn't give a fuck about replacement therapy, that is actually a huge reason I avoided NA. NA is very judgemental, but where I live I've seen people get kicked out meetings for that type of shit, especially in regards to medications. Did you get a sponsor or work any steps? not judging just curious to hear a fellow user's experience

I had a sponsor but eventually just stopped going. I went maybe twice a week for like 3-4 weeks. I met some cool peeps but at the end of the day I still wanted heroin in my veins. Besides, opioid addiction and alcohol addiction are extremely different and require different approaches to treat. I disagree with AA/NA's one size fits all treatment plan. Different drugs are different in their addictions, something NA didn't understand in the slightest. I didn't work the steps because at that point i was so disillusioned with NA that I stopped completely. I don't respond well to group therapy at all, I don't find it therapeutic or helpful. I do however find it annoying and extremely unrelated-able(i know that says contradictory). I couldn't relate with anyone there because a. most people weren't there for heroin, and b. most of the people were twice my age or more and generally unpleasant to talk to. I'm not saying every AA/NA is the same but mine were shit-sauce.

Once i read the orange papers, my eyes really opened up to how much of a cult it really is, and all the bullshit that goes with it. I don't have a problem with other people going to AA/NA to get help. If it works for you, great, more power to ya. However, what i do have a HUGE problem with is how AA/NA is almost universally recommended as the very FIRST line of treatment. Something I really disagree with, for reasons I've stated above(one size fits all it is not!). Just my experience.

Here is a quick primer to what I'm talking about with the orange papers. This explains and shows the terrible effectiveness of AA/NA.