No matter how bad things get, just remember, there is always a way out

no matter how bad things get, just remember, there is always a way out

aren't you suppose to be in prison

they are trying to catch me still, I hide in my commie block's basement most of the time

I hope you're caught and beaten savagely in jail everyday until you kill yourself

what happened

why so mean??

exactly, for stealing a leaf thread

he always creates these threads so he is mad you stole it from him

He is a pedophile who kept spamming that shit here

excuse me but all the photos I used to post were cute and artistic

And also quite illegal.

thanks polan

how hasnt he been caught yet, thought poland was good

jumping off a cliff?

taking notes from the mad thad defense


This place is really disappointing, nothing like what it looks in the picture

did you see anyone jump off?


No but there were suicide patrols

If you go at sunset on a clear warm day its probably nice
Also, the walk from the car park is so long that you will give up on suicide

>mfw there's no easy way out