Can anyone tell me the most offensive joke they know?

Can anyone tell me the most offensive joke they know?

OP's opportunities at a happy life.

Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9!

Your birth


! good joke !

What's the difference between a horse and a pile of dead babies? I've never fucked a horse before.


Two men walk into a bar.

The third one ducked...

what happens if you interbreed niggers and octopodi?
i dont know either, but it's surely good with cottonpicking

helen keller walks into a bar.

What do you call the useless bit of skin around the vagina?
A woman.

why do women use makeup and perfume?
because they're ugly and smell.

Dark humor is like a child with cancer.
It never gets old...

what did the black, jewish, disabled orphan get for it's birthday?

Trump's presidency

Who are the fastest readers? 9/11 victims, they went through 100 stories in ten seconds

How long does it take for a black woman to take a shit?
>9 months

What's the hardest part about your girlfriend giving you a blow job for the first time?

Knocking out all her baby teeth first

how do you stop 5 niggers from raping a white woman?
give them a basketball

how do you call a fight in auschwitz?
star wars

Why did the nigger jew cross the road?

Because nigger nigger jew holocaust LMFAO!

How does an Amerifag know when his daughter's on her period? Because his dog's dick tastes like blood.

>What's the hardest thing on a baby in a blender? My dick

>What's the difference between a dead baby and a watermelon? I don't fuck the watermelon before I eat it

>what's missing at the 1 million man march? A chain and an auctioneer

How do you get rid of a Jew who just keeps sticking around?

Clean the oven.

How do you make a 5yo girl cry twice?

Wipe your bloody dick on her teddy bear

A Jew, a spick and a nigger walk into a bar. The bartender says to them, "Get the fuck out."

I'll have a coke...

A guy walks into a pharmacy.
-I would like some condoms for my 8 year old daughter please.
-Your daughter is sexually active at 8?
-Not really, she just lays there like her mother. I do all the work.