What is the best food and why is it fried egg Sup Forums?

what is the best food and why is it fried egg Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>best food
>Chicken fetus

>what is the best food and why is it fried egg Sup Forums?
because it comes from chickens

OP is effeminate.

You are special kind of stupid, aren't you? There are two types of chicken eggs....

What kind of eggs? I get duck eggs from my mom, I think they're better than chicken eggs.

it's probably macaroni and cheese tbh
i'm not proud of our species for this

you don't know what a fetus is huh

Your mom's a duck?

those fried eggs look abysmal

if your fave food is so low tier at least learn how to prepare them well

shit looks like a neanderthal did it

Hi Howard

Nah, but she has 4 ducks tho.
Also 19 chickens.

>sounds like a faggot
>reddit spaces
>probably considers "him"self a foodie
Go back.

make me a sandwich

Isn't that cannibalism?
You're eating your siblings.

Because it's healthy, gives you energy and it tastes good.

Good point.
I'm from Tennessee though so it's pretty normal to do fucked up shit with your kinfolk 'round these parts.

Enjoy your high cholesterol op

>he thinks eating eggs increases cholesterol
Get with the times. You're regurgitating outdated information, boy.

dead animal


brazilian cheese bread! i`m addicted to this since 2 months!

fucking brazilian apes! the only good thing in that country

I'm not here to google things for you.

I duck your mom and fertilize her eggs, if you catch my drift.

good old fashion rape beats the fried eggs in the morning trust me there is nothing like a good painful sore pounding and a cup of delicious coffee



Well he is right it is either a fertilized egg or not, but either way the yolk is an early stage embryo.

But here is the sad truth of things, people think western Chickens are awesome, they are shit.

Mass produced chickens, pumped up with steroids to stimulate growth, so their meat is poor quality and high in salmonella - even their eggs.

So to fool consumers into thinking they are buying quality chicken, they inject a beef/pork water mixture into the chickens, hence why when cooked the majority of supermarket chickens come out rubbery.

Did you know that properly reared chickens, like the bluefoot chickens, can be eaten raw with very low chances of salmonella, all because they are kept correctly, fed correctly and given a chance to be free range all day every day.

And the taste of them is superior.

But that is the thing with most western foods, it is junk with additives and MSG to pretend it is quality, even beef, pork, lamb etc. So us westerners are eating shit, thusly our health is poor and our diets are too, hence why the western world is gaining weight rapidly.

So best food is food sourced correctly. Not only for taste but for their nutrition. Unless you think MRM made ready meals is quality.

she must eat the eggs before she leaves

>reddit spacing
You're literally not welcome here.

I do not
>catch your drift
What do you mean?

they must be boiled

>cries like a child
>"but but but reddit spacing"
>welcome to proper spacing
>"I will not listen to facts and truths, because spacing, that way I stay ignorant"

sure kid.

>proper spacing
So we've learned 2 things from this. You're not an American and you think that's the right way to space because you're learning disabled.


When books have double spacing, it must really annoy your little 1 incher to the extreme.

You going to blame the authors of most books to be reddit users now?

Westerners are fat cause they eat too much not because of the additives you retard


>he considers YA novels to be real books
>he uses that example
Wow. Reddit spacers really are a bunch of special needs class kids.

Thankfully I am not American, after all it is not my country that is being raped financially every year, and you allow it to happen.

You are the only country on this planet that allows Corporations to pay less tax than normal civilians who work. By $2.3 trillion

"but but but my freedoms, mah this and that."

Still eat the worlds crap, heavy in additives, chemicals and MSG. Ever wonder why your country is over 65% overweight?

And why they rape you with massive health care bills?

Because you are dumb to allow it.

>most books
Your argument fell apart here. Most books aren't formatted like your picture because inserting that much empty space leads to more physical pages which cuts profits. You're dumb. It is known.

Do you have any idea what MRM/MSM meat is?

Look it up.

Enjoy the reading, and what most westerners eat.

They have been doing this to you for decades, hence why health in western countries is shocking.

Surely you cannot be that dumb to not notice?

>Thankfully I am not American
Stopped reading here. Nothing you could say after it would be meaningful. Come back when you're from a country that matters, second worlder.

Sorry can't hear you from all your whining like a child. Bet you don't know who doesn't know about my dick though. Right.


>reddit spacer
>"muh health!" effeminate queer
The lack of testosterone in your body is apparent.

How can you not eat? I'm eating all day because it's tasty and I have nothing to do besides eating and scrolling Sup Forums

>insulting people who deserve to be insulted for their own good is actually whining
The mental gymnastics you have to perform in order to post on a site that hates you. Wow.

And that is why your country is a shit hole, because you sit there ignorantly to everything around you.

And why your government like people like you, little sheep who do what they are told.

But you will sit and cry about other people of other countries. And yet it is Americans who walk about with guns into schools killing kids, who kill the most of their own people, the ones who use the stupidest excuses to blame others.

It is very very laughable at how hard you all try.

Still, your food is shite, that is why you are overweight, prove me wrong with a body shot (even clothed) with a timestamp.

Oh right you can't, because you are a whale with a hefty neckbeard in your mother's basement.

Enjoy your "freedom"

Obviously you do.

>da lak of tossitironies in ya boad is parrent

Sorry don't read whiny child


>thinks he is one of many that like him
>thinks anyone cares about him
>thinks he is intelligent
>thinks he is amazing
>thinks with thinking

being this 12.

>some dunce from a country my country runs proxy wars through "thought" that was an invitation to post on my site again
We'll let you have opinions when you run the planet we live on. Not before. Reminder: I didn't bother to read your post, son of single mommy.

>still giving a shit
>being this salty

Enjoy posting on American websites

he need fried egg

>the redditor is regurgitating old memes and posting image macros because one of his reddit friends told him we still do that here after 2012


>assumptions with more assumptions
>ignorant to the max
>doesn't know nothing jon snow
>inb4 pretending to be here since 1492

>non-standard formatting
Post discarded because obviously written by someone with a learning disability.

Japanese young-fag, also learn history of the actual internet and don't get confused with the intranet.
Also not the same fag, but you kids are fucking a joke, the guy is fucking you over royally, it's like children fighting over for a candy.
You all started furiously fapping to the most useless shit, he posted about foods which is correct, I always buy from farms or butchers direct, and you come out with reddit spacing, nobody likes you here, american internet, so fucking embarrassing, no wonder our country is shit.

>implying anything we eat has anything to do with our health.
How many times have lib cucks told us to eat this and not that, only to totally reverse themselves again in a few years?
It's all yet another lie by liberals to make money off your misery.
Just another liberal scam like global warming, antifa, BLM, and all their other scams to part you from your money while they micromanage your lives.
Fuck libs over, eat what you like.

>keep being salty kiddo
>keep being ignorant kiddo
>keep sucking your uncle's dick kiddo
>enjoy your 3rd world country

>Japanese young-fag
A Japanese dude buying a Ford mustang doesn't make it a Japanese car, dunce. America is the country the developed TCP/IP, dunce. The internet wouldn't exist without it and the WWW/HTTP scheme wouldn't either, dunce. Didn you get a nanny state education or are you just a retard?


one of many videos about mdm, watch how the worse parts of an animal is used to reconstruct stakes etc. and you pay through the nose for this shit.

forgot the url

>I always buy from farms or butchers direct
Get a load of this retarded queer thinking food is anything but calories. He's probably a gay pseudo intellectual. Look how he's crying like a woman because people won't leave him alone for being a failure of a man.

Wrong America didn't bring HTTP into existence, you really do not know the history of the net do you, you just randomly yell and shout about shit you understand nothing about.
Go read up on shit, before you make us all look like fucking retarded window-lickers, you are probably from a southern state, hope it is Texas and you drown, one less asshole for the whole to judge is on.
Fucking 10 year old.

>Wrong America didn't bring HTTP into existence
I didn't imply it did, dunce. Work on your reading comprehension, dunce. I didn't bother reading the rest of your post since it's obvious you have no brain to begin with, dunce.

Nanny state education everyone.

You are trying to hard kid, I buy from farms or butchers direct, because the produce is top notch and I know it isn't shit. Yeah it costs more, but I know it is going to taste better and will satisfy me more.
You can be happy with your Walmart/7-11 ready meals if you want, but look at yourself you are unhealthy and you know it. That is why you try hard to post here looking for support, how pathetic of you, you make our country a fucking disgrace.
Just kys.


The 'best food' is Jajjangmyeon.

>i'm a fag
Yeah, I agree. You're a fag.

>America is the country the developed TCP/IP, dunce. The internet wouldn't exist without it and the WWW/HTTP scheme wouldn't either, dunce.
You should learn to write out a sentence properly faggot. Also reddit spacing, you are not welcome here.


>to hard
Get a load of this idiot. Even third graders know the difference between to and too. And you want to pretend to be some intelligent person worthy of quality foods? Laugh out fucking loud.

Chorizo breakfast tacos, migas, brisket, chicken tarragon, shakshuka, tortilla soup, etc. Etc.

The sentence is fine. Your impoverished upbringing and learning disability is the problem. It doesn't count as reddit spacing if the paragraphs (key word here, dunce) are meant for separate readers. Stop pretending this is a debate or discussion, reddit. It's not. You're an unwanted foreign element and if you were a real man you'd do the right thing and leave. But we all know that all the real men left you country for America generations ago.

Still continuing to try and get support from others. Guess what nobody is coming to your defence, but stay angry. Maybe your mom will call you up with support and tell you that you are a special boy and you are right.
You like it when she does that right?
You like it when mommy has to defend you, do you go weep into her bossom when the big boys tell you that you are a fag and a waste of space?
But yeah you keep using your typo excuse that I did, I am sure that will win you a personal army or something.

I don't know how a country full of such shitty people can have such good food.

>claims sentence is fine
>attacked someone else for saying to instead of too
>but posts this
>"America is the country the developed TCP/IP, dunce."
>yeah sure kid, looks fine, you fucking retard.
>"Get a load of this guy. Please guys notice me, I need an army to help me win my battles."

Still this 12.

I'm not bothering to read your post because you failed to format it properly. Turn into a white adult and then we'll talk.

I'm not bothering to read your post because you failed to format it properly. Turn into a white adult and then we'll talk.

One is a typo. The other is a fundamental misunderstanding of to/too. Third graders somehow know the rule but you don't. There isn't a way for your to win this.

>assumptions, assumptions everywhere

Show us your fat body neckbeard. Show us how you are the prime example of Americans. We need a good laugh, don't forget that timestamp pussy.


I'm not bothering to read your post because you failed to format it properly. Turn into a white adult and then we'll talk.


You are actually typing that shit, everyone knows that the word "the" should have been "that", that is worse than missing an o from too.
Being this fucking retarded.
Trying hard again.
You obviously didn't pass 3rd grade. Cry some more.

One is a typo. The other is a fundamental misunderstanding of to/too. Third graders somehow know the rule but you don't. There isn't a way for your to win this.



>gets called out, uses the child like method of posting the same thing because he can't post anything else
>get a look at this guy
>angry with the world because he is nothing
>no job
>no life prospects
>has to argue on the internet for some recognition he is alive
>wow much anger
>cannot withstand the urge to post the same thing again, because he is now in a freefall of having to do it so he doesn't look like a pussy if he doesn't.

Still 12.

I'm not bothering to read your post because you failed to format it properly. Turn into a white adult and then we'll talk

Why do people say orange yolk == better? Looks gross to me. Give me a nice yellow-yolked egg and I eat that shit up.

Your fat ugly skank mother sent me a video of you from 5 minutes ago.


Nice catch on the spaces

Fuck off, OP. The thread isn't about eggs anymore. It's about me exposing reddit spacers as the feminist morons who don't know the difference between to and too that they are.
One is a typo. The other is a fundamental misunderstanding of to/too. Third graders somehow know the rule but you don't. There isn't a way for your to win this.

samefagging in here... whewwwww

tendies is the obvious choice