Are you stupid?

Are you stupid?

But Seth Rogan is a jew, and everyone who isn't stupid knows that the jews are the ones controlling everything, including the conspiracy to wipe out white people.
That fat kike is supposed to say stuff like that.

Yes. Fuck that fat ugly motherfucking jew.

Did he not get cucked by mike from infojewwars

Says the elite jew who is so far fucking removed from reality, does anyone give a fuck about celebrities? They are useless to society. You dont need professional celebrity actors to make good films look at italian neorealism, broadway, independent films if anyone actually listens to hollywoods opinions or looks up to them as role models they should off themselves

Didn't he screw over a bunch of animators?


ITT triggered snowflakes.

Jews must an hero

>are you stupid
>leaves mouse cursor on screen

What if a non white person believes there's a conspiracy against white people?

I'd like to think so.

Our hatred toward the Jew is nothing when compared to how much they hate us.

By definition people care about celebrities.

Stop drinking the bong water.

The most remarkable thing about racists, in my opinion, is how fucking hard they project.

They think that if white people become a minority, that the black people or whatever will oppress them just as hard as white people have been oppressing them for all these centuries. That's why they're so desperate to stay on top.

They can't imagine that if the roles were reversed that the dominant race wouldn't oppress the minorities.


>if the roles were reversed that the dominant race wouldn't oppress the minorities.
how do you know this would happen?

Not him but it's written all over history. Just take a look at the Rwandan genocide.

Yeah your right we should take the chance its never been done before but we need change in the name of change? I mean its only been since the inception of humanity that europeans have made successful colonies and societies but your right lets let the dindus control the country whats the worst that could happen i mean south africa is vibrant and black neighborhoods in the united states are very desirable real estate

the laws are not abusable anymore and people have been spreading the equality message for quite some time

That's right goyim

There's no conspiracy goyim

>(((Seth Rogan)))
Ok then

>the laws are not abusable anymore
which laws?

Jewish privileged faggot being a minion as expected he should suck the dick of his masters like a good clown

>They can't imagine that if the roles were reversed that the dominant race wouldn't oppress the minorities.

What is Rwanda

Who is Idi Amin

What is Zimbabwe

What is South Africa

Non-racist people don't even think about race as being a factor in our decisions. It's only worth worrying about to racists. It's like you're fighting this war that you think is fundamental, but to the rest of us it's like this imaginary hobby of yours that you've taken too far.

We think of you as a bunch of LARPers who insist that it's not a game, it's a lifestyle.

i mean someone somewhere is conspiring against any group of people

>spreading the equality message for quite some time
nothing says equality like demanding all white people regardless of whether or not they were descendants of slave owners to pay reparations, which wouldn't even fix their communities anyway.

>and people have been spreading the equality message for quite some time

That makes no sense.

Well I'm not saying there is a conspiracy against whiteys but if there was some evil conspiracy out there I doubt the perpetrators would care about what people it effected and it would just be the rich that would be safe

can non-whites be racist?


If you think women only make 70 cents on the dollar compared to men, you are, I guarantee, a stupid virtue signaler pretending to be liberal.

Sup Forums has also been spreading the log of shit message for some time but I can't see it being adapted by society

>Non-racist people don't even think about race as being a factor in our decisions


There's your problem. Assuming the races are equal is utterly retarded. You can help blacks but you have to help them as you would an animal

>everything goes fine for me, so you're stupid for complaining

People who claim otherwise are nothing but racism apologists.

i would count a leftist approach to dealing with problems and trying to bring "one fits all" policy making as a certain kind of a conspiracy, which is an organized plan to achieve something via all means without a democratic and reasonable discussion, certain people will determine what is good and what is bad and the others will follow or else, this is not what America was supposed to be, the fact that many Americans would love the idea of socialist state and give up their rights for protection is a decent reason to get the hell out of this planet as soon as it is possible

as we know all white people are conservative scientists and all black people are ghetto thugs

I wish we could put niggers on charge in a different universe and see how it plays out

What are median, mean and average

There are dumb whites and there are smart blacks. But the average is smarter whites and dumber, more aggressive blacks

no need to imagination or porjections, just look how things goes where black people are prevalent


obligatory "ITT" comment for when you disagree with something

on average whites are average. jews and east asians can help whites, but as you would a somewhat more clever animal

We already know how it plays out

White farmers were run out of Zimbabwe in the 2000s and within 18 months they were eating rats

Why is north korea in the stone age, and south korea is a booming modern cultural powerhouse? They're both the EXACT same race. But something other than race apparently had a profound effect on them.

>Jews can help whites
And Asians actually score lower on everything but math. They're also too apathetic. They're worse than niggers because they're animalistic with access to technology.



Clearly it's because South Korea have a nicer flag

how's liberia doing, must be such a heaven now they're free from da wite devol ?

>implying all jews are sjw zionists
guess you're a nazi just like all the other whites

>be black
>advocate equality
>be equal to whites
>mindset the same
>still a nigger science no work

>And Asians actually score lower on everything but math.
citation needed. also whites inability to do math properly explains white this country is so in debt to an east asian country.
>They're also too apathetic.
>They're worse than niggers because they're animalistic with access to technology.
sounds like you're animalistic with access to technology

Economic sanctions, a lack of trading partners, militarisation as well as authoritarian rule are just a few of the reasons why the North has lagged behind the development of the South

the teachings of the master race, ladies and gentlemen

shocked nobody has claimed it's because the united states of white america helped them

Yeah, bunch of complicating factors. Geopolitical factors. Historical factors. But nothing like that happened with the black people in america. And nothing like that happened with the black people in africa. Nope, they're all clear simple cut and dry illustrations of the pure potential of those people with nothing hindering or complicating their progress in their history.

The constant discussion about race in the past few years has just completely exhausted me. I'm so sick of hearing about it. Constant talk about how bad white people are. Black people constantly talking about how black they are. I firmly believe in equality but the constant bullshit is pushing me towards apathy.


*picks you up, puts you in his lap and pets you*

Chillll user, chilllll.


So being worried about something makes that something not a thing by definition?


Racism: inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement

why would you even think that racism is synonymous with discrimination?, which is done from a position of any power.

>subversion of language.


have you read the torah, shame shit as the talmud


>The constant discussion about race in the past few years
this is because whites starting to realize they are going extinct in 2 generations.
the jew doesnt wants you to realize so they step up the propaganda to shut down white nationalism

>not a thing
hello jew

Holy fuck the grade 3 English in this autistic shit is hilarious. Obviously created by an adult black that stole internet access.

>mak da lettrz da sam colur as muh favoryte drank
