Fuck you guys...

Fuck you guys, i fucking hate you racist homophobic fuckwads i h ope you fucking die fuck fuck fuck fuck you nazis fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck you! FUCK YOU!

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Try >Sup Forums

This will definitely change the world


What an insightful and elegantly presented thought! Good for you user: I can tell your life is going places



>still LARPing on Sup Forums

Dude is too much of a puss to post on Sup Forums

season this thread and move on

Wouldnt he get banned




Communism (Antifa) has killed WAY MORE people than Nazism (Neo Nazis / White Supremacists). Both are built on murderous oppressive ideologies, and both are equally as bad. If you support either of these extremes you are a piece of human excrement. If you try to lessen the severity of either extreme's hate, you are drinking some kind of koolaid or just plain retarded.

>Calls us racist nazis
>all of us





dubs of truth

OP confirmed as closet racist and bigot

>mrw all these retards are falling for obvious bait.

>trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

You must be new here, this is how we entertain ourselves


I thought antifa was just an anti fascism movement, does it adhere to communism?

The left are calling her/him a fake tranny now, since she/he supported something Trump said. They will throw their own under the bus at the drop of a hat if they don't empirically agree with their side completely.

Never said you, but you know some retards are seriously thinking OP is anti-fa.

fucking jew




Do you?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.



OP here, fuck you guys nazi im going to kill myself im sick of these nazis

Yes very Stalinistic with Marxist overtones. "Agree with us completely or you're a Nazi, no exceptions."


nigga im op


Try taking out some nazis before you go at least damn, what a puss puss


>pics or it didnt happen


I wish you had a job

>all these (You)s

Ty m8

And i hate you to, Hope to see you again baiter

hahahah that is exactly what the right says every time a white person commits a singular terrorism.

The whole "There are good people on both sides" meme speaks for itself. This is an effort to deflect by saying that there is an alt-left, and that it is somehow bad since it stands up to Neo-Nazis. Trump started this meme, and the alt-right has run with it.

Fuck off

Still mad Hillary lost huh? lol :^)

OP, you gotta give that Caps Lock a break bro. It is like that thing is your slave or some shit.


So you think fighting nazism/fascism with violence and intollerance is right? Because this is exactly what fascists do when faced with other ideologies


k bye

It's violent yes, but it's in self defense, so they have every right to use violence to prevent violence being perpetrated against them. This is exactly the same as if someone pulled a gun on you, and threatened your life, you would be fully justified to use violence against them in order to stop them. This is exactly what the alt-right is doing but instead of on a personal level, it is happening on a large-scale social level. The left is therefore fully justified to use violence against them.

Surely liberal retards and SJW's are worse, I think most people would be happy to see those types rounded up and "re-educated" in mass camps.

This thread is fucking GOLD

>Triggered (by himself, yet!)

But neonazis are not even close to being a threat, so what is needed is not to stop them, but to make others understand why their ideology is flawed

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat , but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>self defense
Antifa sucker punches people and hits people minding their own business with bike locks.

Yep, clearly self defense..... Thanks for clearing that up.

Fuck you faggot

>when i just got banned and i came back, posted this and watched.

If by "re-educated" you mean killed, then yes. What I don't understand is that no one nowadays even knows what the term "fascist" means. Someone heard it once on some radio talk show that 13 people listen to and it's now become a meme. Huh, go figure.

>Attacks First
>claims it's Self defense

trump supporters are fascists. no normal people support him at this point.

Kek faggot alert.

Laughter will ensue.

i came

>I fucking hate you racist[s]
>I have you fucking die nazis

hmmm who's the racist?

Cash me ousside, how bow dah?

dead meme, how bouh dah

This is gonna be a legendary screencap

Who the fuck do you think you're defending yourself against? SPLC says there's only about 3000 white supremacists in the whole country, which is not even 1% of our 300 million people living here. The masked anarchists attacking people in the streets and calling themselves antifa are way more of a threat than the so called alt right.

>The left is therefore fully justified to use violence against them.

Agreed, and by the same token it's acceptable for the right to defend themselves in such situations, bashing antifa thugs is a perfectly proper and rightful response.

Except it very rarely happens that a right wing person commits terrorism (go ahead, post you bullshit made up stats), and when it does happen, the person is 99% of the time severely mentally ill and on drugs. Jihad is an entire culture.

>triggered snowflake

hahahahahahahaha get fucked lefty cocksucker (:

>not even 1%
Wow. Being this fucking delusional. That may have been at one time, but how do you think that Trump got elected? He has emboldened them and caused them to grow in numbers drastically. This is exactly why they need to be stopped now before it gets any worse. They are closer to 28% now which is a sad state of affairs because we're moving backwards.


Do you even know what fascism is?

nowadays the trolls don't even have to put in effort

>how do you think that Trump got elected
>Trump got elected

Ahh, what it really boils down to. You're still pissed about Hillary not winning? Grow up. Calling all Trump supporters Nazis and destroying private property, and assaulting people is not helping your side. If anything you are only turning more people against you.

If you really think the US is 28% nazi and growing, you better flee across the Atlantic while you still can. Tell them you're a refugee, I'm sure they'll let you in.

it's not even that they're just destroying private property, they're destroying government own public property

and they have the audacity to say that conservatives are terrorist to america



can't you just kill their pets? put a horse head in their bed and shit


That's the typical leftist M.O., accuse the other side of what they themselves are doing.

My question is, is why is it that they are suddenly now offended by historical statues? Why not during Obama's 8 years didn't they tear them down? They are now so deeply offended, and concerned about anyone on their side's feelings. Don't draw Mohamed, that's offensive. But when they put pictures of Jesus in a bowl of urine, or spread feces and sparkles on it, why then "it's art, and we have to respect it."

Maybe we should just declare all historic monuments as "art", and tell them they have to respect it.

Their level of hypocrisy is insane.

this is now an antifa pic thread


not exactly for the reasen you said, but yep: The militant fight against Fascism - and especially against his obvious faces - to scratch a clear line between them and the political society is just

you sound worst then them.

It's obviously fake

Op here, it is and ive said that multiple times.

seems like you don't, posting a gif of a lenin sclubture getting headed. even if it's a sportful happening

You do know that it's a tiny group of people, right? That the alt-right makes up only a fraction of a percent of the right wing...just like the antifa wusses make up a fraction of the extreme left...

>Left vs. Right
A group that makes cuck porn vs. the group that jerks off to it

wrong, it's a lot more than that.


Dear Non-straight, Non-white people,

Shut up. This is our fucking planet and you better thank your lucky stars we let you live on it. We could, at any moment in history, devestate your races and push you down as a second class human. Not black and white. Human and goblin slaves. So you better just shut the fuck up. Enjoy your Nikes and your rap and the ease of making lean and be thankful your not pulling a plow or running from jaguars nude thru the woods. Just shut up and enjoy what we gave you and hope, just hope, you can breed out the stupidity of your inferior genes over time.