We need to create a containment board for superheroes...

We need to create a containment board for superheroes. They're overwhelming Sup Forums and they're overwhelming Sup Forums, so we need a new board to help make Sup Forums and Sup Forums great again.

Based on the historic precedent of...
>Sup Forums can discuss Pokemon anime (but not video games)
>Sup Forums can discuss Pokemon video games (but not anime)
>/vp/ can discuss both Pokemon anime and videogames
>neither Sup Forums nor Sup Forums get overwhelmed by Pokemon thanks to /vp/

...we could implement a new board with the following overlap policy:
>Sup Forums can discuss superhero comics (but not live action)
>Sup Forums can discuss superhero live action (but not comics)
>/cpsht/ can discuss both superhero comics and live action
>neither Sup Forums nor Sup Forums get overwhelmed by superheroes thanks to /cpsht/

/cpsht/ - Superheroes, the best solution for a brighter tomorrow.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/d r o p p e d/filename/png/


make /film/ for people that want to talk about films, not politics
People that want to talk politics, actor drama, gossip and all that shit can stay in Sup Forums

The only way this would make you mad is if you wanted people who don't want to shitpost to stay on Sup Forums

Of course not
Your last thread was full of people not even "from" Sup Forums suggesting how to fix it even though they only come here for shitposting and one flavor of the month show/movie

wouldn't solve the porn threads, the Sup Forums threads, the /got/ generals and the general abundance of shitposting

Ban orthodox christians, muslims and jews

>ban the following boards from posting here
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums and all its run off boards
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums
ban wannabe Sup Forums(aka Sup Forums)
None of these users have contributed to increase the boards quality only to degrading it

ban the game of thrones general as its not even airing now
ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks
remove all the people that started posting here on the board after 2013 if possible
give youtube its own board
block european isp/ips from posting certain hours
a good amount of Australia can't post on Sup Forums because of that one guy so do the same here
convince hiro to do that thing where the site doesn't show up on google results or if possible just for Sup Forums
trial board: /superheroes/ or /film/
bring in the robot for a month

One cancer at a time.

>people believe Hiro will fix this shithole
>people belive mods aren't laughing their asses reading this thread

Go and watch a movie. Do something out of your selves.

>Can Hiro save Sup Forums[?]






Is a fuckin board, guys. Not the madafackin school.


Sup Forums should secede from Sup Forums.

It is posters from other boards that are the problem. By leaving the Sup Forums conglomerate, Sup Forums discourages crossposters and memespouters alike.


Reposting best post:

>At this point the board just has far too much traffic to be moderated efficiently. The solution is split the board in half with Sup Forums remaining exactly the same and /film/ being created for serious film and television discussion. The majority of the mods can go to /film/ and will be able to successfully moderate with only half of the userbase and the rest of the mods will stay no Sup Forums where there will be no change outside of the unhappy users being gone.

>I am not being hyperbolic or sarcastic when I say this: I literally have no idea what mods do on Sup Forums other than delete threads about what a terrible job mods are doing and delete interacial porn threads a good 20-30 minutes after they go up. As far as being a "film & television" discussion board Sup Forums is essentially unusable and it is entirely because of mods.

Sometimes I forget this place is full of legitimate autistic people, psychopaths, 40 year old virgins and losers. After all this is all they have, I guess that's why they defend this place so passionately.


If any mod has a reddit or tumbler account or is found to have SJW sympathies in a hastily set-up Sup Forums McCarthy court, he/she must be PURGED

>he majority of the mods can go to /film/ and will be able to successfully moderate
>successfully moderate


/film/ should be used as a last resort

I think Sup Forums's fine as is.

I agree with this but i actually defend we don't even discuss live action capeshit here. Just take it all away.


You guys are fucking retarded if you think Sup Forums will ever get """""better"""""

>no generals
>no spam
>nothing illegal

besides that there should be no rules

I'm pretty much in agreement with that.
Here's your (you)

I'd like both... I'd only use /film/

Let's lower our expectations.
>Tolerably moderate

we need the fucking robot9k in here is what we need

Fuck off with this. We don't need to make another board for a specific genre of movie. I know it might be annoying to some on Sup Forums but it technically is film plus there are usually two capeshit threads with actual discussion rather than memes and secret political shit. That's the problem, derailment of threads is what's causing these troubles.

And ban posters like this who contribute nothing and blame the "Sup Forums boogeyman"

Sup Forums isn't impossible to moderate. It's just a question of what you think requires moderation.

You can't escape us Sup Forums

Sup Forums is here to stay and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Praise Kek

Ban the Sup Forums cancer

>Orlando shooting
>Sup Forums should slow down like it usually does since everyone goes to Sup Forums as we aren't allowed threads here anymore
>>it doesn't

>new game of thrones episode
>Sup Forums should move fast, but its moving a bit slower than usual
>>it shouldn't especially the next day(monday)

>e3 monday
>>Sup Forums slows down (threads actually last more than two hours after the last bump like they use to) meme cancer is pretty much gone

>E3 ends
>>Sup Forums goes back to threads dying after less than 40 minutes
Merely a coincidence right?

>Tolerably moderate
Explain how? How would you motivate the same mods that did nothing to save this place to care about /film/

remember the time Sup Forums was a serious site for intellectuals?


I agree with the Eggkara poster from the last thread, what's the harm in just one Channel Awesome thread at a time max.

This. Add the robot and increase post timers. Do it for a month or two and see what happens.

Why didn't he fucking do this already? Oh wait because the mods didn't want him to

>It's just a question of what you think requires moderation.
global rule #3 for starters

That's his issue. He meant well in what he suggested, but he lacks the balls to follow through

What powered DS9? They often talked about the "stations power grid", but they never showed what generated the power, like a warp core or whatever. And that episode where they get stuck in an decommissioned Cardassian ore processing room doesn't count since it was as the name suggests, decommissioned.

I'm watching the original French rips of Inspector Gadget and in every episode he has a funky mustache. WTF? Did they edit it out for the English versions or something??

If they were going to enforce that, Sup Forums wouldn't exist.

The solution is simple

Split Sup Forums. Comics and Cartoons should absolutely not share a board.

Comics and comic related material stays in Sup Forums

Cartoons stay in the new board

Then enforce this rule heavily by not allowing capeshit to exist on Sup Forums. Capeshit just brings Sup Forums console warrior style shit posting to Sup Forums Where there are more threads complaining about 2 companies rather than threads about actual movies.

Furthermore, Tuesdays should be Testosterone Tuesdays on Sup Forums. There is a pinned thread dedicated to the discussion of an Arnold film. During all of Tuesday, the Commando soundtrack plays in the background. This is the one time of the week /fit/ is allowed to visit.

I'm sure my ideas seem a little radical, but if we all work together, we can make Sup Forums a better place.

we need to get rid of this autist

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/d r o p p e d/filename/png/


What about why5 and why6?


been mentioned already

Make Sup Forums a JAV discussion board

Here's what would happen if we had /film/:

After initially comparing notes, the whole thing fizzles.

This isn't Sup Forums related hiromoot

Delete /qa/ it was great when it was a secret meta blue board after moots farewell, but not it's just /q/2.0

There needs go be a huge ban for people that post politics or sjw shit outside of Sup Forums
There is going to be huge amounts of shitposts after the first debate until election day

Hiro really needs to put a leash on Sup Forums

Sup Forums is the biggest board on Sup Forums of course there is going to be cross posting on other boards, especially large boards like this.

They need to double the penalty for faggots responding to it.

Its fucking retarded that politics on Sup Forums can reach up to 100 replies yet you can't talk about female actresses without the thread getting deleted in minutes

>after a long day of pretending to care about the boards quality and putting on a show the mods have left

>gore, porn, Sup Forums, youshill spam is back
>blacked spam should start soon like every other night for the past year soon too


You're just mad that your Jewish loli grew up ugly
Great tits though

This and all the other ones you've posted are probably done by that retard saetre

>complaining about dailypasta on Sup Forums
Autists will keep on doing it, you can't change that beyond wishing them getting a fatal heart attack
The real problem is newfriends who will keep on replying to them

>up for more than an hour
This is the real problem
Janitor/mods fuck off for hours at time and then come to clear the report queue and then fuck off again
Try doing this shit on any other board (even Sup Forums) and you'll get a ban within minutes

No they're here but they aren't deleting the threads
maybe they're revolting because of all the boards calling them out whilst being backed by hiro

Any post with the words: bbc, blacked, cuck, whitey, boi, are instantly deleted.

One of the fuckheads finally decided to show up
I wonder if they'll delete this thread too in a fit of righteousness

Sup Forums isn't fun unless you can trigger serious discussion autists from reddit like you though

I am from Eggkara it's a stream site that has been part of the Sup Forums community for many years, or to better put it the stream is mainly filled with 95% Sup Forums anons. It's on the site Cytube (formerly Instasync), which house multiple stream rooms based on different topics of Sup Forums. There is one based on RLM, South Park, Star Trek, and Channel Awesome (TGWTG). I am pleading two request from myself and the Eggkara community, 2 simple request/rules.

Rule 1. (Cytube Rule) I feel it should be ok to post a link or make a thread that a stream is happening, with out getting banned or the thread removed, Sup Forums is about well tv. It's about watching stuff, and what better way to enjoy that than with our fellow anons. The best way to enjoy a good tv show or kino is with friends. Over the years I spend 90% of the time on Sup Forums and I spend a lot of it in Eggkara, I made some great friends and makes Sup Forums feel like a community. Cytube is free, there is no money to be made, no shit to shill, if anything I feel it's an extension of Sup Forums. It was made by a Sup Forums user for Sup Forums anons.

Rule 2. (Channel Awesome Threads) The main reason I and many others stay on Sup Forums is because we love talking shit about Channel Awesome. We fill threads with tons of topics, ideas, jokes, and memes. We don't shill for them, hell we mainly hate them. But we love talking shit about them. You don't want Sup Forums flooded with e celeb threads, fine I agree, but if we keep it to one thread and one thread only, a lot of us will be very happy with that. It sucks when there are 3 GOT and 7 cape shit threads, but one TGWTG thread, oh shit call the mods. Sup Forums is important to us, all I am asking for is a simple agreement. We keep it to one thread. Thank you for listening, I (Boros of Eggkara) and the many of Eggkara appreciate the ear.

P.S. Latza is Love, Latza is life!

Probably not. This is just a show for hiro
they do it every month

Jesus christ, just don't fucking post in capeshit threads if you don't like them

I despise capeshit, yet I don't feel like it's "overwhelming" Sup Forums or Sup Forums BECAUSE I IGNORE THEM ALONG WITH OTHER SUBJECTS I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT


We need /film/

Nothing else matters.

>not banning Sup Forums

they are just as fucking back they ruin so many threads

Global #3 is the shittiest most vague bullshit rule there is. If it were actually enforced strictly Sup Forums would be deserted in an hour.

Do you like this thread?

No but I feel compelled to talk reason to autistic rulefag idiots who want to turn this place into something awful or something.

Nice hypocrisy, you fucking hypocrite.

>Maybe things gonna be all right.

>le mobile posting is cancer
The rest of the board is ceaseless shitposting. Why should mobile posts be treated any differently?

Sorry, am I calling for this thread and everyone who annoys/disagrees with me in it to be banned?

You're telling us that we should ignore shit we don't like (even though you don't) and you give yourself as an example of someone who ignores shit they don't like (a complete and total lie).

Because you are fundamentally disconnected from reality, all your opinions are worthless and you should seek professional help to aid with your psychosis.

If you want to complain about capeshit all you like whatever, just don't think it should be banned because YOU don't like it.

Just don't think that I give a shit what you say when you have demonstrated that you are a hypocritical liar.

Go lurk for a few hours and then come back pretending to be someone else-- some other user who hasn't outed themself as an untrustworthy asshole-- and then I'll listen to what you have to say.

this, even smaller boards are going to shit becasue larger boards spread their shit posting to them.

lol ok whatever nigger

New regulation proposal: Have the worthless cuck SJW mods kill themselves.

ohoohohohoh poor triggered cuck :(((

Sowwwwwwy about Bernieee ooohhh nnnooooooooo so sowwy :(((((((((

Sup Forums is dead, the glory days of the Internet in general are over.

When Moot left, he should've done the right thing and closed up shop

What the fuck, all the guy was saying was that bigger boards are spreading shit to smaller boards. He didn't mention Sup Forums at all.

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit rumors
>Star Wars shit whining
>Ghostbusters whining
>MDEshit shilling
>height shitpost thread
>shitty show general
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>shitty show general that is a /soc/ and tourist circlejerk
>capeshit company wars
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>mobile shitposter thread
>"movies women will never udnerstand"
>SJW falseflagging
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedoscum threads/spam
>"is it kino?"
>legitimate actresses threads deleted
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>walking down the street when you see these girls
>sitcom trash
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>"What did he/she mean by this?
>What's his/her endgame
>one WORD shitpost
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>what's next for his/her career
>marathoned this movie did I like it?
>characters who did nothing wrong
>what went right/wrong?
>mods babysitting shitpost/memepost threads they think are epic

nothing will change. youre delusional

am i wrong? i didnt even mention specific boards, just bigger ones in general.

Nice threads janny

why dont they promote their best janitors to mods or can you only be one if you live in new york/close to it?

At the very least, they should be ghettoized into a general to keep the spam to a minimum, like GoT.

>people belive mods aren't laughing their asses reading this thread

Shut the fuck up about Sup Forums you Tumblr faggots. I swear everyone on this site likes to blame Sup Forums for everything cause the board triggers them.

Also stop fucking whining about "Sup Forumsedditors" constantly. Look in the mirror, Own up to the fact that this board is a mess and its YOUR own fault, Sup Forums. Yours and yours only. Stop deflecting blame to others and making excuses.


its annoying when every other post has jew, nigger, kike, cuck, mudslime, and whatever else.

Saying "omg naughty things" has been integral to Sup Forums since the beginning you faggo


Haven't seen mudslime recently.


thats fine, but people use them all to the point where it adds nothing to the post. no one cares if i call you a nigger. its just a replacment for calling someone a piece of shit. it just detracts from an actual conversation.

>liberal faglords think this place needs fixing
>want to further divide the site like le reddit

/qa/ is cancer and if Hiro cares about this place at all he'll delete it and b& everybody that made a suggestion

I actually enjoy those cinematography threads that we have once in a while, I don't mind having /film/ just for that