What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

5-head syndrome

autism + manlet rage

You tell us, Sup Forums tourist

I never di get his motivation(s). One minute he was some angsty teen and the next he's some crazed psychopath.

WTf happened?

Him and Kaneda were both 14-15 year old orphans

Doesn't this prove that he isnt a tourist?

pent up anger and being in a position of power you could have never imagined. i probably would fuck around and destroy a city too if i had his power

I've never read the manga, but I'd wager that his personality arc is much more reasonably fleshed out in the comics.


>kaneda help me, please!

what did tetsuo mean by this?


you'd be right

Having the powers of a god would probably make any mortal go crazy

Is there similar aesthetic to this movie? Could be a OVA or a show I don't mind

What anime is this from

Dragon ball z



I don't know, maybe it had to do with the headaches he was getting since it makes more sense to destroy everything out of phisical pain than anything
Trying to kill his best friend tho, literally why?

Redditboy can't handle a lil banter

What this guy said. Given a power that could change the world, many people would use it. Look at Light Yagami. Some people will use their power for good and some bad.