Turkish Internet Defense Force is stronger than i thought
Turkish Internet Defense Force is stronger than i thought
Other urls found in this thread:
>word genocide wasn't invented yet
It wasn't a genocide due to this fact.
Kek is that the guy from SOAD? What is he up to these days?
recently, he's crying about TIDF
What a washed up hack, is he fat and balding too?
He's up to refusing to make a new album like the faggot
Fucking hell I hate Serj so much
Nope that would be Daron
Childhood is believing in the Armenian Genocide. Adulthood is realizing no evidence of the Armenian Genocide exists, in fact evidence to suggest the Armenians were rebelling is shown.
He's doing soundtracks. He did the soundtrack to this very movie.
He's grabbing a brush and putting a little makeup
Wow, posts on Sup Forums denying a genocide. This has surely never happened before.
Even the famous photograph of the starving children and the man with the bread was photoshopped for propaganda use
mehmet my son
Both sides killed each other but Armenians somehow cant let go of it after a century. I fucking hate them so much, they are jew-lite. Fucking cockroaches worse than turkroaches.
Pasha faggot dying in the streets like a cockroach
What are you talking about
Turks literally downvoted that movie into oblivion and that movie's trailer on youtube had to disable the like/dislike bar and comments because turks were too assblasted about the movie
>Seth Tankian
Stopped reading there.
Enver pasha was killed by Soviets in central asia actually
he was a massive autist. tried to unite all the mongolic/turkic peoples but failed.
All 3 of these posts are made by biased Yunanlar, Balkanlar and Diasporafags. There exists ZERO evidence of any genocide, evidence shows Armenians to have attacked Turks and Turkish soldiers.
>posts on Sup Forums denying a genocide.
This time it's just a bunch of butthurt turks
>Turks genocide Armenians
>deny it
>refuse to apologize
>still denying it 100 years later
Fucking turks man
Why didn't Serj get to sing in the band during the pre-Hypnotize/Mezmerize days?
fuck this movie its a lie !
So what you nigger?
The Japs, Americans and Russians also deny their own genocides.
what genocide?
Yeah yeah says the Saudi Arabia lover!
>Nope that would be Daron
>literally no recent pics of him without a hat
Take it like a man you fucking faggot
Did you somehow miss the denial in this very thread too? Dude. Really?
>thousand of armenian scattered around the world
>all of them passing stories about the holocaust
>no big media with them, no big money for victims, being an armenian doens't give you any sjw point anywhere.
>those families keep the memories because it was all real.
Japs never owned up to their vile shit either
so what?
someone rec some essential Turk films
This. So far nobody has presented proof of any genocide in the thread. Allah yolunda cenk edelim şan alalim şaaaaaan kuran da zafer vadediyor hazreti yeezdan
Im the poster of this . Now tell if I said anything to defend Armenians. Only difference between them and Turks is that they are trying to be jews in order to survive and be relevant. Mal herif
>no big media with them, no big money for victims, being an armenian doens't give you any sjw point anywhere
oh my sweet summer child
You know if they made a movie about the Bosnian War, Serbs would do the same thing
>All 3 of these posts are made by biased Yunanlar, Balkanlar and Diasporafags
Kek no. I'm a south Asian with Muslim heritage
>There exists ZERO evidence of any genocide, evidence shows Armenians to have attacked Turks and Turkish soldiers.
Keep living in denial mehmet
>roaches trying to keep the thread alive
Misread your post. Where are you from?
No, there exists that some Armenians did die during relocation, but more evidence exists that Armenians rebelled and killed many Turkish civilians and soldiers.
>roaches refusing to answer for their criminal behavior
shit's been going on for centuries, ain't gonna change now
Republic of Tayyipistan
>Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
back to pol
you mean Darren? Serj was primary vocalist on their discography
Hello Cenk, shouldn't you be making some terrible YouTube videos right now?
Every single genocide that's ever occurred has been denied.
The holocaust is the only one that doesn't have a legitimate widespread denial force, and that's because jews are the masters of media
I meant Daron fuck
Roach detected.
Brb getting my bug stomping boot.
It's not a film but there are some really fuckin good television dramas coming from Turkey.
My favorite is Merhamet. They showed here in the US in a Spanish translation called Mercy. Really fuckin tragic show, but very good acting and engaging characters. Also I never knew turkish chicks were such qts
never heard about this
so armenians are like jews?
Epic post αδελφός, or is it бpaт? Or are you a diasporafag?
Fetih 1453. Pure redpill material.
Kind of. They are traders, jewelers, bankers, media persons and such. They also have their own version of holocaust but cant use it because no one cares about them. They are just a tool for bigger countries to bully turkraoches.
Make a new album already damn it.
Just because they don't, dosen't make you any better.
Anyway, I recommend Winter Sleep
I don't really think American deny their genocide, it just isn't revealed to be as terrible as it was.
Plenty of people know that the natives were horribly fucked over; the trail of tears, the pox blankets, and being betrayed in general has been in pop culture.
>be Hanz
>mfw R*ach
They didn't let him sing because he has a fucking retarded cartoony voice. Not that Serj doesn't but Serj's voice also isn't annoying.
It's your own fault because you let some alive.
Pic related. The Brits always knew their shit
You forgot Mustang and Ceylan
Why is it so easy for people to admit that the Medz Yeghern was real and happened yet so hard to also say that the HaShoah was real and happened?
Can't we all just accept that people always die and crimes against nature are a very real thing?
If we keep denying history, we are consistently and utterly doomed to repeat it.
Mass genocide is occurring RIGHT NOW in Palestine and still everyone denies that. We have to stop and listen before it's too late.
It's already too late, isn't it?
>It's already too late, isn't it?
>Mass genocide is occurring RIGHT NOW in Palestine
Okay MIDF. Maybe you shouldn't teach your sons to stab Israelis and to martyr themselves.
More troubles are ahead, yeah, but soon it will be over and buried with our past.
There wasn't really a systematic organized attempt to wipe out all Native Americans though
Okay JIDF. Maybe you shouldn't teach the whole world to bomb each other and to 'martyr' countless innocents for a faceless demonic order.
>Mass genocide is occurring RIGHT NOW in Palestine
Pretty awful genocide IMO
thanks. I started watching Magnificent Century, they aired it here similar to your show, on some Mexican channel in Spanish, what's up with that?
>dem digits
will watch, thanks
Let's not forget the Australians.
>If we remain satisfied with the sort of local massacres which took place in Adana and elsewhere in 1909...if this purge is not general and final, it will inevitably lead to problems. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to eliminate the Armenian people in its entirety, so there is no further Armenian on this earth and the very concept of Armenia is extinguished. ... the procedure this time will be one of total annihilation-it is necessary that not even one single Armenian survive this annihilation
Turkroaches will destroy the west. Erdogan styles himself a messenger of Allah.
>other people rape so it's fine if I rape too
roach logic
if it was genocide how come some of them are still alive? the armenian, native american, holocaust and 1932 australian genocide are all fake just like the moon landing and ww2
I bet Ataturk is spinning in his grave like a whirling Dervish
>1932 australian genocide
Emu detected
Based Greece will rise from its economic ashes like the phoenix and put the Turkic scourge back into Hell where the Ottomans are.
fuck off cunt, it was a battle not a genocide since you guys fought back
Was Cenk "Arming Against Armenians" Uygur one of them?
>Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
Is it bad that my immediate thought when I heard about the coup attempt was 'Oh fuck please don't let this delay Bannerlord'.
He false flagged his brothers into a terrible war with Russia, he was NOT a good man, he was NOT a friend of his brothers, he was a SHIT
of course
what else do you expect of a t*rk?
Seriously, who gives a shit.
Yes, because's it was the closest to seeing Erdogan removed from power so far
what's up with all the hate on Turkish people?
that's not funny an emu ate my brother
Have you been to pol or int? They're INCREDIBLY obnoxious. Like 24/7 trolling. Very over sensitive, overly nationalist. Fall into the Russian Style posting of
>Oh, I hate my government. But now let me explain why everything they do is perfect
Plus they have black hearts filled with nothing but contempt for everyone. AND they miss having their empire which they think they own by default.
>Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek,but don't trust an Armenian
>George Orwell
Damn, Roach Roachtoglu is THAT mad about it?
t. t*rkroach
>A genocide-denier telling ANYONE ELSE to go back to Sup Forums
95% of Native American populations died due to communicable diseases from the Columbian Exchange.
The remainder waged-war against white European settlers and lost, primarily due to being a bunch of fucking savages that relied on neolithic technology.
>Mass genocide is occurring RIGHT NOW in Palestine and still everyone denies that. We have to stop and listen before it's too late.
Starting a war and getting your shit pushed in isn't "genocide".
Pretty sure he engineered the whole 'coup'.