Only low iq people are against this

only low iq people are against this

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I am against this.

>letting some foreigners in brussels make decisions for your country
>using a currency that your government has no control over

maximum c u c k

just because you don't create a thread anymore, doesn't mean we don't know who you are.

see. case in point. low iq arguments. all based on feelings. muh sovreiginity. go play in the sandpit


>Putin Internet Defense Force telling euros to bow down and submit to the EU

Such provocative language from that pic, user.

Angry sources do not make good sources. I know you're Irish, but please do try to think about this calmly.

EU was a practice round for a world government. Didn't work. We will try again later with super computers instead of beurocrats.

only low iq people support this

according to you guys and logic putin wants the EU to crumble, allowing easier influence on a fractured europe

Well, you're one of those low IQ people.
The Russian interest is having no EU and instead having lots of smaller countries in Europe. All of the Russian propaganda is basically "EU is bad for you, if you leave you're gonna get muh independence and more money"

>Bulgarian appears
Like clockwork.

Because low IQ people are
>the ones living the multicultural dream, unlike the gauche caviar politicians in their gated communities
>The ones losing their jobs, and thus the bulk of the unemployed

I'm against it.

if you did a study on it, i am almost sure this notion would be confirmed.

t. Turk

>brussel just announced to abolish border control completely till november

>ancient yugoslavian peasant appears


I try to find one in non-kraut but this here is the only source I have yet + I just heard it in the news.

Why is it Germans are so in favour of the EU? You realise you're the ones being conned?

Not an argument.

They hate themselves, and being European is them trying to find a replacement identity for their Germanness that they despise.


because we want to be big boys too, even if it hurts

So it is gonna go down this summer?

>one year of postponing article 50
>no politicians wants to be the one to get the UK out of the union
Such a smart move.

OK but this is the part that really baffles me... you would be more powerful OUTSIDE the EU
Pretty much every body in the EU I can think of works to constrain Germany, the Germans didn't even want the single currency to begin with

>Rush into something with no plans just to give Europe an easier time
Hmm, let me think about this, no.


one can hope

>You realise you're the ones being conned?
Not at all.

Lol, prepare to be overrun.

Then you either don't understand the EU or you get all of your politics from Sup Forums and tabloids. Germany doesn't win out from the EU, quite the opposite.

True, its only problem is the current leadership and political trend.

If the current political hegemony was not entirely leaning towards neoliberal policies the EU would be a great union to ensure the interests of Europe. As the world develops the European countries needs to join together to compete with the large population centres like China, US and India. This is not the early 1900s anymore where small France, Spain and the UK can conquer entire continents.

the new "Germans" are brainwashed by the media.

Was watching gotg 2 yesterday and the first spot we saw before the movie, was an anti far right advertisement

Kill yourself traitor.

You don't get the situation, do you?
The British PEOPLE by a SMALL MARGIN want to leave.
Theresa May aka miss Hard Brexit was a hardline Remain activist prior to the referendum. The entire British political class is unwilling but knows that refusing will earn them the ire of the electorate which could turn out very, very ugly. That's why they're so slow to act, and probably why May is launching elections (to lend more legitimacy to whatever she's planning next. Maybe she'll keep shouting "hard Brexit hard Brexit" until she gets high approval ratings, only to switch to a softer route with the excuse that she has the voting cattle.. *ahem*... electorate, behind her. Not that it will do much considering Germany is out to 'punish' Britain for its disobedience to Frau Merkel despite the complaints of countries like the Netherlands, because to prevent our politics from being decided in Moscow we've decided to let our politics be decided from Berlin).

>Germany doesn't win out from the EU, quite the opposite
Germany maybe doesn't.
What about German companies?

t. low iq that probably did a BTEC

I have a degree though.

His argument is not wholly without merit.

Should we go down, we will go down united! Honour, bravery, righteousness are all foreign words to the eternal Anglo who pulls the strings behind this "refugee" crisis.


Enjoy your union of cuckoldry while the Anglo rises.

Lol'd hard.
USA is your ceiling.

T-trust me, you will be better as a 3 Trillion economy rather than as the leader of a 15 Trillion
Seriously look at Japan, like, they have a 4 Trillion economic and they are so good, they are totally free to do whatever they want.
P-plaza accord? what is that? Wait you are telling me that one of the reasons that triggered the same economic crisis that is still affecting Japan nowadays in the 80s was an economic agreement that America forced on Japan as they were afraid of their growth? BUT AMERICA IS GOOD, THE TORIES TOLD ME. BUT IF AMERICA IS BAD HOW ARE WE GOING TO PROTECT OUR COUNTRIES AGAINST THE INTEREST OF ANOTHER ONE WITH AN ECONOMY MORE THAN 10 TIMES BIGGER THAN US?

This post is autistic.

Get a job (if you can).

Your own source states that the EU seeks to make western european countries uncompetitive, singling out Germany as an example. This unsupported assertion calls into question the whole of the opinion piece (which does not support itself in any way). Germany is unquestionably benefitting from the union and is producing and exporting vast quantities of goods. Additionally, the claim that it seeks to reduce competition is not supported either. The union, through creating a free trade zone, forces companies to compete on more equal footing with other European countries and ends protection of unprofitable or uncompetitive industries. This competition forces companies to improve their products rather on a mostly level playing field rather than keeping superior products out.

Pretty basic shit. Unfortunately due to lower cost of living and living standards people in poor countries are at a competitive advantage when it comes to unskilled labor. This has the effect of uplifting poor countries while rich countries lose previously overpaid jobs. It more efficiently distributes jobs, production, and wealth between European nations without shipping them to another continent.

>Should we go down, we will go down united!
What an admirable goal: to tear everyone down with you rather than take one for the team.

>LITERALLY diversity is our strength
Fucking hell.

>The eternal Anglo pulls the strings behind this "refugee crisis"
>Which is why Trump condemns it
>Which is why it was a vital reason for why Brexit happened
>Which is why Merkel desperately wants more rapefugees
>Which is why Macron desperately wants more rapefugees
>Both of them being hardcore pro-EU to the point of being closet federalists
Fuck you.

And Germany ours. I'd say America is a better ceiling.

Because a sovereign nation will act the same as Japan in the 80s, effectively an occupied country, right? Why else do you think every other word the Nips use is English when this isn't present in Taiwan or South Korea? Japan is a client state of America.

We did nothing wrong!

You did everything wrong.

Nice arguments Nigel
Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night. America is THE world's superpower, if you are under their are of influence you are its vasal. Doesn't your country even keep some american nukes in its own soil that only America can use?

America: It's President does not give a shit about what others countries do as long as they are friendly towards it.


Why would anyone pick Europe over the USA?

>posts a random chart with no title
This changes everything, the EU are the bad guys now.

Read the final name retard.


File: eurocucks enjoy this (you(...).jpg (120 KB, 676x978)

>It's President does not give a shit about what others countries do as long as they are friendly towards it.

THE SAME PROTECTIONIST PRESIDENT THAT SAY THAT WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (by, surprise, hurting the other countries in return?)


Put your mouse over the filename.

how new are you?

This seems to be his source:

Apparently a filename is sufficient proof to validate a graph.

>by, surprise, hurting the other countries in return?)
Pretty sure that is what the EU wants to do to everyone else it negotiates with and its members so I don't understand your point in favour of Europe here.

Also Trump has to answer to a Congress that is pro-free trade so I doubt that is happening.

>Pretty sure that is what the EU wants to do to everyone else it negotiates with and its members
>British logic
Being unable to negotiate with individual members of an economic group (that needs to keep control in said group by regulating its members) = PUNISHMENT


How are britbongs so deluded? Did you truly belive that you would be able to do a thing, that, since the very first day, the EU told you was impossible?

Why can't Europe just be for Europeans?

Because of colonialism.

That is not the punishment, the demands that the EU knows will never be accepted, therefore forcing Britain to simply reject any deal and leave the EU with no deal is what is the punishment.

Because it is run by Europeans, Europeans who are leftist and hate their own nations. The idea of preserving your own country is alien to most of Europe. They submit their nations and histories to a bloc that wants to wipe them out. See picture related.

EU is shite
Any idiot can see that

the eu hates russia

I never understood this why can't both be strong together?

The EU heavily supports the US in practically every policy decision that concerns it and vice versa. Not to mention the economic, political and cultural ties between the two are many.

The EU resents the USA and sees itself as the rightful leader of the "free world". Most of the population of the EU holds hostile views of the United States as well.

This. But is seems it is you that has the problem with EU not the other way around.

Why? Because the EU has been nothing but supportive of the US in every action they undertook.

>Not sure if this delusional or this cunning.

>The EU drags down Germany and keeps afloat countries like Greece

What a fucking joke, how can someone drop the ball this badly?

>The EU resents the USA and sees itself as the rightful leader of the "free world".

Which is perplexing as it doesn't really mean anything nowadays, it's a Cold War era term.
>Most of the population of the EU holds hostile views of the United States as well.
Sounds like bullshit but I'll believe it.
Only Trump has really had a problem with it, and that's because he's politically incompetent. Notice how his position on the matter switched right around upon meeting with Merkel.

Every US president before him has been very supportive of the EU.

>Sounds like bullshit but I'll believe it.

It's true though. As soon as Trump was elected, everyone proclaimed Merkel as the "leader of the Free World". And then there was that article declaring France a "military superpower" after its intervention in Mali.

EUrocrats really are THAT delusional, not realizing that NATO effectively makes its members American protectorates regardless of what little political games they play among themselves. Let's see Merkel "lead the free world" without American guns backing her words.

I take it you have never read a French or German newspaper or looked at polling on the subject.

>Which is perplexing as it doesn't really mean anything nowadays, it's a Cold War era term.
Basically they see the USA as renegade and not submitting itself to international law. Making it in effect an enemy of the free world and not a part of it. This was conformed for them once the USA elected Trump, and the EU president described the USA as a threat to it in the same league as Russia or Islamic Extremism.

>Sounds like bullshit but I'll believe it.
You better believe it. Here is some polling data from a few years ago just to show this is not a "Trump makes Europe hate us thing" as well.

I've realised discussing the EU on this board is completely pointless.
Too much tabloids and too many people not understanding what they're talking about

>the demands that the EU knows will never be accepted
Why can you not accept that Europe doesn't have to care about your country anymore? After Brexit you will move from partners status to economic rivals. The EUs obligation is to get the best deal for its own citizens,, why are you so entitled that you belive that a, now foreign, group should care about your country, at all?
Of course, America is a good boy that dindu nuffin.
In the early 2000s Bush was eager to adopt some tariffs in foreign steel in order to, lets say, "Make American Steel Great Again". Do you know what happened next? The EU retaliated with their own tariffs that would affect key states for the republican party, making them loose their next elections.

The USA retired their tariffs proposition immediatly. What would have happened without the EU? (Pic related)

No, not really.

>The EUs obligation is to get the best deal for its own citizens,, why are you so entitled that you belive that a, now foreign, group should care about your country, at all?
If that is what it is doing, then why is it about to throw 3 million of them under the bus by refusing to put forward a deal which includes EU citizens having their rights protected in the UK. They don't want a deal, they want a crucifixion and for example the tens of thousands of Spaniards living and working in the UK, are just pawns in their game.

>Bush was eager to adopt some tariffs in foreign steel in order to, lets say, "Make American Steel Great Again"

Protectionist Import tariffs are not acts of aggression, that's nonsense. Canada has a 250% tariff on imports of US milk for the exact same reason and it doesn't have an EU like organization to protect it.

Most European countries have a very favourable attitude towards America. The only notable exception is Germany.

Germany hates everyone.

France, Germany and Spain are the big three anti-American countries in the EU.

I'm not a big fan of YouGov, I would trust Pew polls first.

not true. I like america

fuck taxes

tell me one seriously bad thing about the EU without spouting memes, mentioning facts

Free movement of people between member states.


Can't be serious there.

Try using empathy for once in your life.

I'm opposed to it on principle, something that's possible when you aren't a robotic bleep boop

Low IQ=/= bad education

>the tens of thousands of Spaniards living and working in the UK, are just pawns in their game.
Great, so now you are going to play the demagogue and start going for "dem feels".
First of all, I believe that it's stupid to talk about a negotiation that has barely started because it's obvious that as time passes it will change, but even then this is a reciprocal action, the EU is taking hostage UK citizens as the UKs government is taking hostage EU citizens, we will have to wait and see what happens (because there is no way that this will go unresolved)
>Protectionist Import tariffs are not acts of aggression
They are when they are targeted to increase your countries output at the cost of others, thats why the EU, and some other countries like Japan, retaliated.

>there wasn't even free movement between the UK and the rest of the UK
And what is bad about it?
Even, if you now come with "muh refugees". We have them all here.

*the rest of the EU