Why would supposedly logical characters have such ridiculously fake implants?

Why would supposedly logical characters have such ridiculously fake implants?

>mfw Jeri Ryan made Obama become president

Who knows, but you should post more.

Breast implants are such a kink for me. What are some Sup Forums characters (characters, not actresses) that canonically have them?

And, honestly, it wouldn't make sense for Seven in-universe, but there's nothing innately illogical about breast implants. Vulcans clearly have some sense of aesthetics, even if they don't let their emotions rule them, so there's nothing illogical about desiring to be more appealing to those aesthetics. Like they don't impede her ability to function.

Catsuits were a mistake. They both look so much better in uniform.

wouldn't it be logical to get implants as woman to increase your likelihood of attracting a mate, but maybe thats irrelevant to a borg/vulcan.

It is illogical to press your mammary glands down, it is uncomfortable. They should be lifted high and proudly, because it is logical for men to walk around with erections all day. It motivates us.

Jeri Ryan's tits are natty though.



Post more you cucks.

What's that time travel theory where traveling back in time to change something will just use some other event to keep it back to normal.
Maybe the democrats were pushing him from the start.
They could have just filled the next seat that opened.

>you'll never force fuck Jeri Ryan on a nightclub floor

I know what you mean

Kira looks great in that Federation uniform.
The others are ok too, except T'Pol.


well sevens full of all kinds of implants and tpols not human so whos to say what the limits of natural vulcan tits are

Seven of Nines only implants were Borg implants. That was just a padded bra

Hard to get good screen caps of her.

You can't even tell if they're real or not through their clothes and all the padding.

Officially her job on the borg cube was known as a milker, she was genetically enhanced to grow big fat titties to produce milk for the borg babies.
Since the borg stopped doing this and instead just assimilated people, her DNA was reverted to save on food consumption.

I can.

jeri ryan's tits are not that big though it is mostly padding

They're meaty enough.

Shes gone on the record with this multiple times.

Who knows, he lived and worked in the Chicago area so it might have been harder to get him in somewhere else

Yep, those are fake.

My girlfriend disagrees but she doesn't accept that any tits can be fake.

Does it ever freak anyone out Jeri Ryan is directly responsible for the Obama administration?

Mah nigga. Why Seven never got a uniform and a provisional rank like the Maquis crew did is beyond me.

T'Pol shouldn't be in command gold, though.

theres probably thousands of people who are "responsible" so no its just a kind of unexpected trivial fact

thats from the alternate timeline where she became captain though

You say that like she actively conspired to make him president, when she just wanted to be an actress and get away from her pervert husband.
She couldn't know about who would replace him or that that guy would run for president and actually win all of which happened several years after getting divorced.

If this actually was a conspiracy, then the responsible people would be Brannon Braga since he was the producer and ultimately signed her contract.

Also these Starfleet-modified catsuits were fucking retarded and whoever came up with them should be slapped.

did ds9 ever have this kind of shit

In season 4 Major Kira started wearing a stupid catsuit with integrated heels instead of the standard Bajoran Militia command uniform, for no reason. Background Bajoran Militia characters continued wearing the old uniform, so it can't be explained away as a "uniform change".

No, The Starfleet folks wore starfleet uniforms, and the Bajorian Militia (Kira, Odo) wore bajorian uniforms.

Unfortunately, yes.

Kira starts off with a professional-looking uniform, but later in the series she gets put in some sleek, streamlined disaster.

I wouldn't mind it if it was when she got bumped up to Colonel, but the uniform change happened before that.

Kinda liked that the ds9 uniforms where more...standard.

She did look good in a starfleet uniform.

I liked the original uniform better. Think it suited her more as it made her look more...figured.

They're actually both natural.

Bajoran uniforms are fucking garbage. Red and grey produce a sort of orange that should be banned.

The one on the right is objectively superior. Not for the form of it but for the coloration. The original uni is ugly as fuck.

Friendly reminder that Jeri Ryan is the reason Obama is President.

I forgot the explanation for that. Other than that she didn't want to suck cocks at strip clubs or something.


Okay, /trek/:

Many of you still don’t understand the connection between the multimedia entertainment franchise Star Trek and the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama, so I’m going to summarize them for anyone who’s curious.

>Jeri Ryan (née Zimmerman) marries rich weirdo Jack Ryan
>he just so happens to be a degenerate sexual pervert
>he tries to trick her into going with him to BDSM clubs
>she loses all romantic and sexual interest in her husband
>Brannon Braga wants to castingcouch her, so he hires her for Voyager
>she begins cheating on her husband with Brannon Braga
>she gets divorced from her estranged husband
>she and her husband ask the court to seal the records
>the judge agrees and the divorce records are sealed
>years pass, Voyager is a failure, life goes on
>her ex-husband runs for a US Senate seat in Illinois
>she and her ex-husband try to keep the records sealed
>a new judge overrules them and opens up the records
>the Illinois public learns that her ex is a degenerate sexual pervert
>her ex-husband quickly withdraws from the race
>her ex-husband’s Republican replacement loses in a landslide
>her ex-husband’s Democrat opponent wins in a landslide
>prior to the election, as a reward for an expected landslide victory, the Democrat is invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention
>after giving the keynote address at the DNC, that rising political star becomes a household name for being young, hip, well-spoken and sexy
>that senator’s name?

Put this in your screencap and smoke it.

Nicely said.

I would fuck neela so hard if someone pulled me out it would create a stable wormhole.

You mean you would berry rodd en her ass so hard...

7 of 9's boobs are mammory storage.

these outfits ugh

Enterprise started /fa/ but then forgot how to be /fa/.