Is Nancy a Stacy?

Is Nancy a Stacy?

Seriously what the fuck is her problem?

No. Nancy is a Velma acting like a Stacy to get with the cool kids.

are you autistic? why are you asking questions like this

She wants Chad Harrington while not realizing that Jonathan is 1000% better for her.

Shes literally a modern day Julie Richman. Popular by proxy but doesnt really care about it and is just a nice girl.

Deep down we know who she truly is.

No, she's a skeleton.

More of a Buffy, really.

/r9k/ rotted his brain

tbqhonest Steve did do anything wrong. the only shitty thing he didn was break Jonathans camera, and Jonathan had that one coming. Tommy and Carol are the real Chad and Stacy.

That girl looks really sick

Wtf is wrong with her jaw?

Yup. He was doing what Nancy was doing.

i'd suck her toes

jeez she looks like a IRL Tim Burton character

nancy was the most interesting of the teenage characters.

>inb4 cuckathan

I have no idea. Absolutely every kid was sorely undercooked in this shitshow.

Hey man.
Kids were fine. Especially Millie. That girl was basically an over-night success. Her career is set.

She looks better in more recent pics.

Christ I fucking loath this twat. Her, mike and the niglet almost ruined the show for me I hate them so much. Honestly considered dropping the show since several if the main characters actually made me angry to watch. Lewis was by far the worst. What the FUCK was his problem. Everyone else I liked

There was absolutely nothing interesting about her. Steve and Jonathan were superior in every way and way more likeable.

I have a feeling Millie is gonna grow to be tall as fuck

Being a weeb and being better are two very different things


Jonathan deserves better than that used goods slut.

if anime existed in the 80's (it didnt i checked) he would have totally been a weeb

She's gonna grow something to be tall as fuck that's for sure if you know what I mean...

no you stop this faggotry right now

Fuck off

>Nancy heard Barbara scream but ignored it because she wanted to get fucked

While Nancy was bleeding on Steve's bed, Barbara was choking on monster slugs. Hell she probably gave birth to another monster.

her soles have been exposed


this is a shop you idiots

there is only skin stretched over it, there is no subcutaneous fat to round it out thanks to her ultra low bf %

thats an official picture thats been heavily shooped and airbrushed


no its the original
the shop is obvious to tell because the letters around her arms are warped
these are not warped they are normal

Bullshit. That's just a very unhealthy girl.

when will they learn

look at the perfect unblemished waxy sheen the skin of all the people in that picture have
thats not normal

That's true.

flat is justice

What is a Stacy? Is that like and Ashley, or is it more like a Mary Sue? I'd lean slightly toward the latter, because it makes no sense to me that a girl who made me fear for her own physical wellbeing when she swung a baseball bat should also have ridiculously perfect aim the first time she ever picked up a fucking gun.

stop posting that little freak

yes cause id do her mom


why even waste money on bras at that point

our patriarchal society forces her to buy and wear them

why do you even bother, you cuck?



How hairy do you think her pussy is?

They should've put any focus at all on the blues. They showed up 2 times and ehen they did they weren't edgy. Don't see the point of them. Could've just had Frogface slip off a cliff if you wanted to show off Elevens spooky levitation powers

*on the bullies

Not blues

Nah that always happens with girls, they're taller then they reach like 13 and guys get taller

Who /footfag/ here?

nah he helped out his bro with the grafitti, also really it was on his behalf because his friends didn't have beef with her, just were jumping on the opportunity to have a go. Yeah he apologised for it and made amends, but it's still something he did wrong

Kill yourself pedo fuck

I said foot, not pussy.

you crazy ass bitch

Mike Wheeler >>>>Mama Wheeler>>Little Holly>>Dad Wheeler>>Nancy Wheeler

Nancy is a shitty character and the actress is ugly. I really hope the rumors are true and she won't be in season 2

I just noticed he'd make a good live action Light Yagami


stay away from kids you piece of shit.

loved her in Army of Darkness, crazy how she doesn't seem to age

Nice b8, m9

If I say yes will you follow through? Yes.

Why is Will such a manlet

Will looks more like a girl than 11 does

>I wonder if Chad likes me
>Oh my god have a drink everyone else is!
>Jon is so gross I hope he doesn't come near me


>implying skinny girls aren't superior
Tall skinny girls are best, after that it's skinny normal sized girls, then tall girls of all shapes, then skinny short girls.

>if anime existed in the 80's (it didnt i checked)

can't tell if bait, confused, send help

a guy tried to sell me his vintage pez dispenser for 100 dollars at a yard sale once.

Kill yourself pedo

Probably just trying to scam a quick buck. What a dumbass.

Love you bb

you have poor taste user, i'm sorry

at least you have a show with a lead meeting your standards now, though

>All smiles

fuckin kek



He is 11

Just like ELEVEN


As it happens, Natalia Dyer is apparently dating Charlie Heaton.

They hurt the monster a little bit... yeah that's about it

she looks like Sean Penn

Is Sheila a Cindy?

Get eleven out of that house before she starts emulating that frail becky.

>tfw all these kids are more fashionable than you are


Finn kino when

she's so fucking disgusting
this should could easily go from 5/10 to 8/10 just by replacing her with a random extra in the background.

i can help, user. what would you like to change?