Make white babies great again

Fight islam with WOMBS, not WORDS. If you are not making white babies with your partner, YOU are part of the problem. If any white woman see this thread, realize you have the power to save our race. One womb can create almost 10 people, if white woman and men want to save their race they must greed like the muslims. Seriously ladies, having kids is great, why avoid having them?

Other urls found in this thread:


Minimum 2 kids, recommended 3 kids.

>Now if you just say the words, 'Loopy loop, want a boob', you'll be visited by an Asian female

My girlfriend is pregnant. Just found out yesterday. Happy because I'm not a poor and shes a great girl.

What are Sup Forums approved baby names?

In the UK there are now no school places for white kids and it costs tens of thousands to bring up a child.
Nobody has the money.


I have jp gf. Does that count?



Fredrick (don't shorthand to Fred)

Catholics are the greatest force in society advocating large families, forbidding contraception, abortion, pornography, sodomy.

Jews are the greatest force in society advocating small families (particularly whites), promoting contraception, abortion, pornography, sodomy.

Why aren't you Catholic, Sup Forums?

When you have a rat infestation you don't try to outbreed the rats, you call the exterminator.


I'm half Jewish and autistic. I can't make white babies

3 Seems to be good. That's where many of the white families seem to have done recently. Both of my parents families had over 5 children. My parents had 3. 3 Is hard to provide for in many parts of the country without living like shit.

I'd say in the US the Amish are doing the best job at this.

The anti technology stance is one of the only ways to actually prevent degeneracy. The Internet is a genocidal weapon against tradition

They also don't really participate in society like we'd need them to, to have a great effect.

Your sons will just grow up to be women, what's the point?

They'll be the ones to rebuild when society collapses though.

There's also the Mormons but they love Jews and Israrl

Yes. Nipons are Honorary Aryans.


>make white babies
>picture of mongoloid woman

weeb logic

Wise words. I kill at least 1 chinese a year. Now only the children left in my town in orphanage.

> Why did you choose to have such a big family user?

> "A leaf on a Mongolian pottery forum told me I should have 10 kids mate"


More like Leaf (or should I say reef) logic

Oh hey I can make a dude weed lmao joke with that too.


That's a dude, isn't it?

>savages breed like rabbits
>we must beat them at their own game!

How about stop supporting them and not let them on your land, what do I give a shit if Syria or some other shitfuckistan surpasses India in population density, let them deal with it.

>making babies with white trash females
>working all life to substain little shitheads

You are a KEK


Wotan / Heinrich / Karl


Have you seen the Japanese countryside?
There are almost no more young people left.
It's all very, very old men and women, forced to depend upon one another in a shrinking community.

Unless you want that kind of future, have at least 3

The pope is a cuck

or you implement a natural predator (Zyklon B)

So you need Muslim values to save Western society... how quaint

Right now? Chris top name
both Thor and Cap are Chrises, so is that dude from GoG Star Boss or whatever.

Poland already has too many people to my liking. It's next to impossible to find a quiet spot innawoods without bumping into fenced off private property or other people looking for a quiet spot innawoods. There are shopping malls and parking lots popping up in what used to be cozy little towns and villages. Our population could be cut by a third or more and it would only do us good in the long run.

I would make a irresponsible parent becuase I am generally inattentive, easily distracted and lazy. So no


From muslim values that is

You folks are still in the EU right?
Then immigrate, cross the border and repopulate Europe with slavs (Germany, France etc.).

Hell, if you have so many people, then come over to Asia. I don't mind a pole or two.

But Hasidic Jews are outbreeding the small-family Reform Jews who are going extinct


Milo (but only if your baby comes out a faggot, so you better check)

It's quite hard to figure names for foreign nationalities, but I think those sound quite good

Having children is reckless if they're just going to be indoctrinated to fight against the West. You're just pumping out more slaves for a Jewish global empire.

Change the rulers and rules, then have kids.

Or maybe you want to risk having daughters bringing home Tyrone and getting blacked while you listen, and your white cuck son giggles filming it on his phone to upload to pornhub for his interracial channel.

Jalaluddin Mohammed Jihadi

>One womb can create almost 10 people

>have 2 kids
>blond hair, blue eyes

Get your shit together everyone else.

Western Europe is even more crowded.

>2 kids
>0.1 lower than replacement rate

Basically a race traitor

Xavier and Ophelia

Did you miss the part where they are being imported into our countries?

Not mine :^)

How hard can it be to do a bit of homeschooling with your child? Anyone who blindly throws their kids off to state schools, without any counter-balance at home, is asking for trouble.

I know, but that's why we need to worry about breeding.

What's your heritage, or you wives heritage? It's good to choose a name that reflects it

They are also incapable of affecting society



If it is a girl,

If male,

3 kids here blonde haired and blue eyed. Hoping for more

Well, 4 month ago wife have born white female baby. Given she name Margaret,

The Japanese are honorary whites Hitler liked them

Chad, Fredrick, Nicholas, Thomas, Alexander, and Tristan.

Good taste friends

Italians also was honorary whites

School isn't the problem. The problem is that you have to completely isolate your children to a degree that is no longer possible.

Indoctrination funnels today aside from school:

- TV
- Smartphones / Computers
- Other indoctrinated kids, which is most kids, who will suck your children into their cuckfuck videogames by BI-Oh-ware or whoever

You'd have to literally lock some kid in their room with only books written from before a decade ago, living out on some farm or something, and trying to keep up some reality distortion field so they never find out technology exists.

The problem isn't smartphones, or PC's, or even their potential friends; nor are women the problem as MGTOW and MRA's foolishly deduce. It's just the simple reality that most people don't think critically, and don't do what is in their best interests, and are typically herd animals who will look to play it safe.

And for those reasons, the only option is to either run the game, or get run over by the game.

The odds of having a daughter that sounds like Evalion and is completely averse to nigger cock today are very low. Most women are allured to the forbidden, and only stay away from it when genuine fear keeps them in check (as religion did).

And as for boys; why on earth would you want to bring a white male into this world, knowing that within the current system, they are parallel in social rank to niggers on plantations in colonial America? They are literally the last-place pick in every area of life, due to active discrimination. When you go for that job interview, and the HR cunt with a degree in fucking-stupid-bitch-with-debtology asks you how you feel about diversity, what the fuck does that have to do with the job?

It has nothing to do with the job. It has to do with who rules this country wanting you to pass the compliance test, and speak the words from your mouth: you need to carry the trash of the world, as their slave.

>before a decade ago

Before a century ago, I meant. Anything pre Wuthering Heights.

My kids shall not grow up among inbred savages.

If and when i start multiplying it will not be in the western world.

You are doomed. Your kids are getting brainwashed into seeing analfabetic pissniggers and inbred goatfarmers as the saviours of our society.

Let the western world crumble. Let it go under by Fire and ice.

Fuck all of yall. Fucking faggots

>I don't mind letting you have refuge here but I want your women in exchange,

Got to prep the bull, you know

and give up my sports car and bike hell no

Bronco? gtfo

Yes because a negative population growth rate isn't why we're importing people in the first rate.

It's almost like when white destructive tendencies can't br turned outward turn inward and cause society to collapse on itself

>had the chance to get 3 white bitches pregnant
>pussied out each time
i was like 18 and 19 the first two times. i'm sorry guys, i fucked up with the last bitch but she was a whore anyway.

i'm seeing a greek bitch atm, are greeks white?

Greeks are basically Turks

Handsome, healthy, 6' white male, IQ 133


Should I be allowed to propagate?



Congratulations! Choose something strong like Alexander, or named after a powerful being like Michael or Gabriel? Girls names like Elizabeth, Victoria, any variation of Joan of Arc's name, or some beautiful ancient Greek name.

Boy names:

Girl names:


Yes, we have medicine nowadays

>Be a Nigger: The Thread
No, thanks.

But then you're not acting white.

No. End welfare and nature will take its course.

Welfare removes the evolutionary advantage of acting the way whites generally already do.

That funny... Schizophrenia is usually associated with low IQ and physical deformity

You sure about that diagnosis?

It's always been my dream to have a huge brood of children.

However I done fucked up on the "finding a husband" part because my hippie scum parents let me sleep around as a damaged teenager.

Now I'm just another single mom, no one decent will want me and I can't blame them.


High IQ is K-selected.

If you have more than 2 kids, you are literally a nigger.

I don't want to be tied to a wife and kids before I'm 30 mate.

Godfrey, Albert, Frederick, William, George, Rodger, Christopher, Louis, Henry

Loopy loop, wand a boob

Loopy loop, want a boob

>Hello, Pajeet

Are you suggesting that a person with a high IQ who chooses to have many children will see a drop in their IQ? Or that the more children you have the lower their IQ will be? You are getting the direction of causation backwards.

I spelled it wrong, fug off. And I'd take pretty much any non muslim non black non hispanic non indian girl at this point ;_;


>tfw no nazi-chan qt to make babies with


based austria bro