Just saw this with my girlfriend
Did I enjoy it?
Just saw this with my girlfriend
Did I enjoy it?
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No you didn't because your girlfriend wouldn't get off the phone with her friend Lamar.
I don't know, why don't you ask your girlfriend's son?
what girlfriend?
You did not watch Labyrinth. You spent 40 minutes crying, thinking about that time in middle school where you weren't invited to that slumber party.
Probably. You might've enjoyed it better if you weren't watching it from inside the closet while your girlfriend fuck Jamal in front of the TV.
Why are these names so similar? I feel like there's some deeper meaning here.
Iono. Try asking Darnell after he's finished with your wife.
Does anyone have smut fic/sfm porn involving Helping Hands and Sarah?
Why didn't David Bowie just kill her
He wanted to fuck her
Didn't you watch it?
I've seen this movie like 20 times. My first orgasm was to David Bowie and I've read enough Labyrinth fanfiction to fill a small library
I just feel empty inside
cause he wanted to fuck her or something
I am trying to figure out why he would consider killing her at all?
>You remind me of the Bane
>What Bane?
>The Bane with the plan
>What plan?
>The big plan for you
>For who?
>For you!
>For what?
I saw some big guys
working for the masketta man
what could i do
i filed a flight plan
but there was a big guy for you!
nobody knew!
if hired guns fly after you shoot
"doesn't matter who i am"
"what matters is my plan"
Then the big guy said...
Crash-ing this plane (crashing this plane)
Crash-ing this plane (crashng this planeee)
put that big guys spell on meee
(synth part)
CIA and bane (CIA and bane)
CIA and bane (C-I-A and baaane)
you're making this plane crash?
"no one cared til i put on the mask!"
He was just a character in the story, like her. Everything that happened in the movie, every scene, is taken from an item in her bedroom. In fact if the ending didn't happen, you could make the argument that it was a dream
Is young Jennifer Connelly the perfect body?
>Did I enjoy it?
I don't know OP why dont you tell us and stop being retarded?
You can't contain Bowie's package in this movie
But he gets all of his opinions from Sup Forums so he can feel patrician
There's only one scene in Labyrinth that bothers me, and even as a kid it did. It's the scene with the Fireys and how bad the bluescreen effect is.
why would you watch this with your gf? BLACKED.com provides all the necessary fun a healthy couple needs for viewing material
>tfw that's one of my favorite scenes and everyone else hates it.
I really like the song :^(
I like the song too, but the scene itself is visually offputting
the only thing that bothered me was bowies crotch. it was always right there. its grown on me though.
i watched this with my little sister and the whole time shes just like "he needs more pants"
He wants you to see it, to gaze upon its majesty.
why are young guys always half a fag these days?
I bet her pussy smelled like lilies.
Bowie would've known