Sup Forums, If you had to pull that trigger to save a life and take away another

Sup Forums, If you had to pull that trigger to save a life and take away another

Could you do it?

Depends on who I'm saving and who I'm killing

I would pull the trigger to save my own wallet even if it was empty. I may not be libertarian but never violate the NAP

There needs to be a lot more context before I make that decision


No. Killing is wrong. I won't have that on my conscience.

Sure, as long as it was a human life I was taking. It would be harder if it was an animal. In that case, I'd have to know and like the person it was attacking.

Yes, of course.

I've done it many times, so yeah.

Of fucking course. When you decide to carry, you have already made that decision. Sheepdog here.

Did and was worthed. Shot a 15 year old kid that kept threatening a little kid in the neighborhood. Found him drunk and ready to I shot him in self defense...the police don't know but I could've just run for it and be safe.. there was no need to do it but that kid was worth saving

I'm hoping that dead kid was nigger.

ya and then id shoot the witness

If you're referring to Machiavelli's, does the end justify the means, that is a question that is deeply different for everyone

Oh user, you're soooo baaaaaad.

Don't cut yourself on that edge

*adjusts fedora*

I never *pull* any triggers

More info is needed. Whose life would I be saving? Why does the other need to be taken?

that trigger is attached to an airsoft pellet gun
you're not killing anyone with it


Yes for money
Yes for feels
No if i have to an hero

Sure I could. I see people die all the time (medicfag) and carry off duty. Your average mugger/robber has decided that your pocket contents are worth more than your life. You just need to ask, are you worth more than they are?

If you believe you are worth more than someone who values life less than keys/phone/wallet, draw your weapon and make it home.

>Whose life would I be saving?
your own
>Why does the other need to be taken?
the guy whose 5yo daughter you are fucking

Hell yeah I would
I'm just waiting for an excuse tbh

>Me, an intellectual

Join the Marines then fucking soft twink.
They well encourage you to shoot people.

>sand niggers

Well come on now. PC and all that.

When I was taught to shoot, the guy teaching me told me to point it at him, with my finger on the trigger. It was crazy, my heart was racing.

It was then I knew, if I had to, I could do it.

Holy shit you had a bad teacher. Or one who wanted to die.

>Son, I have taught you all you need to know about this shitty world. I just have one test for you. Point this gun at me and pull the trigger.

Fuck yeah I would!

Been there, done that. No big deal. Sucks a bit for a few days, then I got over it. I won, he lost, fuck him and his shit.

This guys got it right... i.e. Shooting nigs ain't wrong.

On another different scenario. If am being extorted to take a life for whatever other reason I would go down in flames, shooting and screaming like the sperglord I am.

Give it a nice sensual squeeze

To protect everyone I care about, that fucker wouldn't have a second to say his final prayers.

>from middle east
bitch, ive seen dead people everywhere. im fine with it

Ez pz

Depends. Can I take my own life?

I did and while I still think about it I don't doubt that I made the right call.

Depends on which life contributes to society more on a daily basis. Who is more productive and creative, I would save their life over the other.
>pic somewhat related

if its op, sure as fuck could.

Have done it, would again if necessary.

You're killing your mom, but you're saving your anime pillow

I went to Iraq twice. I want no more shooting in my life.

You had me at 'pull that trigger'

Any man who would not draw blood, or lay down his own life, for his waifu is no man.

Nigga I would pull that trigger on a life to save nothing but my own insanity. LOLOLOL fucking n00b pwned noob lol. Shut up or step up, pussyfag hahahahal l0l noob.

>Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep.

save a what now