



kek cute

















i'm at soup



what do you mean you're at soup?!




i'm at the soup store



what are you doing at the soup store?!











buying clothes

tiggs boson




FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

that's a great skit

it always make me laugh

me too


so what's crackalakin?

same old, hanging out before i go to bed
which will probably be soon

how was your day?
I am doing the same, but I am watching The Magnificent Seven.

it was pretty uneventful, stayed home and lurked about on the internet
i don't know if i've heard of that

I kind of did the same too. But I played games almost all day. Did some gardening too. It's a western that came out like last year. I think it was a big hit in the box office.

i've been burned out on games for the past few days, grinding PUBG and Paragon a lot
ended up getting a neat costly item from PUBG though, so it was worth it
gardening is nice

do you mean the hateful eight?

Hi guys

what is PUBG?
and no it's not that one.


playeruknown's battlegrounds

oh, then i definitely didn't hear about it, i'm not surprised though since i don't pay attention to movies and stuff like that really


ohhhh! Hateful Eight is a favorite of mine

it's a neat game

i agree, it's a good movie

Why not call it battlegrounds?


ask brendan greene


I never played or seen gameplay though.

why not have both?

Is this girl too young to be camming? cam-x.com


it's blown the fuck up in popularity since it got into early access in march, this morning it had 804k active players at one time

holly poopy butts that a lot.
Yeah I've seen lots of talk about it and articles online, but just never read them lol

I don't know. I think playerunknown's battlegrounds is a silly name and battlegrounds sounds better than pubg

yeah it is indeed a lot
if it doesn't interest you, nothings forcing you to get into it

why not call it trash

I wasn't serious about CoD by the way.
You should play warface.

Sounds gay

why is it called player unknown?

I don't have a PC for it anyway. I think they are talking about putting it on console? or is it already?
and I don't play online games much if at all anymore. It got boring and I get too mad easily at it.

I think it's the devs online handle.

brendan greene, the guy that leads the dev team's handle is playerunknown

i think it's going to be an xbox exclusive launch last i checked, might go to ps4 later
you would get mad at this game then

I like gay

you like sheep too but im not into it

pu is a massive faggot as well

I don't like sheep. They look dopey, like you.

You love me though


I stopped loving you when I realized I'm not your type. I'm no 9s.

>tfw not qt shota android from future
why even live?

Sex bots are on the way. Hang in there.

big pro in poe yet?

also brb gonna shower, done walking


I don't even have steam installed.


that's ok if it is xbox only. I have plenty of games in my queue right now.


Yes, hello, Katten.

i don't think you need Steam for PoE, it has a standalone client

look it up first, wouldn't want to get a game you won't enjoy, right?

i'm going to bed, goodnight all

I forgot to send you dirt

sweet dreams

God dammit!

I have PoE on steam but PC got rekt.

my poor squash have been having a hard time and I have to focus all my attention on that

Give me squash dirt.

Yeah both of you play it