Anyone want to see her boobies?

Anyone want to see her boobies?


i mean ok

Nah. I'm good.

nah, I'm good

Probably disappointing.

not enouigh to beg for it.

Should've asked whether we want to see her feminine penis.

No thanks.


I do for the record, she looks like a girl I knew in high school.

I think we both know who the fag is.

Yes, the guy who doesn't like all things feminine.

Penises are not feminine, no matter how deluded you are. They belong to the male of their respective species.
If you have a penis, and you enjoy seeing someone else's penis, you're a faggot 'Arry.


Eh, I wouldn't mind.

feminine is an adjective, not a word describing exclusively female things

And words get used wrong all the time, faggot.

>used wrong
having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness

I see nothing wrong here you homophobic piece of shit.

It's not homophobia - homos prefer seeing their own gender, not freaks who want to believe they are another sex.
You gotta dick, you're a dude. End of story.

Used incorrectly*

Fucking fascist

No. If you have a dick, your sex is male, but your gender can be either.