Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is the best film in the franchise?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this is the best film in the franchise?

Star Wars was never good and this was decent

The third best.

No memeing? It's third. 5>4>7>6>3>1>2

This was my first Star Wars movie and it was fucking boring. The only cool parts whas when Kylo Ren wasnt being a little bitch and actually got shit done. Acting was awful too, special effects sucked ass, and all the girls where fucking ugly. Also that guy from Back to the Future that appears at the end looked like a fucking pervert. Star Trek remakes are waaay better than this overhyped piece of shit

4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > who cares

This was the best film in the franchise for people that never like Star Wars. I'm sure Star Trek was the best film in it's franchise for people that never like Star Trek. It's an easy-to-consume movie for plebs who never understood the appeal in the first place.

>his next post will be about how awesome the shitty prequels were

virtually everyone I've talked to about star trek likes Wrath of Khan the best.

Undiscovered Country and Voyage Home tend to rate highly as well.

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Star Wars™ is dead?

Bait or die.

Adam Driver was amazing. Such a shame this movie was badly edited and the pace was too fast

its the worst



Quit watching after Finn went "DROID, PLEASE" calling BB8 a nigga, just as everyone was comedically running around the Millennium Falcon to avoid funny rolling monsters.

Jar-Jar shit, truly. Garbage movie.

The thing is, Star Wars has never been the great profound sci-fi epic that nostalgiafags say it is. It has always been a simple family adventure flick.

The new movie was pretty good for a simple family adventure flick, about as good as IV.

That's the thing it was a simple space adventure but they had to make it full retard to appeal to millennials. It was garbage. I'm sorry you can't see it.

It's the worst star wars ever made, even phantom menace was better.



V >= IV > VII > VI > III >= I > II

The objectively correct, non-contrarian ranking

VII>VI is contrarian to the max

Ewoks my man.

VI had ewoks and leia and han's scenes on Yavin's moon with them were all filler

It was generic and boring, and riddled with tons of Rey Sue bullshit that made even Luke from the original trilogy look scaled back and down to earth.

It was a movie clearly made for people that didn't watch the originals. Not least of which because it was a blatant fucking copy of ANH. Also Finn and Poe were the only interesting characters and they were relegated to comedic relief. They should have made the ex-stormtrooper the force-user instead of some random sand bitch literally just along for the ride.

It's nothing. Not good, not bad. They went the ultra safe route and didn't take any risks. The movie is just jokes and quotes from the OT. It has no real story or development of the characters.

I really didn't like TFA but this is straight bullshit user. The only remotely entertaining part of phantom menace was the light saber fight at the end. The rest was so god damn boring and stupid.

ewoks are more interesting than anything and everything in tfa

the first 30 min at jabbas palace and the climax are goat star wars and nothing in tfa comes close. tfa is shittier than rotj could ever dream to be

This. It was the worst thing possible: Mediocre and safe as fuck. If it had any other title than 'star wars', no one would give a shit about it, let alone talk about it now.

>ewoks are more interesting than anything and everything in tfa
opinion immediately discarded, didn't bother reading the rest

try forming an opinion yourself without being a contrarian fuck


No, the prequels sucked too, but at least they tried something different.

>the irony
you try forming an opinion rotj has goat star wars moments that tfa cant touch

He's not wrong though. JewJew Abrams is a hack. Literally all he did was copy A New Hope and throw in some marvel-dialogue. He's such a massive fucking pussy that he took the absolute safest route possible with TFA, making it boring as fuck just so he wouldn't have to risk taking any flak from a potential misstep that could get him hassled by nostalgia-faggots.