I've stopped having sex with my live in girlfriend because I no longer feel attracted to her...

I've stopped having sex with my live in girlfriend because I no longer feel attracted to her. I still care a lot about her though, and I don't have the heart to ask her to break up and move out. Plus she will have a really hard time affording rent if she moves out. God damn it. What do I do Sup Forums?








Life is brutal just tell truth its easier then lying to her or yourself


Is there any way to make it less brutal....?


Both start a strict exorcise and diet regiment , ul like her when she's in great shape. That or do what u talked about. Kick her out....


I have a good diet and exercise regularly, she almost never exercises and eats junk all the time. She isn't fat or anything, but she's not in very good shape either. But I just find myself less interested in her in generally, not only physically.


I'm sick of bugging her to exercise and eat better, she obviously doesn't really want to.




Sounds like your relationship has run its course. If you dont fancy her anymore then that'd it really. She's just become a friend. These things happen. I only know as it happened to me.
Without sex you're just two people hanging out. Not a couple. And at some point you will start to miss sex and start looking for it and that's where itll really hurt you both.

It won't get better with time, you are just wasting your time (even worse, while you are young). Help her get some place to stay, then bring the break up news, just in case

I ended a dead end relationship too. It's hard when someone's into u and ur not too much into them. You gotta realize while ur together your wasting one another's time. Don't be selfish and let her go find someone who will love her and grow w her. It's like ripping a bandaid off, shock and pain at first but then you heal .