Good art thread

Good art thread.














>100 years
>nothings changed


Yea they still even dress the same.







whats this called again
le refuree?
le rofugee?
le refugee??

>meanwhile, in swizerland









>Busty Teen Gets Pounded by BBC

el greco?

I love this one.

love these threads

makes you think that niggers, leftards and feminazis want to destroy them

if you send a text to 57251 requesting some art type (e.g. "send me Warhol"), you'll get a random image related to your request.

I read about this a few months ago. the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art provides this service free of charge. it's pretty cool.



love it

The Procuress




True, but don't they try to destroy everything?

The irritating gentleman actually being the painter, who won't leave the girl alone. The man with the cigar is actually trying to calm her down.


Yeah he probably stared at her for hours.
I fucking hate painters.



why post a fucking thumbnail?

Islam isn't that fragile, for two reasons.

1) The Kaaba has been ransacked and destroyed before. The Muslims just rebuilt it; it's a symbolic thing, the meaning of it is what's important, not what's physically inside of it. It's not a thermal exhaust port, the destruction of which will blow up the Death Star. Religions that are actually that fragile, don't last for 1,500 years.

2) Muslims are only required to go on the Hajj if both health and finances permit it - Muhammad didn't expect poor people to bankrupt themselves to go on the Hajj, or sick people to kill themselves in the attempt. If Mecca was destroyed and irradiated, every imam in the world would agree, and tell Muslims who ask them for guidance, that until the land is safe to enter once more, the Hajj is not required, since the health of the Muslims would be at extreme risk.

All destroying the Kaaba would do is piss off every single Muslim far beyond whatever they're feeling right now.

Even better than the picture is the story behind it.




hopefully Kim will do it soon

Context please? Would love to know what's going on

>makes you think that niggers, leftards and feminazis want to destroy them


its called
"The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum"

googled it... sad shit

family comes first, even in tyranny

>if you send a text to 57251 requesting some art type (e.g. "send me Warhol"), you'll get a random image related to your request.
>I read about this a few months ago. the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art provides this service free of charge. it's pretty cool.

this is cool

thanks user



You mean... '' La liberté guidant le peuple '' , '' Liberty Leading the People '' ?

1) >>>/islam/
2) doesn't that giant box of shit have a special magical meteorite in it or something?



please tell me this place is real



The good ones

>When you wanna fight for freedom, but the titties look good.

Also good

you are literally retarded

these guys all look like those gritty hired henchmen that fantasy supervillans always have working for them

Yes, the al-Ḥajaru al-Aswad (the Black Stone), but ultimately that is just a *thing*. If it were to disappear, Muslims would still journey to the Kaaba to perform the Hajj, as what matters is obeisance to God, not that there's a holy stone inside the Kaaba. The destruction of the Kaaba, or even of Mecca as a whole, is as meaningful to Islam as the destruction of the Vatican would be to Catholicism - it would suck, and a lot of people would get pissed off, but the religion would continue on just fine.

Again, Islam is not a fragile religion, and the precepts of the Hajj have built right into them the fact that a Muslim is not expected to undertake the Hajj if doing so would be manifestly unsafe for the would-be Hajji.

I love this book

Belshazzar’s Feast from John Martin

its babylon

Do they?



Best painting in this thread.
Congrats on your good taste

i drew something similar with crayons and spilled juice in the first grade

Five naked gays under sheet?

good reaction mine

Depending on how that user defines "niggers, leftards and feminazis" I might qualify, but I don't want to destroy good art. I don't even want to destroy Confederate statues, I just want them taken down and put into a museum.

That, or I want a giant gold statue of Benedict Arnold right outside of West Point. 100 feet tall, waving a Union Flag in one hand and clutching the severed head of George Washington in another.

It's part of our history.

DAE only photorealistic paintings are art?

stupid motherfuckers..its an harmless art thread. go pollute another thread with your political agenda.

Looks like Sam Hyde

no paintings are art, no stills actually. photography included


wrong this thread is about white supremacy

>stupid motherfuckers..its an harmless art thread. go pollute another thread with your political agenda.

I can't tell if they're trolls or really that socially unaware...probably both.

>not posting bezkinski

I like Trains and Anime

no music or movie is either btw

Is this supposed to be funny? I don't get it...the man with that funny helmet looked out of place.