Where were you when Trey Parker and Matt (((Stone))) openly acknowledged the JIDF?
South Park
why is this fedora shattering to you? jidf is not exactly a secret
Because Jews rarely rat on their own kind.
I cant remember where I was that long ago.
South Park has always ripped on jews having their fingers in every pie. Look at the episode with the Jewzemak aliens.
LITERALLY the only funny part of the whole epsiode
I don't think you know what JIDF is.
litterally me
>man goes out of his way to troll a bunch of school kids for lulz
how is shooping dicks into the mouths of mothers and calling young girls whores a form of jidf?
>88 on the clock in the background
what did they mean by this?
Matt Stone is not a Jew though
I'm surprised gerald was able to sign up. I thought you would need a school ID to create an account.
Also, why don't they just block his shit?
>tfw south park kids have been in elementary school for 20 years.
Best life
this would imply jews stand to gain from his trolling. explain what his end game is.
>why isn't a comedy cartoon realistic?
gee, I really wonder.
So, what is the new South Park episode actually about other than [insert current political event]?
memba when whites were the vast majority in america?
Nothing. It's literally all politics now.
memba when there was still enough racial and social cohesion that everyone said hello on the street and people would look to strangers as potential friends rather than potential ennemies?
-national anthem sitting
-trump not being prepared to be president and trying to find an exit plan
-female comedians
-internet bullying
-voters being voters
-film reboots placating the masses
-subtle BLM reference
did I miss anything?
south park following in family guy's footsteps, again
controlled opposition. people are so exposed to the "far-fetched" comedy of the jews being diabolical that they laugh it off as a conspiracy.
Unfortunately I don't remember 1890.
The same as all globalist.
The stir up dissidence and division among all groups, people of every race, colour and creed on this planet, break up the families, split the genders apart. When they've created chaos in societies and crushed the existing governments, then will they come in place to take control of the global superstate. It will be a very short time, fellow patriot, before the electric grids have been shut off and the water filtration plants shut down as they prepare to seize global tyranny. Why not stock up on storable foods and water filtration systems right now at the Infowars store? The earlier you prepare, the better!
yes, you missed
-cinton being a sad and lonely joke.
>J I
>D F
Flase flagging makes them look like victims that need to be protected.
However the dumber implication is that edgy 12 year olds aren't doing swastika graffitis.
>white hispanics
oh my fucking sides
go to bed seth, no one watches family guy anymore to even notice stuff like that
half mexican, half white is considered white?
It's hilarious how a satirical cartoon feeds the paranoia of edgy children and schizophrenics
Some Mexicans are white.
This is a truth.
Remember how the first half of season 19 they made fun of SJW and then they started being all "well actually they're really not bad..." but everyone still praised the shit out of it? Just a reminder since you guys are retards.
The point is that he's trying to get genders to fight one another, the same as races
Which is what Sup Forums has been saying all along (sadly, they seem to be right here)
It's just a big meme you dip
Yeah Louis CK sure looks like he has native mexican blood in him.
>you look part jewzemak
i thought it would be butters tbphf, cuz he was only in the first scene briefly..
I think it'll be that way
Or, it'll end up showing that he wants to represent people that start suing one another (he's false flagging them all); the typical Jew lawyer MEME is far more acceptable than the "nation destroying one"
its called sliding, retard.
Pepe will be featured in this season.
Screen cap this post.
Jews have been caught false flagging a lot of times in real life. Drawing swastikas vandalizing, etc
If one of your parents is a Jew then you are a Jew.
You're biologically half Jew
But by Jewish religious law if your mother is Jewish then you're a jew and can apply for citizenship in Israel
It'll be some bootleg version of Pepe.
Or they'll just have Cartman start a group to go after Kyle's dad that uses pictures of Clyde Frog as their logo
It's mums side.
But going by Israeli rules, you're a Jew even from father's side. Guess they didn't like the idea of women having a free pass to cuck Jew males.
They changed that mate. You can be Jew from your dads side. They don't go by what Rabbi Moshe says anymore.
>jews are a religion of cucks
it all makes sense now..
yeah but Jewish culture still places more importance on the maternal heritage
Jewish women having sex with a non jew doesn't count, because goys are not really human
So they can slut around all they want with their goy toys and still not break religious law
>So they can slut around all they want with their goy toys and still not break religious law
jews permit their women to cuck, it all makes sense now..
am i a kike if my great grandmother was a jewess?
I think so, if it was on your mothers side
Move to Isarel and live off American Taxpayers
Use your Jew Privileged (it's the highest out of them all) to piss on the SJW and rabid leftist stuff
>Have one black parent
>Be black
>Have one jew parent
>Be jew
>Have one black and one white parent
>Still be black
Explain this to me.
>Most Americans probably have potatonigger blood in them
Fuck off you pasty mongrels.
tfw already do this anyway when libs suggest whites dont know oppression and cant comment on non white problems
muh sixty million really is effective
Jew has a religious +cultural component to it that can survive despite looking like a nigger.
>pure skin mixed with a dark skin and now im a dark skin
it's called tainting a gene pool.
if you put milk in mud it's still mud
It's called dominant genes, user. You deserve to be bred out.
the only funny part was the female comedian jab
The continuous plot and cartman not being cartman ruined the show.
lol, yeah, have fun with everyone being a bunch of retarded niggers that can't even move past living in fucking shit huts for thousands upon thousands of years until civilization finally meet with you
>meet with you
whitey can't even speak english correctly n shit
Great post. Thanks for letting us know.
Divide and conquer. Very old strategy.
I'm actually Indian, mymainman.
So fucking predictable that Cartman wasn't the troll. God, why do I still watch this shite?
Did you know that the jews also funded the holocaust?
>Kofta Kebabs
Is this a reference to TYT?
Man I'd pay to BBQ with AJ
>hey guys, did you know the sky is blue?
this is what you sound like.
Shit you can goto Israel if 1 grandparents is a jew
my grandpas grandma was a jew but he isnt a jew so i cant get juicy JIDF passport and shekels and alll that
sucks that im a goy guys, i couldve been a human but we're just cattle :[(
>Washington DC
You stupid faggot.
JIDF is very real. A Israeli girl once told me how they had a voluntary classes on highschool doing JIDF with fake profiles on FB but no one wanted to do so so the teachers forced them.
my mate literally took an all expenses paid trip to Israel in uni, and the sole purpose of it was to tell people about Israel afterwards.
basically to shill Israel to counter Palestine sympathisers on campus.
And now tell me which modern nation that can afford this doesn't do the same thing.
Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, etc. Fuck if I had a chosen class to shill Norway in high school I'd have taken it just for a laff
Sounds legit.
All of them?
> he thinks Matt Stone wrote that scene
Matt Stone doesn't do anything except voice acting.
>controlled opposition rats out their own
That's literally their job, but to do it in such a way that the admission of guilt is discreditable. They show what a bunch of creeps their people are, but they do it in a children's show known for scatological humor. It's a textbook tactic. It does not disempower the jews; on the contrary, it makes them stronger, because now there is a double bind (self-hating jew) available in the cultural milieu that curious goyim can be driven into, anointed with logical paradoxes, and rendered ineffective.
why whats the endgame? i dont feel like thinking right now.
butthurts that black is dominant genes
1. Sympathy in the court of public appeals, which for whatever reason is huge currency in current victim idealization culture.
2. Pressure for governments to have a more active role in regulating the internet, the last bastion of total freedom.
Me too man, imagine drinking beers with his background forces while he prepares the steaks, laughing at literally everyone and come up with retarded shit that you would dare him to say on air.
That's because there's no Sup Forums who are Mel Gibsoning Norway or Denmark for everything
From what I know, Trey is the driving force of the team, but still you wouldn't necessarily expect Matt to go along with things that too obviously criticise his tribe. Most of the antisemitism in the show has been ironic.
>Where were you when Trey Parker and Matt (((Stone))) openly acknowledged the JIDF?
How exactly does this interpretation make sense if Kyle if also a jew but fighting against it?
if you drop a stool in a bowl of crystal water would you still drink it?
>Washington D.C. = all of America
whats it like being retarded?