I died in 1988, I invite you to engage me in conversation and query

I died in 1988, I invite you to engage me in conversation and query.

Did you drowned ?

>Not even death can free you from this place


how that happend?


Who were you in the Walking Dead? Zombie C or Zombie R?

Can you go to reddit instead? Attention whore.

It was suicide, a short distance off of the coast.

Did you bump head when fall out of boat then dieded

why did you an hero?

Maybe I will, maybe I wont. Maybe I'll drink your tears when I don't.

Are you one of those Legwalkers?

I knew what I was doing
Heroin addiction

So did you die in 88 (good year btw) and then come back to life.....or are you still dead now with a wicked internet connection in the afterlife?

Do you work abord Davy Jones ship? If so how is he as a captain?


Fuck I'm good

Ok....describe the afterlife in as much detail as possible.

I died in 1988, "death" that people come back from is not death. The understanding of what death is and where the line is drawn by academics is surprisingly far from the truth.

Regarding your second question, no intent (in terms of bad or good).

The afterlife has Wi-Fi?

Can you jack it on the other side?

Were you reincarnated? What are you now?

nope, only dial up

Post a pic of your sweet afterlife battle station

I will not, not because of greed but because you are inside something and to even begin to understand it, you must be on the outside. Death is the door.

I hate to break this to you, but Bill Cosby? He wasn't just jiggling Jello.

how does it feel to die?

How old were you, back in 1988?

Oh, you've gone to hell.

Ok, so I to just killed myself (drowned in my bathtub). I'm where u are now, wanna meet up for a drink?
Also, anyone have any questions? I'm not as academic and boring as this guy...

Hey, OP, I believe you. 1988 was a very important year in my life. I have very specific ideas about death and the afterlife. My questions would be are you a ghost and if so are there such things as ghost hunters?

im sorry you went to hell, deadanon

How can I coax ghosts to suck my dick?


Not OP but I can answer this one. Yes we are ghosts and real life ghost hunters and just fat dudes trying to make a buck on the Syfy channel

It depends on how you die, to drown was a sensory overload.

I was high on heroin at the time so my account may be a little off, but once you pass the uncomfortable phase you begin to slowly realize that you finally get to see what all the fuss is about, and there is something comforting about it, like a mothers embrace.

There is something unbelievably exiting about taking your last breath.

I died 10 days before my 29th birthday

Fuck off shitface



Are there others like u?

Died internally, or resuscitated?
Please reply, interest piqued.

It sounds like you think a lot about the afterlife, it's healthy to. Don't think of this in terms that I don't want to tell you about post death existence, it's that you simply can not know.

Read this

Is your name Freddy Krueger?

Why are we here, on Earth or whatever this place is?

Everyone who's ever died

I think about it every single day. I have always been so curious and it really bugs me that everyone seems to think they know if there is a god or not if there is an afterlife or not and no one really knows.
I really want to know and I have never even considered an heroing so it my be a long wait.

OP, who is your internet provider and do you get a Phantom Discount or anything like that?

When I engage the living this is the most frequent kind of question I get, all there is to be said is that you are part of something, inside of it. You will see eventually, but you have to walk through the door first.

Are you still a junkie?

I guess my question now would be the same every one else is asking: how can you be on the interwebernetz if you dead Sup Forumsro?

I'm probably one of few here that can believe you, and kind of understands what you're saying.

Thanks for giving me a bit of hope about the afterlife. Is the reason you don't want to describe it because it really is hard to or is is because the afterlife can be bad?

he said it's because we can't (aren't supposed to) know.

IS suicide a good idea to speed it up?

Yeah, I'm already seriously thinking about kms, and after hearing this I feel easier about it.

I thought suicide was a mortal sin but this guy is makes me think deeper about it

The moment you walk through the door, understanding is bestowed and the veil is lifted.

Addiction dies with the body.

can confirm

why was you allowed to return?

Suicide is not something one should undertake, no.

can you do ghost stuff like floating through walls, do you have a corporeal body still?


can u send a pic?

You have fears regarding the afterlife, but you must understand that you are alleviated of all of your fear at the door.

I'll tell you why I want to know so bad OP. I have always believed in intelligent design but the idea of "God" as an old man in the sky who is either benevolent or vengeful depending on who you piss off is silly. I want to know if "ghosts" can interact with the living, such as you claim you are doing and if a physical interaction is possible. I want to know this stuff before I die, not after. I think there are people alive ho do and I want to join those people.

would you say the afterlife is better than regular life?

An absolute truth is that one must not bestow lethal punishment.

You must await your turn to walk through the door, being alive is necessary until it ceases to be, to rob yourself of your mission is an act if ingratitude.

But to understand you need to walk through the door.

Off the coast of what

Do 5 grams of mushrooms. You'll understand.

>your mission
you're kinda sounding like a religious faggot now

You have to make that comparison for your self when it's your turn, I can't give you something you can not receive.

Bullshit. Everyone has exit points throughout one's life, and suicide may be one of them. Your turn at the door occurs regardless of how you arrive.

Sure is bb lemme give you that ghost dick. You ready? WOOOOOOOOO

If every part of your body is replaced with different organs so that no part is the original, are you still the same person?

The answer is obviously yes, but that begs the question of what happens when you sleep. There is no way to tell that you are even the same person from day to day and didn't just start experiencing things right this moment.

I guess my question is that if you are dead, your brain went dead, and then they somehow replaced it? Is it just like waking up from sleep?

When you sleep you either dream or disappear into amnesia. When you die you just respawn after an amnesia effect or chill out in loads a cool ass realms.

Say high to the fuhrer for me when you go you 4chanigger.


Is this like a quantum suicide thing?

A simulation?

I guess OP died again.

death is like a boomerang: Bent, wooden and australian.

Makes perfect sense


you never explained how he fuck you're on Sup Forums?