If Bucy killed Howard and Mom Stark how was Iron Man ever born

If Bucy killed Howard and Mom Stark how was Iron Man ever born

how is his hair so perfect.

communist Salon engineering

Iron Man was born in a cave, from a box of scrap.

>Still no super serum for male pattern baldness

Fuck this gay earth

Bucky IS Iron Man's father.

>We should have stopped you in time Captain America, Civil War should have been avoided.

blame the big pharma system, if it was up to scientists we'd have it by now


sure, but when I stop washing my hair for 2 weeks and let it grow out my boss sends me home

>Because none of the other avengers have been born yet, I am Captain America The First Avenger

We do have it now; stem cell technology means the atrophied hair cells caused by genetic DHT sensitivity should already be a thing of the past.

You two are both retards. Male pattern baldness is a genetic trait. The only thing that can reverse it is re-writing your DNA. They might be able to do that in 10-30 years with CRISPR but not yet.

things like CRISPR piss me off, always "get excited with this breakthrough, but not too excited cause it's still a theory scribbled on the back of a napkins, but it may work in 50 years or so!"

you couldn't be more wrong
my baldness was completely cured with semen from other men.

Tony was born before his parents were killed

how can his parents be real if howard was a cuck?

Using stem cells you could create healthy new hair cells to embed in the scalp and replace the affected ones. Explain to me how genetics are relevant in that scenario.

Are you fucking serious? Stem cells still carry your genetic information. If stem cells did do anything at all, the effects would be temporary.

Dumb ass. Research more

He was Iron Lad at the time.

You think stem cells don't contain DNA?

Baldness is not a genetic trait, it develops when people are virgin losers for a long period of time
