Is the infantry doctrine of Stormtroopers centred around riflemen with machine gun as support or centred around machine gun with rifleman as support?
Is the infantry doctrine of Stormtroopers centred around riflemen with machine gun as support or centred around machine...
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They are centered around blasters.
>implying storm troopers have any doctrine besides "do whatever will allow the good guys to escape"
Riflemen with machine gun support.
P.S., on a squad level, the riflemen should generally be the support for the gunner. On the platoon or higher level, this reverses. Basically: SAWs are the primary killers in modern squad level combat (except for CQB).
But machine gun teams organic to the company are meant to support and suppress.
If you've played Battlefront you would know that it's charge in the enemy's direction and fire blasters indiscriminately.
So the game is fairly accurate to the source material.
Its centered around not aiming due to no field of vision
>what is a HUD
>design fuckhuge bulky armor complete with vision limiting helmet
>have to compensate by providing expensive optics for billions of soldiers and add another layer of logistics
>still die in one shot to blasters
>If you've played Battlefront you would know that it's charge in the enemy's direction and fire blasters indiscriminately.
People like you are why I got such a high K/D ratio. You and pilots that forget to look up.
Who cares it's fantasy
You're arguing against a straw man. No one pretends Star Wars is realistic. It's space fantasy. It even has wizards.
But that far in the future, the technology to provide a HUD is probably about as cheap as a pair of sunglasses today.
As an imperial army under militarised rule you would imagine that the doctrine would be in support of the rifleman as the key unit in the order of battle. Not because of their effectiveness but an army created under that sort of rule is bound to follow the doctrine that the army is only as strong as it's smallest parts and that is up to the individual to do ones best in order that the entire army is an undefeatable force. Therefore the focus of the rifleman would be to do his best while the focus of all support units would be to ensure that the rifleman succeeds.
>that far in the future
I don't think you've seen Star Wars
If they have HUDs then why do tie fighters have targeting computers?
Considering their name, equipment and place in the universe, I'd say their tactic is blitzkrieg supporting the various mecha at the empires disposal.
There is no machine guns seen in the movies.
Modem pilots have huds. Yet they also have screens and dials. I can't imagine why!
The DLT-15 is literally an MG34.
Not the same thing. You know the whole point of a HUD is to not have to look at a screen, right? That way you keep your head UP.
Why isn't all the digital info displayed in their helmets?
It is the same thing. As in literally the same fucking thing.
Here is a picture of an F-35 cockpit. Here is a link describing the embedded HUD in the F-35 helmet.
Life isn't a movie. Star Wars is. Stop sperging out.
No, it isn't. The information being displayed may be the same, but the whole point of a HUD is that the pilot doesn't have to keep looking down at different screens. Again, to keep their HEAD UP.
So why are there screens in an F-35?
Interfacing and redundancy
But that can't exist on a TIE fighter, right?
Honestly, in the entire Battle of Yavin, no TIE pilot ever looks down at a screen. You need to actually watch the shit you're talking about.
The only one who looks at an actual screen is Vader, and seeing how he wasn't wearing a flight helmet and had a custom fighter, it seems like the entire premise of your argument has come out of your ass.
it's centered around being really shit at aim and running and stumbling like a faggot before shooting
So the man who spends his life wearing a helmet doesn't have the same tech installed as his nameless goons?
>implying they weren't all rebel spies
All according to keikaku
So your ENTIRE argument is based on the fact that Darth Vader's helmet MUST also be a flight helmet, despite the fact that we only see him fly a fighter once.
Look at the TIE fighter pilots' helmets. They're top heavy, hulking shits. Why would Vader wear something like that when there's no need to. He has both screens and the force. He didn't need a flight helmet in Episode III.
You literally have ZERO evidence. You're begging us to make your opinion into proof. You lost this one. Get over it.
We are discussing whether or not every storm trooper has a HUD instead of eye holes in their visor. The Tie fighters are just an example.
Where's YOUR evidence that they all have screens in their helmets?