Has Molyneux overdosed on the redpill?
Has Molyneux overdosed on the redpill?
I'm just waiting until Moly is featured on the daily shoah.
looks like a cuck
fuck this jew
>Looks like a cuck
>Swedish poster
not an argument
The way he's been going on lately it'll be just another 6 months or so.
I can't wait.
Just watched him on the Alex 'the muslim's run Hollywood' Jones show.
He has definitely showing signs of being a racial realist and borderline ethnic nationalist with a clear bias towards Western culture. You can tell how uncomfortable this territory makes Alex Jones and he is quick to ignore or change the topic back to Liberal- Conservative dichotomy when Molyneux breaches this territory. In fact it's blatantly obvious just how unintelligent Jones actually is, on top of being a shill, when compared to Molyneux.
I heard them say on the last episode how they wanted him on, and how they believe that he's more or less on their side now. I'm pretty happy about that, since he used to be mocked around there just a year ago
this meme is already stale. Anyway, here's what you want (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
Now, feast yourself on your (You)'s you irredeemable meme junky.
hur hur molythread better post NOT AN ARGUMENT XD
Heheh...hehe...water buffalo!
I think because he focuses on what is logical the liberals are just driving him mad naturally because they are focused only on emotion
In his recent episode about Sweden he admitted Jews are the ones pushing multiculturalism. He's breaking through lads.
Stefan, get the fuck out.
Stefposting has increased 376% in the last month, and that's a conservative estimate. I'm pretty fucking sure the dude is advertising himself with threads like these
>Europe is fucked from the immigrapists!
>It's the women's fault for being emotional
>Actually it's the men's for not realizing it's a huge shit test and banning muslims
>Actually males nvm there's nothing left worth defending anymore (MGTOW)
>You have to kick out all these violent retarded rapist sand niggers (but remember non vionently)
First time I've watched AJ. And it'll be the last. His hyperbolic ranting & shouting puts me right off.
SM is all well & good, but will he push enough that he get's to go to prison, where he can write his vision down?
Finally someone else says it, the guy needs to settle the fuck down and have some perspective.
To be fair, Swedes are probably good at identifying cucks since they are exposed to so many.
No, just the life of a bald person. You get more and more mad as time goes on and your hair doesn't grow back.
He made an interesting comment in the Alex Jones interview. Filter man asked him why is there this sudden explosion in leftist extremism, political correctness and attempts to restrict free speech. And his explanation was that when a small, parasitical entity is trying to destroy a much larger foe it's tactic is not to fight it openly but rather to paralyse it and restrict it's ability to defend itself. That remark is open to interpration obviously, but it's an accurate analogy in terms of Jewish tactics.
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he red pilled?
Yeah, my ears piqued when I fucking heard him name the jew.
He's _so_fucking_close_ to going full alt-right. And I know he's in the know. He just needs to get around to doing a video on it.
his stuff on race and IQ is pretty redpill
his anarchism not so much
Yes. He's done videos on r/K selection theory, discussed IQ differences with Molyneux, and more.
I only think he's pro-israel because he's a conservative pundit and he'd be out of a job if he were to go full Sup Forums
He's not gonna name the jew you idiots he LITERALLY said jews occupying everything in media/banks/politics is solely because they have higher IQ.
He is basically like a politician sailboat, head8ng whichever way the wonds blow. A few years ago libertarians were popular when Ron Paul was running. Now that a more nationalist tone is being touted by Trump, hacks like molyneux change course. You can bet that if he still has listeners next election cycle, he will be promulgating whatever the newest "in" ideology is popular.
Fuck off, Diavolo.
What is it then if it isn't high IQ + nepotism?
just nepotism
Why are there so many fucking threads about this guy on here for the last week?
You have literally no argument for posting about him.
Stefan is figuratively Aristotle.
>First time I've watched AJ. And it'll be the last. His hyperbolic ranting & shouting puts me right off.
That's why he exists. To discredit everything he talks about simply by being personally associated with it. Case in point: youtube.com
I know alot of good meaning people have a soft spot for him, but the man is a fraud and a real life snake oil salesman. I don't really have to preach this to Sup Forums, he has been a joke here for years.
The reply is also inside a circle.
It's like every 10 minutes there is a new fucking thread about this crap.
Can't the mods ban this spam?
All studies indicate Ashkenazi Jews do have high IQ though.
Just waiting for him to say fuck the non-agression principle and seig heil
It's true that they have high average IQ, but they also have incredibly high in-group preference and tribalism that results in behaviors such as nepotism and overall subversive behavior.
Pic related is mandatory reading on the subject.
Many, many libertarians stalled their pursuit of a small state when they realized it was only workable in a closed white high trust society. We need a secure nation before we can squabble over the best means of running it.
This is why Sup Forums turned to Trump.
He's indeed become too racist and Islamophobic.
Nepotism is a basic human trait. Any group that was a minority in a country would favour their own group when handing out positions of power.
At least it's better than Anzu posting since he produces relevant content and is not just a roach that happens to look white with a gorillion pounds of makeup on.
superb gimmick
Aj has to run a show and ensure that show is broadcast over the Jewish controlled airwaves. The moment he starts pointing fingers at or outright blaming them for anything, he'll get shut down.
Molyneux has a YouTube channel, with near zero cost overhead.
You faggots are absolutely blind to how this stuff works and perpetuating the "Jones is jidf shill" meme illustrates this perfectly.
Think, then speak
Read the book. Jews have a much much higher rate of in-group preference and tribalistic behavior.
Why is Stefi posting ok but Evalion posting is not?
Every. Single. Time.
Something is fishy here.
Whites are really the only racial group shown to not vote for more gubmint and gibs.
You can't have Ancapistan if your population is minority White and all the muds, blacks and beaners keep abusing democracy for more socialism and state welfare.
Well he claiming that the religious right has moral principles where as the atheists do not. Despite writing a secular proof of ethics himself and rejecting ideological and dogmatic morals and even the idea of god.
He's gone off the deep end now and I unsubbed, what a moron.
Which is simply a result of them always being a minority throughout history. Majority cultures don't have this massive in-group preference because they never had to.
Yes, that's correct. And this selection process has resulted in jews having more characteristics that end up being subversive on the macroscopic scale.
> government totally isnt coercive guys i swear, thats not redpill
you know what i'm going to say
there's something missing in this post
He needs to come out as a white nationalist already. Especially after that single mom video where he chastised her for an hour about having a child with a nigger.
>Jews make up about 1.5% of the US population
>Are VASTLY overrepresented in positions of power in the US such as government, media, banking, corporations, secret societies, etc.
>Much much more than you would expect given that they might have a 20-30% or so higher chance of not being AS much of a complete retard as the average white person, especially considering that they are fucking 1.5% of the population
Not an argument guys
I love his videos and I think he is very logical but he is also a really fucked up and manipulative ego maniac.
Not a fucking argument!
>Aj has to run a show and ensure that show is broadcast over the Jewish controlled airwaves.
Thankyou. At last, I finally see. The Jew's totally know Alex Jones is their mortal enemy and a true warrior for truth and are just waiting for him to drop a hard J-bomb so they are finally justified in shutting down his ass. Meanwhile Jones has played the long game and is way too smart to fall into that trap. He has cleverly grown and strengthened his media apparatus with his sales of Male Vitality™ and other snake oil variations. Someday in the not too distant future he will have finally won the Information Wars and on that day will reveal that all along 'the Globalist's' were actually the Jew's.
yes it is
Meant to reply to you
I would say this is technically an arguement
nice molymeme bro
>cult leader anarcho-cap bullshit
>red pilled
>what is cost overhead
It takes money to run a business.
You can see him slowly abandoning the anti-aggression principle which is the bane of right wing politics.
Hes also libertarian not an anarchist
'Redpill' is a cringeworthy thing to say.
I'm tired of playing Matrix, why can't we play Ninja Turtles now?
The Red pill is not from the Matrix it's from Alice in wonderland faggot. Every thing interesting in the Matrix is just a cut and paste of better philosophy from other sources.
Still, I'm tired of playing with pills.
I'm starting to think he is wrong about non violence in light of the immigrapist crisis of Cuckrope
>short of a half a million subscribers
>posts attractive young woman commnets
What did he mean by this?
Part of taking the red pill is realizing the the first matrix movie looked like the perfect 90's movie...They used bullet time like a video game, Neo is a computer nerd, the music, Kung fu. In reality it was made by two tranies who hate white people and immediatly abandoned what made the first movie great. white/Asian culture. They turned the next two into a movie about jungle nigger life
This is for
Ok I was gonna say like, I feel you but what does that have to do with my post
Shit tests are real only when men have power not to fail them. When it comes to politics, women have more votes
because stef isn't a jewish-crooked-teethed attention whore pandering to Sup Forums
I thought the "globalisss" run everything.
what was he thinking?
He overdid his cocaine intake that day
"surely I must be logged on to my shill account :^)" I'm even posting a non argument just to make extra sure they don't think it's me.
I think Molymeme takes Sandman literally when he says remember to take your daily dose of red pills :^)
>believes in free will
>is an atheist
kek, he also believes that IQ determines pretty much all your behaviour. Free will is impossible if you dont believe in God. This guy is a walking contradiction. Plus he believes in the official 9/11 story
We're all eagerly awaiting the day he chimps out and stabs a Muslim to death.
Stop. Trying to make Bill "hurr Not an Argument" tier is never going to work.