Why aren't NYC apartments realistic in TV Shows

Why aren't NYC apartments realistic in TV Shows

what's the pole for

also hi satan

Jews need to make people believe the middle class still lives well (or even exists).

Aside from "the middle" there's no sitcom with a "realistic" middle class family.

>hurr durr i cant get a job, but since is season 4 i can go to europe or australia with all my friends if i want to

Mr Robot is pretty realistic.

Because television shows are fictional.

How I Met Your Mother got it right once.

That'll be 1,500,000 dollars + tip

The friends or himym apartment would cost 1,5-2m

Because it makes people think that their country is nicer than it is.

Also, it'd be pretty fucking hard to shoot a television programme in a cupboard.

Stupid jews dont realize that the middle class are the ones who spend. Without it no ones gonna buy shit.



>living in NYC if you're not rich

literally why. i'm saving up in a flyover to buy a place in the village

This is how long it takes for a nigger to kill you in your own apartment through the door

The apartment wasn't exactly tiny.

i hated that layout. it makes no fucking sense

Literally because the jews need to keep the illusion alive that our country isnt collapsing in less than 20 years

Of course they know this. They want the middle class to spend like rich people, its working.

>muh juice


Can you image a sitcom filmed in a cramped apartment? How would that work on a technical level?

Peep Show?


Google it, queer.

2k a month

how far does it extend back tho? pics of the bathroom?

They want to dismember it though.
Massive immigration, tax increases, wage dumps, housing bubbles, cultural marxism. That is what they are aiming for.

You are kidding, right?

Everything is collapsing in less than 20 years anyway it really doesnt matter

How the fuck would pay that?

Nope, and people actually think this is going to last forever LMAO

what do you mean



>no fume extractors

how to people cope with the cooking fumes?

you end up smelling like pooinaloo after a few days living like this.

This real estate bubble that has massively inflated over the past 20 years.

My aunt has lived in Queens since the early 1980s. She has rent control, but the rent in her building for newcomers since 2000 has gone:

>2000 - $1600 a month
>2005 - $2000
>2010 - $2300
>2016 - $3800

And this is for a 1 bedroom one bathroom place in an old ass building. Basically everything is collapsing.
The cost of living cant skyrocket while everyone wages stay the same or even decrease. Our society is going to implode savagely in our lifetimes

do you think the estate agent stood in the middle of the room to take that?

thats the apartment.

Keep saving nigga. Not going to happen.

NYC is expensive as fuck.

Small dark apartments are difficult to shoot it.

Has nothing to do with 'Jews'.

You neckbeards need to take a walk or something.

He means wages going down and housing going up i think. The most fucked up thing is that its allowed for foreign millionaires buy apartments/houses in metropolitan areas around the world and just sit on them until demand drives up pricea and flip them afterwards. Its very common now.

It was supposed to be rent controlled.

I thought everything was fine though. In fact it's so great that both the right and left only care about identity politics.

I make 300k a year lmao you don't know me

Buy a fucking gun and learn how to use it. Not even memeing.

t. autistic yuropoor

You people are retarded. Yes there are apartments here that look like that that cost 2k and up. But there not in anyone's long term plans. They're for young professionals.

>making $300k/year in a flyover state
>wants to move to the village.

sure m8.

fuckk it i'm staying in toronto


I like West Village when I visited walking around those streets. I don't mean the East or the NYU part you fucking idiot

because cool stuff happens there

Sure you do flyover boy. And even that's prob not enough for anything but a studio or1br in the village.

>>>making $300k/year in a flyover state
and to adress this point I live in Boston so I was exaggerating the "flyover" for emphasis

That's not the unbelievable part stupid child.

Meanwhile there are 3 bedrooms houses for sale in NC for 10k

American real estate is weird

You're sooooooo full of shit. Kek.

>b-but I live on flyover Boston

300k isn't really a lot of money

It's not 'weird'. Supply v. Demand. It's not that hard to grasp.

>North Carolina
That's because no one wants to live there, my man

Massachusetts is the definition of flyover you still live in a flyover

$300k as a single person puts him in the top 1% of US earners.

Elliot's apartment would be 5-6K a month. Though he likely gets paid 150K+ a year.

I live in Brooklyn. No one, literally no one, considers Massachusetts a flyover state.

kys faggot

"Hey kids lets go on vacation to Massachusetts!!"

I live in a country bigger than the US and price is not nearly this big even in the shittiest states

Never live in New York

Are Wyoming and Montana no longer flyover states because people go to vacation there?

Nope. 428k is the 1% threshold.

And people who buy places in the W. Village typically aren't the types working for a salary. Whole different level of wealth.

where are you from?

What? Vacation desirability isn't a determining factor. Smh. You're really a dumb ass.

people go to boston for vacation all the time.

>I live on a country

Just tell us where you live or shut up. Your vague proclamation holds no weight.

I don't think the cost of living in NYC is a barometer for the whole country. I live in Ohio and everything seems reasonably priced/boring. Just move west

just to be clear I am the guy who lives in Boston and called myself a flyover as a tongue in cheek thing but he i guess believes it

No it wouldn't you fucking retard, 2.5k tops and even then that's a stretch

$428k as a household is the 1% threshold.

$300k for an individual.

Let me guess she lives in Astoria or LIC?

Gentrification hard at work right there

Me? I'm living in Bed Stuy... Paying $1000 for a full basement of a brownstone.. Basically a one bedroom with a shared yard. Not bad. But honestly, after living in this city for 3 years, it's really draining me... I have to fight to get to work, whether I'm driving or taking the train, fight at work, and fight to get home... I've never been so constantly cranky and aggressive in my life. Not to mention I feel like I can't take a piss without paying someone $20. So yeah... NYC is not gonna work for me for that much longer

Fez is too comfy

>living in a flyover
Yea, you sure are living life to the fullest, what's it like knowing the plan you're coming in on is going to ironically crash into the new WTC?

They make the doors metal and bulletproof but you're a dumb faggot so you wouldn't know that lol

Cape Cod? Martha's Vineyard? Nantucket?

of course you're low class trash so you've never heard of these places

Elliots apartment is in the lower east side. idk how many bdr's it is

>moved to Bed-Stuy
>can't deal with it
fucking kek

good, go home

>not having a doorman

can poor fags stop talking. go earn a living

>Hes never heard of Marthas Vineyard

lol fucking pleb literally

it's a studio apartment

You live in an illegal apartment and thus have no rights.

And that's how NYC works. You've got to pay your dues. Living in these expensive neighborhoods in Manhattan and Brooklyn is not a long term option for most people. You have to be born wealthy or exceptional. It's not for'regular' people.

NYC is more important to the country than Ohio
This is objective fact

what the fuck are you talking about? I've been living in the UWS for like 8 years and i'm a nobody. it isn't as expensive as you people make it out to be

>thinking a city can function without 'regular' people

lol enjoy the crime and chaos in about 10 years

I wish all you faggots who moved to Brooklyn and queens and made the city even more expensive and shit get killed by minorities

why are you quoting me you fucking faggot, i didn't move into anywhere .. born and raised cuck


Oldfag here. There is a HUGE difference between making rent on a place in your 20s and owning (or even renting) a place large enough to comfortably raise a family. HUGE difference.

Anyone can make rent on a place when they're young and single. That's why I said 'long term'.

That's because all your friends are from Boston and the Midwest you hipster transplant faggot

>raising a family in degenerate af NYC


Retard we have these things called metro north, LIRR, the path etc. We import regular joes.

Toronto > NYC

Or he's not a white faggot lol

I fucking called it
All you transplant fucks have no idea what the fuck ur talking about

I meant to quote I'm on clover, shit gets a lil confusing sometimes

Yeah, someone tell those rich sucesful people that some fat ass flyover pleeb says they're 'degenerate'.

my man, wtf are you talking about? You're probably not even from NYC

in the show, his apartment is a studio. Are you fucking retarded?