Need guns to protect ourselves from joos and joo controlled governments

>Need guns to protect ourselves from joos and joo controlled governments

What are /pol approved guns?

>tfw when the sexiest gun is jewish
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Don't tell me this is Jewish

hs 2000

be a smart guy and buy croatian we sold the licence for that shit to amerifats its that good. (no seriously though its a fucking awesome gun)

made to kill gommies

Anything that can reach atleast 600(meaning it can hit the target without hard training) meters and has an accuracy of 0.25 MoA and can reach 1000 meters with hard training.
pic related

Springfield XD's are shit

Ei saa kovin selvää tosta. Mitä aseita omistat ja kuinka vituttavaa oli hankkia luvat?

>mg42 is pol approved
change it out to mg3 and we got a deal, because the ammo for mg42 isnt as common as 7.62x51...

In USA people who buy the HS 2000/Springfield XD are the people who listened to the gunstore clerk because the gunstore makes more profit on an XD than a superior glock

Ei oo lupien hankkiminen vituttavaa kun et ole idiootti ja sulla on oikeasti niille käyttöä.