..Hey, whats going on big guy, you just tripped my wife?
..Hey, whats going on big guy, you just tripped my wife?
Other urls found in this thread:
your wife fell on my $3000 rug
I didn't get it
>throw a meme, Sup Forums is going to love it
No, I didn't get it
> Thirty six dollars a bottle
It's about rape culture
Why are the mlp fags mad at him again? Something with KS?
Yet another shill thread
His face is so disturbing yet I can't stop staring at him
>Snake Eyes
What did he mean by this ?
From samwise
>it's about fraternity. at the end of the day we would believe each others' lies above all else
>it was swiss cheese
He looks like a fat Shia LeBeouf
This was the best skit so far. Pure gold from beginning to end.
its absurdism coupled with violence and deadpan
whats not to get? violence combined with comedy is funny a
no, you get it, you just don't get why it's on tv if it's not funny so you think there's a deeper meaning than you initially thought. Well, there isn't. It's just an unfunny skit.
>that lameass punchline in the leaked version
Some things were never meant to see the light of day.
it's about le cucks
what are you talking about
white genocide
Brother, I'm not gonna invite you over to my beautiful home, have a wine party, so I can throw your wife through a table.
>being this buttdevastated because he didn't get the joke
>Nick is literally Sam's big brother in the sketch
>Nick fucks Sam over and denies it until Sam believes its true
>alt-right """Intellectuals""" still can't decipher the sketch
I thought the whole joke was they are discussing it like it was a minor faux pas while she is on the floor in serious need of medical attention
Nick always looks so haggard. Is he okay?
It was basically commentary on the current state of the alt right movement. If you didn't get it, I suggest looking up some Sam Hyde content on the demasculation of the White American Male.
This is the explanation. Everyone else in the thread is retarded
He made a fake mlp kickstarter. And the stupid degenerate bronies donated, thinking it was real. When the anal smarting got too much I believe they went all out against him to cancel the kickstarter.
yep this, i think it's also a commentary on how modern males avoid confrontation
I loved the psychoactive charm guy
Is it just me or is Sam Hyde extremely hit-or-miss? Most of his sketches sound like first drafts that were barely rehearsed and some of them don't even have a clear concept.
This one was pretty good though, if only because it's short and concise.
It's commentary of the guliable nature of people, if you say something often and long enough you can convince them their own lived experience is wrong. See The Crowd by Le Bon
Fuck you megan
Yeah the comment about how his wife proposed to him solidify that this is about modern males
Even after he say he promised to stand behind her no matter what and SAW Nick trip her he still drop the argument like à pussy
In the uncensored version, Nick says "Haha, I tripped you, isn't that funny?" instead of "You owe me $2000"
Honestly this show is shit. I like the MDE youtube channel too. Everything I've seen just feels like a poor man't Tim and Eric routine. Especially the scene in the OP.
no, help yourself. 36 dollars a bottle, please, enjoy it.
In the leaked version Nick says something like "wasn't that funny? When I tripped you?" It was changed to him telling her to pay for the rug in the aired version
He didn't drop it "like a pussy", he dropped it like it was just an inconsequential argument. Not because he's afraid of having to fight but because he doesn't take it as seriously as he claims. That's where the humor comes from. He's not a coward, he's just gullible and aloof (and also hypocritical).
Kind of. Some skits are really good while I just plain don't get some of them, same with old mde though. Overall I'm pretty happy the show though.
Holy shit the leaked version is much better.
It at least resembles a punchline
Well, you owe me $4000
Everything Sam Hyde comes up with needs to be refined into a more effective piece of comedy.
Make the satire less ambiguous and less vague. Trim out the bits that don't lead up to a joke. Work on actual punchlines.
I watched both versions of the prison sketch and I prefer the Hey Moon version, but Cop Killer is a great song.
THe Hey Moon version is better edited but Cop Killer song is more thematic
>that slap after he trips her
It wasn't just a slap, he smashed the fuckin bottle in her face
Amber has one of those resting bitch faces I want to fuck really hard
you and me both
i want her to insult my average cock
Cop Killer sure feels more emblematic of what you're supposed to take away from the scene but hearing it after the Hey Moon version it feels a little too on the nose. I like the sombre ambiguity of they hey moon one a lot botter tl;dr - i agree
>tfw all Nick does is talk about money in world peace
And in some other MDE vids too
So wait, you're telling me that the people who "dislike" this show are actual bronies? Like, the ones who wear fedoras to cons and brag about their children's toys?
He's got a family to worry about, you can't buy antiques with well wishes
I want to just talk about finances with Nick over a few beers one night. I feel like I'd learn a lot.
Why do you feel that a punchline is so necessary in comedy?
The sooner Sam figures this out the better off he'll be.
Maybe not in all comedy but in his case there definitely needs to be more punchlines. A lot of his lines sound like setups but don't end up in something outright funny.
His humor is based on violence, gross-out and outrage, it's not a subtle long-winded deconstruction of hypothetical situations. It needs more rhythm.
What, that's it?
Why were Erick's wife's eyes edited to be white (this was specifically requested by MDE to be added, the note to the VFX team can be seen in that stream preview)? Why did she react the way she did after the trip? Why was Charls and his wife even in this scene when they just had 20 seconds of dialogue and no input after Nick's trip?
I think this scene really doesn't have a whole lot of depth and was just kind of classic MDE humor between Nick and Sam followed by shock-violence played over the top for a quick laugh. Then the obvious lie with the replay like it was going to go somewhere only to be ended short as a cheap "tricked ya!" style exit.
>all the episodes removed from youtube
anyone got a mega link?
my favorite skit is madguy going to work
wtf I love Sam now
The funniest part of this sketch is just how ridiculous Sam looks.
Yeah this one also kind of peters out but at least it's funny.
I think that Sam might believe that humor merely consists in exaggerating things. Clearly that's not all there is to comedy, otherwise his sketches wouldn't be so unfulfilling.
well I mean literally nothing he's ever done has had a punchline
>nicholas cage
>0 results
Am I the only one who sees it?
Yeah in a lot of ways World Peace reminds me a lot of Groland (a French parodic news report) because it has the same humor, but in Groland, each sketch ends with a punchline and it's much funnier as a result.
At some points World Peace ends up being more depressing than it is funny because we witness all sorts of horrible/stupid situations but they never get resolved.
>each sketch ends with a punchline and it's much funnier as a result.
naw it's better as it is
gowatch french shit or w/e fag
I think a lot of people forget that the entire premise behind World Peace is that it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world which is effectively just a caricature of modern American society.
Yeah but the sublety of the satire makes MDE more unpredictable
Groland for example would have you figure out the punchline from that start and then play humorously with the setup
With MDE you legit have no idea where it's going that's why it's so hit and miss
>I think a lot of people forget that the entire premise behind World Peace is that it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world which is effectively just a caricature of modern American society.
headcanon wew
That's literally the official description of the show.
You're who I'm talking about when I said people forget the entire premise behind it.
>At some points World Peace ends up being more depressing than it is funny because we witness all sorts of horrible/stupid situations but they never get resolved.
That's part of the appeal for me honestly. Not to sound all wanky but HEY AINT THAT WHAT REAL LIFES LIKE? I pretty much need some pathos in comedy or it just feels too shallow, fake and inhuman. One of the big reasons i'm such a big fan of the UK office over the american one for example
>Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace, a satiric vision largely set in a post-apocalyptic world. The popular sketch group is comprised of Sam Hyde, Charls Carroll, and Nick Rochefort.
>That's literally the official description of the show.
Wait, is it? IIRC the post-apocalyptic world thing was for the show they originally wanted to do and shot a pilot for but AS rejected it
It is. Of course it isn't fucking Mad Max, but I think the post-apocalypse refers to how American society fell apart over the past few decades.
almost like they're saying we're currently living through said apocalypse without realizing or seeing the decline, and their sketches are the aftermath
hmm.. really makes you scratch your noodle, HUH REALLY MAKES YA THUD YER NUGGET
oh, sorry
And Groland takes place in a fictitious state that's effectively just a caricature of modern French society.
Doesn't prevent it from having jokes.
There are enough stupid sketch shows on TV. I'm glad that World Peace is what it is. If it was just anther Eric Andre, I probably wouldn't like it that much.
No, I don't mean resolved as in "they stop being horrible". I mean that there should at least be something at the end that mocks the whole thing.
Is there a Sam Hyde pepe yet?
Also a mega of all the episodes would be great
What you mean horrible like not funny or just a horrible situation? if you mean not funny I can't help you matey
I mean a horrible situation.
Like the sketch with the school teacher, at the end he just hangs himself, there's no twist, no ironic conclusion.
like this? it falls apart in the end
>you crummy fuck
he'll forever be the wojack to Andre's pepe
Eh, not really, his brother's last few insults don't make for a good twist
>go get fucked in a dumpster
yeah true, that ending of that is one of my favourite bits of the show though. I guess some parts just aren't supposed to be all that funny. has a point with how they don't really know how to wrap up a sketch but I don't mind it honestly. it's different at least
i don't get this image
World Peace is just below Eric Andre in the ratings, and much higher than then when Eric Andre premiered
it's based off the (baseless) rumors that Andre was one of the people pushing for World Peace to be toned down / censored
This season's Andre is absolute garbage. He's trying too hard.
The thing I've noticed, is that when people watch Eric Andre, they just see a nigga being crazy and random wooooo! But when they watch MDE, they feel like something profound is being suggested via satire, but they don't know exactly what. It's like reading a gnostic gospel, there's some wild shit below the surface, but I'll be damned if I can explain it.
I loved this sketch. Was actually very good.
It's because there's no conclusion, it always ends in a very dry way, so you don't know on what level you're supposed to laugh at what you just saw.
This was the funniest moment of the episode to me, where he is sliding his feet on the road
i didnt get this