I always seem to be on the wrong side of prison reform arguments...

I always seem to be on the wrong side of prison reform arguments. But this is what's been the main line of thought behind why I think there needs to be a reform:

>Nigger goes to jail
>Thrives with people just like him
>Gets out
>Doesn't change, kills someone
>Goes to jail for life

I just can't see how that's effective. Sure, no form of punishment is 100% effective to everyone, but surely we can at least lower the number of prisoners who reoffend.

Imagine if a loved one was killed by someone who recently got out of prison. The criminal dresses like a thug, acts like a thug, and for all intents and purposes he is very clearly a dangerous person to be around. Wouldn't you be bothered that they let this man out of prison when it was clear that he was not fit to be around people?
What are solutions to dilemma?

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Education is the only real long term solution.
But teaching niggers is practically impossible so extermination is also a good option.

>Education is the only real long term solution.

I agree as well. Our education system needs a huge reform, however, to ensure that future generations aren't as problematic.

I am confident niggers can be tamed. I know this because of those I've seen who stay away from harmful culture and try their best to be responsible citizens.

However the problem with that is upbringing. We can't throw every Tyrone in an orphanage just because his mother is single, drug-addicted, and is letting her kids hang out with the neighborhood thugs who bully others for reading books. But we also can't say that him living in that environment is good for his upbringing. So I don't know what to do about that.

That's why I see it as an endless cycle. He grows up to impregnate someone, and the cycle repeats over and over.

Because money.

There's a good reason people shill against prison reform or even rehabilitation. You think anti-niggers would be for it, right? I mean.. more efficient use of taxpayer money AND a lower recidivism rate? Sounds like a deal. The truth is that there's too much shilling going on for people to realize that supporting our current system is pro-nigger.

What about we straight up murder all people convicted of theft and hire

Just imagine the genpool in 200 years

Based response.

Enjoy your dust.

Tfw studying prisons for 15 years. Tfw want to reply with a dissertation worth of information. Tfw realize this ephemeral shitty thread will dissappear before I can type it all.

Don't worry about this thread dying. I'll even make sure to bump this thread if it starts slipping. No worries.

I'm interested, so do it

Caning would be better:
-much cheaper than prison
-doesn't put petty criminals in with hardend thieves
-it's no more cruel and unusual than locking someone up for a half dozen years.


We also have a privatized prison system and nothing whatsoever to suggest that people who own those prisons can't say, own a record label that produces, for the sake of argument, pro-thug music aimed at inner city teens.

A lot of people expect to get their ass kicked by police if they commit petty theft, so I'm not sure what caning would change.

Too much $$$ in the "Prison System".

It's all "privatized" to "reduce cost to the taxpayers", and thus gets little supervision.

Hey, I'm all for bad dudes and bad women to be locked up,,, but I don't want some dude arrested for shoplifting to die of athlete's foot infection 'cause the guards ignored him...

The post office and UPS make a TON of money from prisoner mailings, too.... both coming and going from the jail.

Bottom line: follow the money

Not that they'd need to. The ball's already rolling, it's now an established culture, and there are breeding grounds for thugs all around the country. Pretty convenient. When "no snitching" is actually something nigs are teaching their children, that's pretty convenient.

do it CJ bro

What you're saying makes no sense. I work in a prison. I go to prison everyday. It's not privatized, and the inmates who have medical issues are seen and dealt with immediately at absolutely no cost to them. If they have to go to an outside hospital for more specialized treatment they get escorted to the hospital, don't have to wait in line or fill out paperwork, they are simply seen and pay for nothing no matter the cost of their treatment.

Criminals who "fight the police" will get pushed back hard. The LEO wants to end the hostile actions ASAP.

Idiot criminals watch too much TV and think they can run from the cops.... fools.

And the running isn't the bad part, it's when they "chimp out" so to speak, and then the hammer comes down hard.

[inserts shhheeeiittttt Anderson Cooper police brutality cartoon]

>source: cops at my weightlifting gym

Yeah, I live and work in Baltimore City- that stop snitching shit is everywhere. Little store down the street from mine that is ostensibly a boost mobile place also sells locally produced music, and they had a whole rack of those "Stop Snitching" DVD's... right up until their asses got robbed at gun point.

Karma is a mother fucker.


I'm sure your palace is just fine for Martha Stewart and Jared Fogle.

But--- I've heard bad stuff about these people....

www(dot)g4s(dot)us ..... Horrible ratios of mental health workers, Grade D but edible food...

Look,,, I know 99.999% of the perps doing time are guilty and deserve some "punishment", but staring at 4 walls a day makes a criminal even more dangerous.

I don't work at a federal prison with rich white inmates. I work in a real prison with rapists, murderers, pedophiles, drug dealers, etc. I'm fairly certain you have no clue what you're talking about and just parroting things someone else has said that you want to agree with.

Remove all niggers from White living space.

The answer as to why BAR members of all races, and knowledge of law, agree to play catch and release: is because their business model is rent seeking damages to charging instruments which they wrote, and to which they then monopolizing to re-present on all sides in administrative filings which use the 'defendant' to loot the public trust, investing these funds to eventually turn private gain.

No other way to do this other than the admiralty game.

Nobody is convicted through the constitutional courts wherein the injured party actually exists physically and not in concept. How can an individual person possibly cause harm to the State Of? Well, the straw man on the birth certificate may be pursued for inquisition, as JOHN Q. PUBLIC has established a trust which may be adjudicated.

Every turn through the system is a re-securitization of the public credit which each citizen represents. A million dollars a year or some such.

Criminals are people who harmed the intellectual property of the Barrister's Accreditation Registry, domiciled in the City, London of course. Esq. being a title of nobility.

The profit from warehousing live stock is just the gravy of embedded interests in human trafficking.

Oh Sovereign Citizens, you are so adorable.

Running from the police means running from an army with helicopters and cars and lookouts on every corner. They only have maybe 20 minutes of leeway before a helicopter reaches them, and if they're being chased they're fucked.

In Cops, people will run for the most minor violations. It can be absolutely ridiculous. Considering you're running because you miss court. Now you're charged with something worse. Retarded!

>put a violent criminal in a nest of a bunch of other violent criminals
>expect to release him as something other than a violent criminal
pants on head retarded.

The extremely long sentencing we use in America has effectively reduced crime by keeping a huge portion of the criminal (nigger) population locked up where they can only hurt one another. If you want a better solution to the nigger problem, we should either be castrating or executing convicts, sans appeal.

>I work in a prison. I go to a prison everyday. It's not privatized

Yours isn't privatized. Do you think that because yours isn't privatized that all prisons aren't privatized? Maybe I misinterpreted it, but that's what I interpreted. Free medical care wouldn't mean it's not privatized. I don't see why it would.

>pedophiles, drug dealers, etc.

You include people who will eventually be released from prison. Solitary confinement for inmates that will be released will ensure that you are releasing a mentally traumatized person out into society. Regardless of crime, you can ensure that the person that comes out of there will have enough mental issues that could make them dependent or dangerous. Even a quick search will pull up resources validating the fact that solitary confinement causes more problems and will lead to mental problems down the road.

>one judge in a 2001 suit to rule that “[Solitary confinement] units are virtual incubators of psychoses—seeding illness in otherwise healthy inmates and exacerbating illness in those already suffering from mental infirmities.”

Here are some documented psychological effects of mental illness being exacerbated by solitary confinement:


If you put someone in solitary confinement when they are not there for the rest of their lives, society has to deal with the consequences of their mental illness. That's not acceptable enough to justify.

>dismisses a 1000+ character post with "adorable"
>not a redditor

Are you typing up anything?