His best album

His best album

pic unrelated


I loved it for around 3 weeks then never went back to it. GKMC, TPAB, Untitled Unmastered, still listen to them. DAMN just didn't hold up for me.

Its so refreshing to see an opinion around here different than the one of the typical pretentious cuck who praises the snoozefest that is tpab to no end. That being said damn is my most listened hiphop album from this year, couldnt agree more OP

DAMN is to C4 what No Ceilings 2 is to No Ceilings 1.
G Code and Best Rapper Under 25 btfo any tracks on DAMN.


Jesus christ youre dumb

Nice to see a different opinion
(10) (9.5) (8.5) (8.2)



Damn is still pretty decent though

pleeg zelfmoord kankermongool
tpab is beter

TPAB (10), GKMC (10), DAMN (8.5), S80 (8.3)

Wavy thread boys keep it up

I think it's his second best behind GKMC but I actually prefer Flower Boy to both of them

gkmc and s80 are his best albuns. everything else is just not as good.

Go to bed, Kendrick.

holy shit you have a terrible opinion

UU is inconsistent, tpab is pretty pretentious and the tracks ain't even that good, the singles are eh. damn is probably his worst project to date

Damn is the most underwhelming record of the decade

you spelled 'second best' wrong.