Why have they canceled BoTW? Re:view sucks!
Why have they canceled BoTW? Re:view sucks!
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I dont care what they upload aslong as there is no aids mobey.
or those canadian guys
Heathens. Jack is fine and the canadians are based (well, one of them is, the other is just wall decoration)
or that fat neckbeard sjw guy
Anyone who isn't Rich Mike or Jay.
Wizard is based as fuck. Everything he says is calculated and lowkey. I love how inoffensive he is.
Mike is funnier than most comedians
He got nothing on Sam Hyde.
based Sam Hyde
They're trying to counter their negativity towards anything new, but instead they're amplifying it by proving any films that they like have to be years and years old
Link me a video where he is funny then.
Except for all the current releases they give positive reviews to
They liked the new star trek movie
>implying the goat crew isnt mike, jay, rich and aids for the best dynamic
I dont like Sam Hyde but this gets me every time:
Are you just saying things without thinking about the fact that it makes no sense?
Everyone is offensive these days. Wizard is totally inoffensive. Being inoffensive triggers edgy kids.
What I'm trying to say is that being inoffensive is the new being offensive
He tries too hard at it though. He's always the first one to go OHH, NO. NO, MOVIE, NO. FUCK YOU, MOVIE. whenever something lewd or rapey happens, like he thinks he's the #1 white knight savior of all womanhood watching their videos. However, I do like that he's so bad he serves as a foil for even Rich to start ripping on him now.
He's a male feminist. Which is the most best and most important kind of feminist.
don't lie OP you fucking faggot
Re:view is ok
I remember enjoying Blade, but I sure did not remember the CG being that bad.
depends on the fucking movie, they really fucked up on Independence Day while the rest are alright
Daily reminder that jack is a bull and none of you can even compete
Go to bed jack
did mike suck all of jack's fat off like a vampire?
Aids moby isn't that bad. I mostly find Rich more annoying.
if Jack and Josh had to fuck each other to death who would die first?
imo I don't think Josh could handle what Packard's Packing i think
Ialways forget aidsmoby's name is jack, aids moby makes so much more sense
no jay sucked the life out of jay and rich
Aids is fine.
Literally the only RLM member who isn't good is Beardfat/Wizfag. He's an SJW who brings absolutely nothing to the table.
do you think that old faggot Mike cried at the end of Beyond when Spock looks at the picture of the old crew?
is jessi ever coming back?
Jesus Christ you faggots just say the same shit over and over again in every RLM thread. How sad and boring.
jlaw is ugly
5 out of 10, would not bang
*imitates people with mental disabilities*
It's not though
they cancelled breath of the wild? :D
wrong thread
RLM couldn't make it in real business and settled for making ironic shitposting.
Maybe i should try that approach too (not in film)
That newest re:view sucked ass
>Jay doesnt seem to be into it and just vaguely mentions it in relation to other comic book movies
>Jacks phony laughter through the whole thing
I don't even dislike jack but that fake laugh he does to fill air is just the fucking worst.
is that a middle ages iron man?
The movie choice was just bad, it was clear Jay didnt give a shit about Blade. Didnt think it was a bad ep but hopefully Jack never picks another movie.
it's a lotr elf in armor
Invoker from Dota
>nerd shit
oh ok, looks cool but now I don't wanna know more about it thanks
>nerd shit
>he says unironically on Sup Forums
it's time for D-D-D-D-DUEL haha
what? that makes no sense
They said there are no movies out of late that even seem worth reviewing, which is why theyre doubling down on Re:view.
I used to hate Jack, but he's grown on me.
I really can't stand Rich though.
They each have to pick a movie for the re:view, that was Jacks pick, I dont think anyone else cared about Blade but your couldnt have a show with just Jack.
They didn't cancel BoTW, rich said in a twitch gaming session that they are watching 10mins of all the videos in their collection and weeding out tapes that aren't good material for BoTW. This is going to lead to better quality for the segments. He also said they're doing some set building for the show.
No more shitty videos of corporate training or some old bitch knitting a scarf.
Everything they said about ID4 was right, that movie is fucking garbage.
Damn Jay was fatter than Rich
No, Mike is more of a TNG guy.
But Geritol Follies was one of the best
>Oh she's a lesbian?
>With a saxophone?
>That's the only time she puts something in her mouth
Mike was fucking savage in that botw
> hahaha oh lol that movie is so bad watch how awfull it is it's funny
that shit is fucking old get over it.
Re:view sucks because it's always only one of them who has actually watched the movies. The other part is always completely uninterested and just say random shit
It's not that he's inoffensive that's annoying, it's that he objects to the humour of Rich and Jay and tries to make it clear on camera that he is not okay with their jokes. It's virtue-signalling and it's obnoxious.
>Jay unJUST himself
>Mike megaJUST himself
I don't like Aids Moby, but yeah, Beardfat is absolutely the worst.
I want to kidnap Jay, place him in a human sized cage and force him to eat nuts and work out for my pleasure. If he's good we can watch episodes of Star Trek (I'm marathoning Voyager right now.
I promise I'd treat him more humanely than Mike ever would.
What the hell, how could anyone hate Rich
I like re:view a lot better. They do movies I actually give a shit about.
his feminine facial features and shrill voice
I've been enjoying the new show more than Best of the Worst. BotW is still fun, but it's not the sort of thing I "watch", it's just something I put on a second monitor while doing something else. It's just a little hard to get into it as much without having actually watched the movies they're talking about.
I mean, RE:View is basically just a Half in the Bag minus the schlock extras, with a little bit more restraint, a bigger pool to select interesting movies from, and the benefit of hindsight to talk about the film's influence (eg. Blade compared to other Superhero movies, Blair Witch and found footage, etc). It's something that I can more directly "watch" compare to BotW.
But at the end of the day, they're different shows and both are fun in their own way. I would also assume that BotW also requires a lot more effort to produce (editing for the intro, editing through three movies for clips, watching three movies, editing the footage of them watching the movie, having/editing the discussion) than a RE:View (watch the movie again sometime, have discussion, edit).
It's a show about reviewing movies from the past. And you're concerned that they haven't done an episode on any movie from the last few years?
Two points:
1) The number of movies ever released is significantly greater than the number of movies released in the last few years. Especially given that they seem to be talking about movies that they like and *want* to talk about, wouldn't you expect them to be some of the "classics" from the previous decades?
2) If there had been a movie they were keen on seeing - and enjoyed - over the last few years, why wouldn't they have already covered it on Half in the Bag? They've talked about movies of all sorts (big blockblusters, small indies, and everything in between) and given them all sorts of ratings ... so chances are, the kind of recent movie they'd *want* to talk about on the new show would have already been covered on Half in the Bag.
Opinion discarded, for using an urban street slang word that only wiggers use.
But Rich said on one of the Pre Rec streams that Fury Road is his new favorite film.