What's his appeal? His routines are all shallow social comedy, wordplay and random ranting about stupid shit. I feel like he was just phoning it in as a character after a while.
What's his appeal? His routines are all shallow social comedy, wordplay and random ranting about stupid shit...
Social commentary*
Makes young people feel edgy, smart, against the "system" (whetever the fuck it is) while not going into uncomfortable level of political incorrectness.
He was phoning it in mostly. He changed his act and persona in the early 70s to cater to the baby boomers. Before then he was very clean cut and his comedy reflected that.
Oh my fucking god
You edgelord contrarians are now gonna shit on George Carlin?
Sup Forums is literally autism central
This basically, it's not actually edgy but makes people feel rebellious
OP here. I'm just saying I don't get it. To me he's not being genuine, just playing the character that made him popular.
George Carlin hasn't been popular on Sup Forums since like 2008, except on Sup Forums because they're all underage.
I will give him credit for being a great public speaker however. His delivery is very fluid with no stuttering.
He doesn't make me laugh. Yeah we get it he's the best with pryor and 7 dirty words and dulled edge but if you're a comedian and I don't think you're funny I don't give a shit.
you're the one getting your panties in a bunch because someone doesn't like what you like, you mongoloid
ITT: People equating shitting on one of the objectively best stand-up comedians of all time with intellectual superiority.
I guess it's all relative. People born in the 90s will probably have a hard time understanding why Carlin is considered so great.
Your opinion doesnt matter fucking edgelord kid
No, he sucked. I think OP probably read my post here:
- watched YouTube clips for a while, giving the dude his best shot, and had to conclude - this guy isn't funny! You're right OP. However, I take on board that some people might take the view expressed by the user in this post: archive.4plebs.org
Still, even at his best, he was no Richard Pryor.
No, ITT: an user scared of what will happen if he allows himself to dispute orthodoxies projects his insecurities onto people who were simply waiting to laugh, expecting to laugh, and never did laugh.
Because he is the antonym of Louis Cuck.
Not as autistic as you replying saying the same shit as yesterday.
He's funnier than anybody on this fucking website
I wish we could all be as brave as you, professing your inability to appreciate one of the greats of stand-up from the mountaintops in order to wake society up from their slumber of laughing at well-constructed and delivered jokes.
This. He was an innovator, but that doesn't mean shit to people now. He's passé.
OP here again. My main complaint with what I'm assuming is his later material is that most of his ranting felt forced and phoned in. He seemed to basically just be pandering to his built-in audience by that poin.
It was good back when the internet didn't exist and opposing opinions practically didn't exist. Nowadays its just par for the course. Think about the fact that Lenny Bruce was arrested for saying a bad word. Carlin followed with criticizing that system, something seen as trivial today. faggot
Carlin never really created new material as he got older. Of course it's pandering at that point as long as people keep selling out auditoriums.
Still one of my favorite bits from one of my favorite Carlin shows. He was on point that night. Still relevant today.
You wish you were able to express a sincere opinion about art rather than looking up what you're supposed to think, only watching the work as a formality to permit you to tow the line. Nobody under 60 has ever spontaneously found George Carlin funny.
Carlin had three eras. The 60's conformist traditional style, the 70's and early 80's far out humor, and his late 80's and 90's anti-establishment humor. I prefer mid 80s and early 90s Carlin. Just before he got too cranky.
Fuck off, this is sub-Margaret Cho.
Someone needs a hug.
Face it man, Carlin a shit
Welp, I'm convinced. Thanks!
You wish that expressing hatred for something popular signified that you were somehow outside of the box of conformity instead of being rigidly defined by it.
> 'I'd like to talk a little bit about the war in the Persian Gulf'
> audience screams in anticipation of what he'll say about those stupid people they disagree with
No bitch, this is not afflicting the comfortable. This is shilling the rubes.
I don't care what it signifies to you, you're incapable of spontaneous laughter.
Stand-up is show business. You're not a genius for pointing that out and that doesn't invalidate cogent opinions. You can make the argument that experiencing dissenting idea in an entertainment forum diminishes them somewhat in the real world, but that doesn't mean Carlin is bad at stand-up.
Holy shit it's been a while since I've seen a fan of anything being this assblasted about people not liking thing.
He's one of the most overrated comedians of all time. He says barley edgy cliche observations from the pov of an old hippy. Yawn
I dont think hes funny, when i was a fun of his it was just nodding to what he was saying. Anyone i talk to who says theyre a fan will argue hes important and groundbreaking for comedy, but ive never met someone who says hes laugh out loud funny. His act turned into social commentary pandering. Bill hicks did it too, as some comedians get older they start seeing themselves as important fountains of truth the world needs to show them the way. The good ones stay funny
And you are full of mirth because you don't like stand-up?
And who are these good ones you speak of?
I think Norm Macdonald is right up there with the best of all time. He's a standup to the core.
I love the "grumpy old man who hates you" character.
>"system" (whatever that is)
>t. americuck slave
Not all comedy is supposed to make you bust a gut laughing. You dont laugh at satire like you would at a dirty joke, right?
God doesn't exist you fags. Calling someone edgy for pointing it out won't change that fact.
get fucked
Because he never changed his schtick?
satire is much funnier than toilet humour, as long as you're not 10 years old
Im not making any statement on the quality, just pointing out that there are many ways something can be funny, and you dont react the same way to one form of humor as you do to another.
Pretty much. He's always just been himself but developed new material over the years instead of just relying on the same old routines.
Todd detected.
He was a wordsmith, angry with the world. He wasn't funny per se, it was the way he put it.
Ask any established stand up comedian (read: people who know what the fuck they're talking about) what they think of Carlin. Then contrast it with this thread.
That said, is also right.
Ranting comedians just aren't my thing. Lewis Black falls under that category too. That said, I think Marc Maron is the least funny comedian of all time. His podcast is decent only because of the guests he's able to get.
well yeah. i can agree on the point you're trying to make, not the example though. carlin's humour was like bill hicks, and there's room for that style. but he wouldn't make me die laughing in the same way as the marx brothers, for example. i can understand op not "getting it", there are lots of popular comedians i don't give a shit about
Look at this smug cunt
I bet you've never even seen a wet vagina
Theres a pretty good interview he did for some anniversary special where he talks to John Stewart about how his act has evolved over the years and why he chose to get a little edgier.
His routine has been the same since day one, dry sardonic humor and anti-humor with small random jokes peppered in throughout.
I saw black a few years ago, he had some great bantz with the audience when he was warming up that was almost better than his set.
I grew up watching dennis miller live, so I've got a soft spot for rants. But hey... Thats just my opinion. I could be wrong.
He was really good. The thing is, a lot of his material is "social humor", as in you have to be socially capable and understand human action in order to feel what he is trying to portray. So naturally a lot of socially and emotionally unintelligent and unknowing people here in Sup Forums won't get the funny remarks, because they have never been able to be in those situations.
ITT: pretentious high schoolers who's delusion of intellectual superiority has caused them to think they know more about comedy than one of the most legendary comedians who did it for 50 years and changed the face of modern comedy
His act was funny in the 70s because it was actually edgy for the time and nobody else was doing anything like him.
The longer he kept doing that same act, the worse it got because social norms shifted around him which stranded him on an island where he used to be funny.
I'm under 60 and found him funny. The thing is, a lot of his stuff has become the basis of the millenial generations "way of thinking". So that's why his best acts have becone cliche. But then again, you're just trying to shitpost or try to feel superior when your intelligence is inferior, and it is showing.
>watched youtube clips
Turkey the worst generation, anybody knows that you should watch or listen to a full SET of a comedian but I don't think you're little attention span could handle it.
Yeah the problem is that his stuff became like the staples of modern comedy. His stuff inspired modern conedy, but of course the young ones can't understand that.
That's his style. By routine I mean he comes up with new material all the time. Norm doesn't really have one famous routine that he's known for like some comics do.
That's a pretty accurate assessment, yeah. His in your face, counterculture style lost its edge by the 80s.
He's like an old man at a bar, ranting about the world and thinking he has all the answers.
i don't remember carlin acting like he had all the answers. he certainly pointed out a lot of problems though
This guy gets it
It the same reason Hitchcock is hard to watch now you've already seen his influence in a hundred other movies
>Doesn't know the commonly used term "comedy act"