Rekt thread

Rekt thread

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story? did he get bottled?

Fucking Frogger

Yea he got bottled, i'm not sure about the story though


seems like a chris kyle type of guy. something the guy said probably triggered some war memory

none yet. Police still looking for the guy.

Reminds me of the fag that got his eye poked out with a pool cue in a biker bar.

If you take dicks in the ass and look the part, do not enter a biker bar.

that shit's serious. i know a guy who got bottles. shredded his face. he'll have some serious scars for the rest of his life. guy who did it is serving 4 years for assault with a deadly weapon.

probably should've stopped talking shit

She ran towards the train...and then towards the center of the train. God forbid she reproduce. We have enough stupid people on this Earth.

>people using words i dont like means i can do whatever i want
Hows it going to antifa fag

then covered her face as she turned her back to the train. Yeah that helped.

She needed peril-sensitive sunglasses.

ya i'm sure the guy who did it doesn't regret a thing. four years of your life in a state penitentiary and being unable to get a job with a violent felony on record when you get out is a small price to pay to keep your ego intact.

lol you sound so obese
go choke on another shard of chicken bone and fantasize about a nigger fucking the girlfriend you claimed in that waifu thread

so you've just... you've never panicked? just never? you've never had such an adrenaline rush that you do some brainless shit and then when you calm down you ask yourself why the fuck you did that? you just can't relate to any other living thing even if you try? Yer just soooo good you can't possibly bother to try? fucking kys

i've never panicked and ran directly in front of a train. i'm sure of that.

>I panicked so I ran towards a moving train
Not that I remember

when you let your mom borrow your laptop but realize the porn windows are still open

Can't tell if suicide or extremely dumb...

Running towards a train clearly means an accident.
I remember when I forgot to buy eggs in the supermarket so I shot myself in the head. Unfortunately I'm not a great shooter.


In case he's on the run in Sheffield?

One new one.


Holy kek. What a dumb fuck

Wat. Did he knock himself out or just play dead



>If you take dicks in the ass and look the part, do not enter a biker bar.

>implying bikers don't dress like fags

You can't fucking tell me that they didn't know this would happen.
Where the hell does the stereotype of chinks being smart come from?



too young?

My BMI is ≤ 17. I've had sex with lots of women. If someone talks shit to my face they're going to get what's coming.


>>fat ass takes 2 in both holes

Even tho he got bottled he didn't spill a drop of beer. What a champ

What kind of 3rd world shithole is this where they don't have railroad crossing barriers?

I enjoy seeing morons get their comeuppance.



Why the fuck would anyone allow this to happen.




Seems like there would be some point before this fucked up point that you would think, "Holy Shit, I need to get this taken care of!"


>japs smart
>chinks are simple stupid work robots

I hope I meet you in a bar and you admit to making this video.

Please jesus. Let me redeem myself.

Is there a possibility for her to survive? She was only hit by the train but I don't think it ran over her.


He dindn't made it, why would you enter this thread if you're going to be a pussy?

Keep it up bro. I love bike rekts

>Christians are suppose to be the judge of man.
>Redemption can be bought with cheap acts of violence.

Would what you want to do really redeem you in the eyes of Jesus though? You need help, sick fucker


if he should just move the fuck on and let the driver avoid him he could still live.. but nooo.. he must turn back

Naaa mate - I just want to fuck up his face.
I just appeal to the jebus for color.

Look at those sausage fingers, some 400lb neckbeard taking out his inadequacies on poor defenseless critters, I wish I could run into this man on the street. If I could manage to push him over, he'd never be able to get back up.

Any more of this BTW?


brags about underweight BMI holy shit u fuckin faggot

you pussy you cant even fight a gust of air

>That God makes people starve to death, not other humans with free will who continue to reproduce and create children that they cannot care for.


>i love anime
>fuck 2000 years of incredible history, lol china/asia

Ok buddy.

hehe hope he died


No, this was suicide. I drive trains, and have had a couple of jumpers. Two have done exactly out in front of the train and turned around so they don't see it coming and just stood still.


>Cones only after the truck, not before
That faggot should be sued.

blunt trauma
she dieded well


thats some quality cultural enrichment right there.

Kek, gotta get myself one of those

best rekt picture of the world

What a waste of pussy.

>pic blaming god and jesus for things humans do.

ask me how I know you're 12

not really rekt since she survived.
not even a Darwin award, since there's always plenty of men who will fuck a dumb cunt.

It's like Pulp Fiction when I first saw it: Am I supposed to laugh at this?
>feels bad man, but still, Muahahaha!

you did notice most internet accident vids are chinks?

japs make weird vids, but facepalming stupidly death is usually chinese


actually a disgusting freak.

you are edgy

Help got there quick, oh wait. Nevermind

That fucking ambulance that just drives past hahahahha

kek, fuck your tractor

uhh there are lots of crossings in rural areas that dont have barriers. even in the US


Well, that ambulance was on the way to save someone elses life. If they would have stopped there it could have ensured someone died.

Just when I started getting bored of vehicle ones. This one saved the day.

*Especially in the US.

>german autobahn
>kilometers ahead signs "merge left, right lane blocked"
>this crashstopper big ass sign marks end of lane, start of construction site
>lane blocked with this thing so workers don't get overrun by assholes ignoring cones
>biker cuts lanes
>workers did everything right, and protected their lifes
>biker was an asshole
>workers should be sued
thank god there's no one left to sue


what was that dumbass thinking...