I need fucking help...

I need fucking help. One month from now one of my housemates friend is gonna move in and "THEY" are a female with a pussy but wants to be addressed as "they/them". Appearently she freaks out if you make it wrong too and call her "she". What the fuck do i do? Ive never had to deal with this problem before

I mean there's not much you can do besides think before you speak. I'm on your side, but trust me, those kind of people will hate you for misgendering them.

>having housemates

get your own fucking place you pathetic dweeb

Painfully fuck her into submission (asphyxiation included) and make her call herself a female.

>master of reality

only ever call it by it's first name

Just call them fucking "they." Who the fuck cares. It's not that fucking hard and not a big deal. If you're so fucking autistic that you can't handle that then you should probably just kill yourself.

Call it "she" until it moves out

fags like you are why Sup Forums is shit

Be a man and fucking ignore her stupid ass request. And when she autistically screeches call her a fucking communist and tell her to khs. If anyone takes her side tell them to fuck off. You pay rent and are on the lease I am assuming. You have no legal obligation to adhere to this pronoun nonsense. Just have some fucking balls to stand up to a dyke.

you're what's wrong with this fucking planet you know

This is a viable option.

Seriously kill yourself, communist.

It is your job to save her from the dark side you need to make her feel like a woman
Use her "there " but don't be a cuck
She just needs the big O a few times a week and the nonbnary shit will go

You can do it


also leave your laptop out with expanded trap threads constantly

I've had a little over 30 roommates in the last decade. You're gonna live with some wierd people, but you gotta live together so just try to be respectful and hope you get it in return. Don't let them be rude to you either bUT living with others is compromise. She might even turn out to be chill.

Don't listen. She's moving into your place so she shouldn't expect you to change just for her. Call her "she" and snap some sense into her.


My bad, they* might even turn out to be chill. Yeah I can see why this might be difficult.

>Wanting to be called "they"
>"Fucking autist"

You are all retarted.

OP, call her bby. Refer to her as bby.
>Hey Brian, is this milk in here bby's?
>Do you think bby is going to drink it?

also bby is pronounced like meme

you're welcome

just call it by its name... why the fuck would you use ANY pronoun?

It must be hard being so retarded that you can't do something simple like call someone "they"

Like, how do you even function if you can't do even the simplest task.

Only call her dude or buddy. Tell her they're genderless then sing the I'm a dude song from good burger

>What the fuck do i do?
move to a country that actually respects a persons freedom of expression/speech.

Holy shit it's not that hard to use a different fucking pronoun. You fucking morons are acting like it's the end of the world, it's hardly even an inconvenience. If it really bothers you just don't talk to them and it'll never come up.


Just call her 'cunt'.

They like that.

>What the fuck do I do?"
Finally realize that genocide is a viable option.

call her "hey"
or "you"
can't go wrong

End your life. Take your suicidal communist ideology with you.

I don't think you know how to pronounce meme. It's "meem" not "maymay" or "me me" retard.


Just say that you can't use incorrect grammar. They/them is plural.

>bby is pronounced like meme

Pic related, is you.

call her retard
as in hey retard do this do that
make it her nickname have fun with it.

well that took 11000 hours in mspaint but I'm going to frame it an put it on my desk

It's a woman with a pussy. Call it as such.