Is Babylon 5 the best Sci-Fi show ever made? Why is it never discussed while we have constant TNG threads?
Babylon 5
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Pardon me, best characters coming through
>not the average Joe that finds himself entangled in a galactic struggle for survival
>Is Babylon 5 the best Sci-Fi show ever made?
No, Farscape is
>Why is it never discussed while we have constant TNG threads?
Because there is more to talk about with Star Trek in general. There are multiple show, movies being made, and a new series about to come out.
What is there is to say about B5 that hasn't already been said? Great show though, if also quite flawed
>Why is it never discussed while we have constant TNG threads?
Why are you so insecure? Why does it bother you that people like other series too?
For example, I always see B5 fans invading /trek/ threads with
>Star Trek sucks, you should watch B5 instead!
and never
>Yeah, Star Trek is pretty cool. If you liked DS9 then you should try watching B5 too.
The B5 fanbase is tiny and stagnant because nobody new wants to join an established fanbase whose insecurity level is downright cringeworthy.
Best *regular* characters maybe.
But who was the worst? I nominate Marcus Cole.
worst character is obviously Delenn
>There are multiple show,
Babylon 5 has multiple shows too. (winking smiley face with caret nose)
I'm going to get a lot of shit for saying this, but Farscape is pretty crap. To start with Crichton is a PRICK and he's all over Aeryn like a cheap suit, horrible little man with rapist body language. Yes the foam rubber muppets are a welcome change from the usual "people with crinkly foreheads" aliens you get in most sci-fi but the humanoid characters are rubbish, half of them are unemployed Tasmanians scooped off a beach somewhere and given orange jumpsuits to wear... Fucking Maori Cultural Foundation-funded dreck, all in all
>farscape is the best sci-fi show ever made
shit plebs say
No, Lennier was
No. Babylon 5 is one of those shows that had great potential but ended up with one too many ridiculously executed story arcs, etc all leading to some epicly bad final seasons. Its saving grace is those few underlying awesome story arcs and episodes which hold it up but overall, especially toward the end, it just got bad. The movies were mostly pretty solid though.
This thread is now about Sci-Fi that started out great, had some great moments but fizzled out into the worst shit you have seen
Where does this haughtiness come from? All televised sci-fi shows with space battles are inherently plebeian from the get-go, including B5.
Everytime I see that thumbnail I think that Dellen's face has been shopped onto the station's docking port.
>people with opinions like these exist
dose feels...
Londo on the Battle of the Line
>mfw I realize male porn star Steven St. Croix is an extra in this scene
Both that and Andromeda screwed to pooch by 3rd season by going totally different directions than the show's start. I think they were both made by the same production company too. I wonder what happened? Didn't the show runners get into LSD or something?
Nah, season 5 isn't nearly as bad as people claim. First half is stupid but the second half is good, and the finale is the best episode of the series
Babylon 5's biggest flaw is that JMS is a self-important faggot who feels the need to preach and teach the audience lessons. We get it, you're a moralfag, now get back to the story
Not Rick and Morty.
Fuck I hate Marcus
>I am the very model of a modern Major-General
nothing screams pretentious pleb faggot more than considering something beneath you because it's a certain genre
Go back to watching your edgy HBO shows and feeling superior kid
>nothing screams pretentious pleb faggot more than considering something beneath you
But I never considered anything beneath me. I still watch Babylon 5, even though it's plebeian.
Why are you projecting so much? What's your justification for pretentiously announcing that Farscape is somehow more "pleb" than Babylon 5?
>Babylon 5 has multiple shows too.
If only they'd lasted. Damn shame.
I liked it
Cast had a lot of potential
>You will never fight a war against the Narn.
>But I never considered anything beneath me. I still watch Babylon 5, even though it's plebeian.
Why is something plebeian just because it's sci-fi? What makes non-scifi shit objectively better? It's only a setting, and every genre has various tropes and cliches, sci-fi no more than others
>Why are you projecting so much? What's your justification for pretentiously announcing that Farscape is somehow more "pleb" than Babylon 5?
that was someone else
I just get triggered when someone is condescending about sci-fi, fantasy, horror, etc like it's all just breads and circuses and anyone who doesn't realize this is a pleb. It's snobbish nonsense
>Why is something plebeian just because it's sci-fi?
I didn't say that. Why don't you actually read my posts before you decide to get angry over nothing?
>that was someone else
>I just get triggered when someone is condescending about sci-fi
Well then you should get triggered by that "someone else" too, but oh well.
I thought the exact same thing.
>I didn't say that. Why don't you actually read my posts before you decide to get angry over nothing?
let's see here...
>All televised sci-fi shows with space battles are inherently plebeian
>All televised sci-fi shows with space battles
It seems clear to me that's what you're implying, unless you are only specifically referring to "space battles" which makes even less sense. So, any show with a fight taking place in a vacuum is automatically plebeian? What kind of retarded criteria is that?
>Well then you should get triggered by that "someone else" too, but oh well.
that was obvious bait though
More feels...
If you don't like my criteria, why don't you post your own criteria and I can critique you too?
>that was obvious bait though
Yeah, that "someone else" (who types exactly like you), they sure do like to start arguments over nothing, huh?
>If you don't like my criteria, why don't you post your own criteria and I can critique you too?
I eschew the patrician vs plebeian dichotomy, the only time I use those terms is when I'm being ironic. Good taste isn't determined by what you turn your nose up at, but by having an open-mind and appreciating a wide variety of entertainment. Something being more intellectual or deep or what-have-you doesn't make it better, just different
>Yeah, that "someone else" (who types exactly like you), they sure do like to start arguments over nothing, huh?
And why not? I'm bored and I'm on the internet, and I've already fapped today
>And why not? I'm bored and I'm on the internet, and I've already fapped today
So you were lying when you claimed it was someone else?
Alright, I guess we're done here.
>If you don't like my criteria, why don't you post your own criteria and I can critique you too?
Argument defeated. Instant deflection. Woman detected. Fuck off bitch.
anti - space dentite
I loved this show as a teen, but I tried to watch it recently and it was shit, the acting and dialog was stilted and cringeworthy, and I gave up
It was worse than TNG season 1.
It's not as good as bsg, trek tos, tng, ds9, or even enterprise, it's not even as good as Farscape. I fondly remember it but it's just kind of a bad show, even though a lot of the characters are great.
>So you were lying when you claimed it was someone else?
No, I wasn't. That was someone else, I was simply explaining why I was starting an argument over nothing. Boredom.
Why does anyone discuss anything? This is a thread about a show that ended over 15 years ago, it's not like it's some kind of hugely important and relevant topic that I'm somehow derailing
>Why is it never discussed
Because shit like what's happening in this thread happens.
Lorien: Who are you?
literally just watched this episode. don't let alcohol ruin your life like I did garibaldi.
>people mentioning worst characters
>not byron
what are you fucking on?
>We get it, you're a moralfag, now get back to the story
Ironic that JMS is an atheist and you're bitching about him being a moralfag, but probably spill spaghetti over Roddenberry despite him being nothing but a cancerous moralfag Southern Baptist who disavowed religion but managed to inject it wholesale into everything he ever produced while being a tumblr-tier SJW.
why didn't malcolm think of a plan to get him out of it?
it gets discussed all the time, except in deep space nine threads
yes, its the goat
how coudl anyone on Sup Forums not like marcus, he's a wizard just like us!
>hi season 2-4 coming through
Wtf is dis supposed to be an argument? Atheist fags claim to be a religion they are the worst moralfags 2bh
>Atheist fags claim to be a religion
man season 1 & 2 of bsg were fucking fantastic, then it just turned into absolute shit
that looks like a fucking dick
It's so sad how forgotten this has been compared to ds9 when it blew it the fuck out so completely. Apart from obrien, quark, garrik and ducat ds9 was a joke compared to babylon 5.