Fuck you women! My gf left me few days ago because I'm only 7 inches... This image is true af. :(

Fuck you women! My gf left me few days ago because I'm only 7 inches... This image is true af. :(

yet another GAY IN DENIAL thread outside /lgbt/

what kind of faggot thread is this

this reminds me of the 7' master race

Korean here
10cm master race

Lol this infographic is fucking retarded. Why the fuck has Sup Forums become solely based around dick size, cuck/black shit, and traps? In all honesty I would take the cancer of 09 any day over this shit. I guess I never realized just how dead Sup Forums could get.

this thread is viral marketing for penis enlargement pills.

There is no consensus on ideal penis size. Really sit and think about how impossible it would be to collect accurate data on this.

Found the butthurt pencil dick!


This is retarded.


Im. 6 inches and I fuck the shit out my girl I make her squirt cum cream and all the above. Size does not matter jackass. You got 7 inches and don't know wtf to do with it. Your a waste that's why she left you!

Mine 9.5. Kinda depressing. Gonna try hydromax, see if shit works. Will take few months.

6 inches is considered a micropenis. Please stop spreading false information. It's not possible to pleasure a woman with a micropenis.

You are a fucking retard. Micropenis is 3 inches long.

Then you were dating a cunt. Rejoice.

Under 7.5" is micropenis.

if 6.5 inches is a micropenis then I can splice genes with how tiny my dick is. skinny 5 inch reporting for duty

I know. Penis under 6 inches is considered a nanopenis.

12" dick guy here confirming this

pretty much every woman ive ever bedded and asked about penis size has always said that they always laugh about boys smaller than about 8 inches behind their backs if not to their faces when they pull their trousers down

some straight autistic male most likely made this picture

Well ,you have a nanopenis. You probably had some problems with hormones while you were a teenager. I'd suggest you to visit a doctor.

lol nobody actually believes this right

Sorry ,but this is the reality. Of course you can live in your fantasy world where your 7 inch micropenis is accepted ,but not in real life.

really? I'm only slightly overweight and I know that affects it. I'm only 19 so I've got a long road of disappointment headed my way.

Hate to break it to you but chick's don't all have the same size vagina. You just sound like a fucking moron.


Every girl can easily take more than 10 inches if they're horny enough. If penis is under 8 inches ,girls won't feel it at all.

>mfw this entire thread
>mfw this is posted with slight variations every single day
>mfw penis pill marketing niggers think we actually fall for this

>6.5 inches is a "micropenis
Somehow, I think this might be a troll image.

My first gf vagina is short. >9cm dick reach to the end

mfw im 5 inches and want to die everyday

7.5 inches here. Girlfriends never enjoyed sex. One even told me to get out of the room when she saw my dick.

obvious samefagging. not even Sup Forumstards are autistic enough to fall for this


someone like a to ruin the fun.


all troll aside now

what fucking girl isn't head over heels fucking gushing over just the thought of a big dick

no girl says, "hmmm well let me think, oh jeez i'd sure love a smaller to average penis on a guy! that is totally a sign of a big, strong male to protect and pleasure me sexually forever!!!"

no, nigga.

13'' guy here
can confirm.. some even laugh if you're smaller than 9''

Interestring, because I have 19.8cm and most women I fucked said it hurts if I stick it in completely and fuck their cervix.

i feel like you also are head over heels for dicks

only if it's a female dick my brother

Haha ,you pathetic cuck. Just kill yourself you little faggot. I bet your ex girlfriend would suck my dick like crazy. 9 incher here :)

how was the cancer in 2009?

Not enough people share this side of the story.

I'm about as "medium" as you can get, and that's just fine with me.

I've been with one size queen, but even after all her bragging about the big dicks she's taken, she was super in to me, and not a thought mattered to her more than that.

Two separate girls I was with expressed disappointment upon seeing mine in person for the first time (thinking it was bigger in pictures), only to end up complaining that it was too much anyway.

And more than one girl I've been with has expressed relief that I wasn't huge.

It's almost like everyone has their own preference, and that porn messes with EVERYONE's expectations, and that giant penises might be more of a visual fetish, and that sometimes one's eyes can be bigger than one's holes, or something...

Some guys like big tits, some guys like medium tits, some guys like small tits, and some guys care more about the woman than what's on her chest. It's the same with women, go figure. Anaconda? Rock it, dude, just learn how to not hurt people. Lap pinky? Be confident, and learn to work it well. Normie? Lay off the porn, and you won't feel so insecure.

Oh, and while some women want to feel as stretched out and ruined as possible, my experience with an average-sized dick has granted me more opportunities for both anal and oral, and I honestly would have gotten more if I was smaller.

>female dick

vags are between 8-12 cm deep.
means if you got around 16 cm it should be more than enough.
whole different story about diameter though.
obviously major shitposting by op, got nothing to do with anatomic facts

how big are we talking?

What a fuckin bullshit.
I have fucked 13 girls in my life, most of them had orgasms and im not even 16 cm.
Its all about the technique.

Yea, she left you for you dick. I'm sure of it. No other reason.. Ever.

For the d.. that's it.. that's the whoooooole reason.

Not because you're ugly, or lazy, or can't sustain a job, smell bad, none of that shit. It was your penis. You're tiny 7 inch penis.

Girls can take more than 25 cm if they're horny enough.

>implying faggots on Sup Forums are experts in women

Girl here. I've fucked guys who are 9 inches and 6 inches. You can guess which one is better... Fucking a guy that has a penis of a grown male or a teenager...

virginfag detected
only if you curl it up inside

you picture actually proves me right.
diameter, not length

Not this thread again...

I'm 6 inches in length and my penis is thinner than average.

Wat do

women who are obsessed with huge dicks are nympho hookers, probably with STD's, normal chicks want a good looking man who touches them just when they're in a good mood and buys them stuff and gives them money, fuck your cuck propaganda

Guy here. I've fucked chicks who are in their 20s and in their teens.

You can guess which one is better..

Fucking an older late 20-30s chick who's trying to hurry up and have kids before her eggs die off (or has kids)

or tight teenager (over 18 of course.)

This is joow engineered propaganda to ashame non blacks and draw coaburners to be to mother fatherless children

Well, when you throw a hot dog down a hall way..
Actually I don't have a sentence structure for that.

I was just thinking it reading your post.

I'm 28 ffs not that OLD JEEZ! Eggs start being a thing like in late 30s FAGGOT!!

6" max, usually 5.5"-5.75", proportional girth.

I used to be too big for my wife, but after having kids, she says the fit is just right.

She wanted to try one of those "girth expander sleeve" things, as well as a big dildo (just has a smaller vibe), and a cucumber, just for fun.

We tried them all, and they were all too uncomfortable, more of a fantastical thought than something practically enjoyable.

Plus, her asshole is tight as fuck and she can't do oral with a giant cock anyway, so things are working out well enough for me.

There are enough different positions anyway, that say if she's in the mood for a cervical orgasm, I can wreck her, but when she's sore later that day, we can switch it up.

YMMV, but my experience puts chubby girls (not fat, mind you) with the best pussies.

nice dubs

tits, timestamp or gtfo

Show me that you're at least 9 inches.

fuck they might aswell want a horse to fuck them instead of men

shill that pill and he will

Fake data, fake thread
Source: my bf is just above 5 inches and he knows just how to pleasure me, I orgasm within a minute or two


lol thats what i was looking for XD
plus you can have all the legnth you want, no mass no good.

It's not physically possible to pleasure a girl with nanopenis.

>asking for cock pic
>feminazi or gaylord or fat ass user pretending to be femanon
kys, do 360 and gtfo

Now this is what i call shitposting, nice b8 m8.

I wonder how many fell for this and actually felt miserable because of their "small" penis below 16cm lmao.

Why are you so upset? I understand that no girl in a world would want your 6 inch micropenis.

Yup. Just like the guys who make analogous comments regarding women's breasts - may as well just fuck a cow.

Or, it's okay to have preferences for a variety of reasons, but recognize that those are your own preferences, not objective reality.

Or, just don't feed the trolls. Instead, have decent discussion like you exemplify, comrade!

it's possible, and 5 inches is the average anyway

I don't think you understand how this works. Penis under 7.5 inches is micropenis. Penis under 6 inches is nanopenis.



all these small dicked new9fags taking the bait lmfao alt 2 at their lifes
24m patrician here

my girl loves my 4 inch cock
not upset at all. you just fucked up user.

Eh, I'll bite.

>not physically possible
False (assuming you mean "micropenis" here). The only guy I've known personally whom I know had one is one of my wife's exes, and he was actually not the worst lay she had, even excluding oral and manual stimulation.

Most of the vaginal sensitivity is closest to the surface anyway, so as long as she's into you and you know what you're doing, you can give her a vaginal orgasm with a micropenis.

you are gay af lmao

Correction actually always hated this place and /b has always been gay, but it has become extra flaming, my feelings, sensitive, fag, gay dick sucking fucking cunt nigger faggot gay.

While being bored, NOT RANDOM, and fucking lame. DoT beaner call it. I think it's for real this time, May moot forgive me for all my shitposts kek had to do it ugh

It's not organic, they're shills.

We're being targeted by a meme warfare campaign to neutralise the chans politically by paralysing us with emasculating bullshit.

It's the forcedest of forced shit and it's super obvious it's coming from the outside.

Sorry dude but thats misinformation.
Avg vagina is 13-14cm when not aroused, so its like flacid dick. Dick that's 14cm placid will be easily 20cm when hard. Same whit vagina. It will stretch to around 20cm. Stretching pussy to max obviously requires good foreplay and skill in bed

This thread is obvious bait but women really prefer bigger dicks. Most of them are size queens. Most dildos are bigger than average.

>defending microdicks on a japanese shillboard

nice life fam

ToD Correction Time of death.

Calling it west coast, 2:14 AM. August 30th, 2017


>This thread is obvious bait but women really prefer bigger dicks. Most of them are size queens.
only the whores, my guy is 5inches

that's whassup
I've not even big for a white guy, just over 5, but still bigger than average for dudes in a lot of countries, and I had to start looking for girls elsewhere, since I was into getting little Asian qts for a while, and I was too big for most of them.

good for you man, and your girl. Love each other.

>my guy is 5inches
Are you a girl or faggot? If girl then you know the rules.

yes that is what I did. Good job

holy moly. nice try mate. better go back to school now

girl, but those aren't the rules you queer because I didn't say that straight up - you did

These are facts. Have u ever had sex? Vagina is deeper than 12 even 16cm when aroused. 16cm might be good for little asian chick

it's up to around that length can confirm but one you reach around 14 - 15cm it fucking hurts because then you're pressing right against the cervix

the fuck are you guys talking about when I whip out my 14 incher all the ladies laugh at me... im barely above the micropenis level (13 inches) but how the fuck do I enlarge it? Use Cock Weenie dildo size cum cum big time cream and turn this (_)_):::D (tiny 7 inch dick) to this (_)_):::::::::::::::::::::::::D (normal sized 37 incher) for only $799.99 plus shipping and tax

easy solution

I cant see anything weird TINY ()():D little choder thats behind micropenis thats planck length levels we're talkin about the ideal penis size is 59.6 INCHES!!! not something u need a microscope to see