>Set Alarm for 8 AM >Get up (I know it´s hard the first time but >fucking do it >Make bed (Important !!) >Basic Hygiene (Get haircut if necessary) >Shave (Important !!) >Eat breakfast (Healthy) >If you don have healty stuff at your place >Go shopping >Work out for at least 20 min. >Increased heartrate increases dopamin >production ... dopamin ---> Happiness >Complete that task you wanted to do for >weeks >Complete Basic tasks (Dishes, Laundry,...
Spent 6 months in treatment and this is pretty much it.
Angel Barnes
I will give it a shot, nothing else to lose, can always go back
Mason Morris
>If you dont know wich tasks to do >Ask someone (there is always something >to do >Why ? ---> Completing tasks will fill you with >certain pride (Price---> Confidence) >Prepare second meal (Healthy as fuck) >Rest till 1 PM (NOT LATER !) >Call someone important to you >If you dont have anybody start >building relationship with someone >Even if it´s that weird guy from the >gasstation (Contact to other people >increases happiness) >Continue completing tasks >Dont pretend that there´s nothing to do >Do something for your brains >Maybe learn a new language or visit >a museum cont. >
Matthew Fisher
Wyatt Thomas
>set alarm for 8 >Hungover as all hell, finally get up at 4pm >Make bed. Ok >Take a shower >Shave >Go to make breakfast >Eat from jar of pickles because literally zero money and got fired for drinking >Honestly try to work out but feel low blood sugar/ totally drained >Start drinking again because massive stock of booze I built when I was employed
Lincoln Jenkins
>Do something that brings rythm to your life >Example--> Join a sportsgroup or a band >Wich practices on a regular basis >3rd Meal of the day at 6 PM (HEALTY !) >Do something relaxing >Go for a walk listen to music in public ..... >Plenty of possibilities >Prepare your next day (Make a list) Cont.
Wyatt Green
OP here >Do something relaxing alone >Netflix or whatever >Go to sleep at 10 PM >Think about day and look for ways to >improve >Set alarm for 8 AM
I know it´s not gonna be easy but that´s not the way you go You´re not gonna change in one day it takes a lot of work
You´re the result of millions of years of evolution, act like it
NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS (at least from monday to saturday) --> Fake hapiness, fake confidence and they gonna make things worse.
Search for someone you can look up to (Important)
And now buddy... Grab that gun just like the chief in the first picture and get your life straight.
Why I took the chief as pic ? He always inspired me
I believe in you
Post results
Jonathan Smith
yeah I too think halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesn’t afraid of anything.
If you want to talk or need advice... Add me on steam --> kampf_floh
Zachary Hill
You are a god sir, keep up the good work
William Martinez
Completing things doesnt help me, no matter what it was, or how important it was/how much it helped someone I always feel like it was a waste of time.
Xavier Lewis
Thanks OP
Nolan Roberts
What was the last thing you completed ?
Hunter Kelly
What if though this is reality and we need jobs to pay bills and go to school.
Robert Adams
Helped a friend move today was the most recent I guess. Also got the house pretty clean.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Having a job is the best thing you can do. I am quite sure there are lots of tasks you could complete at your job
Thomas King
Sounds pretty good actually. Still feeling like a piece of crap ? How is your physical condition ?
Leo Walker
Its decent. I'm not overweight at all, but I'm not really in shape either.
And yeah, as stated doing shit like that doesn't really do anything for me.
Liam Adams
Im satisfied with my life, but seeing OP giving good and kind advice and posting pictures of the Chief just made my day even better
Cameron Hughes
Seems like we´ve got a different issue here. My post was mostly for people who are currently completely wasting their lives. I guess you´ve got your life together more or less. But you are still feeling incomplete. Do you feel unloved ? Do you feel like nobody really needs you ? When was the last time someone asked "how are you ?" ?
Thomas Moore
My man
Isaac Adams
Well quit the friggin booze buddy.
Owen Perez
I fucking love Deer Dance
Jacob Clark
OP here
I´m out .... Why ? Because I live the life I´ve just described
A few years ago I felt like a piece of shit. I´ve changed. You can too
I repeat--> If you want to talk add me on steam : kampf_floh
Cameron Torres
Nathan Phillips
Its easy. Don't think about it.
Cameron Gonzalez
That schedule is great and all, but only if you're not, you know, emoloyed.
6 days a week this is my schedule
>wake up 10am >shower >shave etc >breakfast >walk to work, arrive 11:30am >work until 1am-2am or so >walk home >'dinner' >shower >bed at 3-4am
Justin Flores
The actual schedule doesnt matter, the cure is that you make a positive routine. Even if the routine is shitty like waking up at 3am, if you do it every day it gets easy and makes you feel good to keep doing it. Your brain is just begging for set routines. It's probably how feudal barons had so much success getting the Peasants to plant shitty turnips all day.
Christopher Campbell
OP here (got my pc into my kitchen lel)
What kind of shit job is that ? A rythm like that is slowly killing you
Luis Williams
Mostly true .... But most people aren´t satisfied with being just a working bee
Lucas Thomas
Some solid advice. I do my best to get up and moving and go out and do shit. When I do it is very helpful for my attitude and depression. My problem is I work nights, 12 hour shifts from 7pm to 7am. Cannot really do anything on work days but work and sleep. On days off if I get stuck sleeping I basically just end up waking up late in the evening and just end up going out drinking cause there is nothing else to do. Get stuck in that loop for a while, and it can be really hard to pull out of it.
Christopher Butler
OP here
True story... Big problem is that people need jobs that are making them sick. Night shifts are pure poison for physical (heart deseases etc.) and mental health. Dont you have any other possibility ?
Ayden Long
Cook. That's a pretty standard kitchen schedule honestly. The chef and sous work a fair bit more than that.
Jeremiah Ward
OP, stop trying to be a saviour. Just as bad for you.
Thomas Hernandez
Many, but I actually really like and enjoy my job even though I know how much it fucks me up. Someday it will be time to move on, but for now I just do my best to stay on top of my shit.
Nolan Turner
Do you think your job is fullfilling ? If it´s not, maybe you should think about changing something. Friend of mine used to be a cook. Joined the military, seems happier now ...
Nathan Long
hehe ... always those people who are trying to rationalise ....
Liam Sanchez
Well if you enjoy your lifestyle I think you should keep doing it. But remember --> you´re working to make a living, not living to make a work...
Jace Rivera
It is denial >victim
Parker Green
Honestly I dont get your point O.o
Jackson Murphy
>Alright user... How to overcome your depression Just be happy. So fucking hard. Oh no, with this one simple trick I just made a $150 billion a year industry unnecessary.
Anthony Hill
I think you can't deal with your insecurities so in order to make yourself feel better you focus on others problems rather than your own.
Jonathan Cooper
Well ... nope. Of course I´ve got insecurities and frustrations. But I´ve managed to minimize them by getting a good structure into my life.