Plays terrorists in movies

>plays terrorists in movies
>gets butthurt when people think he's a terrorist

Other urls found in this thread:

typical hypocrite sjw

just like the action stars who want guns to be outlawed irl

god what a fucking whiny cunt

>As children in the 1980s, when my brother and I were stopped near our home by a skinhead who decided to put a knife to my brother’s throat, we were black. A decade later, the knife to my throat was held by another “Paki”, a label we wore with swagger in the Brit-Asian youth and gang culture of the 1990s. The next time I found myself as helplessly cornered, it was in a windowless room at Luton airport. My arm was in a painful wrist-lock and my collar pinned to the wall by British intelligence officers. It was “post 9/11”, and I was now labelled a Muslim.

hahahahahaahaha fucking autism

yeah i saw all that and I was pleasantly surprised when he deflected that Colbert cunt when he inevitably brought up muh trump

>I think he's got a point, there are a lot of british actors taking jobs over here at the moment

itt: redditors
this shit was on reddit, ofc you post it here you cancerous cuck

He has played a shitload of good characters, not just terrorists.

He's right to be upset.

Yet that would mean he isn't being typecast.

>muslim gets mad because he gets profiled at an airport because muslims blow themselves up on planes
ahh yes

If you know this then doesn't that make you a Redditor too? Checkmate fagg.

How is that autism

he's actually equating being held at an airport with having his knife held at his throat, the stupid cunt

read the goddamn article

no u

So would muslims prefer it if nobody got stopped at airports, or just not muslims?

that's not autism tho

yes it is, autist.

How much you want to bet these instances were COMPLETELY fucking made-up so he could get Liberal street-cred?

they probably weren't but I bet he deserved all of them for acting like a fuckhead, but obviously he'd omit that to further his "message"

>he said, hoping that by projecting his own autism onto others it would deflect attention from himself, even if it was only on a simple imageboard

I don't think they're made up, I think he's faking his reaction to it


They'd prefer you just let them blow up airplanes, train stations, and buses without any impediment.

After all, they're just practicing their religion of peace. You don't want to be some kind of bigot, do you?

No, he's referring to the skinhead with the knife labeling him as black. His main point being that he has been labeled as black, paki and now muslim, during his lifetime. Which leads into his next sentence.

Stop trying to force text to mean what you want it to mean, you idiot.

>it's a Sup Forums tard who spends all of his time circle jerking on a board full of anti-intellectual, violently-minded wannabe sociopath chimps who do nothing but fantasize about committing violent acts against minorities claims any violent act against a minority is made up for attention

I've seen this so many fucking times.

>when you're so stupid that your person could be planted into a comedic satire skit with no alternations. Imagine that, you could be a character in south park without exaggerating anything.

Your entire board is comedy that writes itself.

stop reaching, he was clearly describing the scenarios of being labelled for pity points, clearly trying to equate the three situations, fucking mong.

Not from Sup Forums, actually.

Learn to read or learn to reflect.

learn to make an argument

The only clear thing here is that, as is the case with everyone on Sup Forums, most of the space where your brain is supposed to be has been replaced with a magical filter that takes in information and converts it into grade A victim complex fuel.

Go circle jerk on your containment board of "I really want to violently harm innocent people with certain skin shades but I'm too fat and cowardly" racists and talk about how minorities never experience acts of racism.

>i'm white and nothing bad happens to me so it doesn't happen to anyone else either

I never use Sup Forums, sorry to shatter your retarded delusions.

>Sup Forums
this is Sup Forums user

>someone doesn't trust the word of a minority
>therefore he is a racist that wants to kill all minorities
what the FUCK

Assblasted paki pedo detected.


There's that Sup Forums brain filter again. Notice how that "therefore" part that you included in your post never actually happened. If anything, you got the order of the logic completely backwards, you deranged moron.

read your own post again you stupid cunt, jesus christ why are sanctimonious people always so fucking dumb?

aww I feel so bad for him!

Not him but this board will forever be a shithole

People like this actually make me want to go full racist, but racism is dumb, culture is more important

And muslims tend to grow up in shitty cultures, or with families that try to cling on to these cultures and push them down their kid's throats.

Every single time I fly into CdG airport I'm randomly searched by black men. I'm ethnically British. I don't write blogs about it

My post says that Sup Forums is filled with racists fantasizing about wanting to violently harm minorities who claim that actual acts of racism never happen. It says nothing even remotely along the lines of "someone doesn't trust the word of a minority, therefore they are blah blah blah."

That was your mental illness talking, you inbred halfwit.

people who argue on an anonymous imageboard are the worst kind of people

>guy arguing that racism isn't real gets baited into spamming from a section of his hard drive dedicated to racist propaganda

Sup Forums tier IQ is a treat to watch

You automatically started assuming someone wanted to kill minorities because they didn't trust what the guy in OP said, yet you try and claim the high ground and call other people mentally ill, fucking lol, take your meds.

>insulting images of the Prophet Mohamed are now considered racist

>insulting da profit MooHamHead is racist

Pic related

The false prophet Muhammed

You sort of picked up the google translated version of my post and missed all the details which are key in grasping what was actually said as opposed to the fairy tale version in your "mind." I'm really not sure how people like you think you're allowed to share your thoughts anywhere. If English is your 8th language then I stand corrected, otherwise please go eat yourself to death.

You're trying really hard to make it seem like that's not what the subtext of your post was, keep at it maybe you'll get there eventually.

It is when the context of the thread is a Christian arab with being profiled as an Islamic fundie by inbred racists, you fucking moron. Holy shit.

>it's racist to profile people who statistically commit a higher number of plane bombings, in an airport.

>being this stupid

If this is bait then well played

>being profiled
But that never happened.

He's an actor. He lied to you to make others feel sorry for him.

do people who act stupid for (You)'s actually feel accomplished when they achieve it?

>just like the action stars who want guns to be outlawed irl

>he uses guns in a fictional world therefore he shouldn't be against guns in the real world
>he stole something in a fictional world therefore he shouldn't be against theft in the real world

>Christian Arab

Wut? Pretty sure he's a paki Mudslime.

>it's a Sup Forums gets utterly btfo an is too dumb to even realize it episode
>it's a Sup Forums user swears up and down he is not from Sup Forums but will inexplicably defend the board and show Sup Forums behavior episode
My favorites.

Like how Sup Forums claims anything featured in the media is being "pushed," or "glorified," unless it's rampant gun use or something else that doesn't fit snugly into their persecution complex?

>It's an American liberal tries to talk down to Europeans dealing with a literal Mudslime invasion episode

If you had any clue about what's happening in Britain you'd know that pakis as a whole are not innocent and need to be taken down a damn peg.

I like how you looney liberals automatically equate gun owners with thieves

You fail to see the hypocrisy

This guy is reking the deflective Sup Forums faggots well done

I'm aware of the issue. That doesn't make you any less of a liar when you claim racism against minorities doesn't exist, you fucking cuntmouth alt right neckbeard.

Nice samefag, Paki lover.

I wasn't that guy, but continue to remain eternally assravaged against white people whose only crime is wanting their families and homeland protected from Mudslime rapist filth.

Oh shit you said Paki, sure showed me.
Make sure your mom doesn't see dude!

racism from minorities against whites is probably far more prevalent, ironically, minorities fucking hate white people.

>anybody who disagrees with me is Sup Forums: the thread

You really need to re-evaluate your existence, you sad fuck.


the Sup Forums invasion that happened after the Episode VII teaser that opened with John Boyega's face released a couple years ago has been one of the most genuinely infufferable things I've seen on this site. Worse than any forced meme or leddit posters. You guys are a fucking joke. I know posting this is just going to feed it but I don't care. You guys are obnoxious as fuck. It's just a circle jerk of shitting anything non-white and if you call someone out on it you're a cuck or leddit. We used to discuss actual TV and movie related topics. Now half the threads are thinly veiled racist Sup Forums bait like this one. You faggots have genuinely ruined this board. You're as bad or worse than the pedoposters. Congrats.

>You're as bad or worse than the pedoposters.

You'd know all about that, Rasheed.

kek, what a sad fuck he is

"people" who spend all day crying about Sup Forums are much worse, everything is always Sup Forums to you perpetually mad cretins.

Some people praise Sup Forums for its freedom.
But I have to ask myself when the intellectual discourse ability of users is at the ability of a 6 year old Redneck is it really worth it?

You guys are kinda stupid.

No, leave.

too bad the skinhead didn't gut him, would've done us all a service.

No, user. Threads like this where people like exist are much worse. This shit is ridiculous. And when you guys get called out on being idiots you whine and call everyone not spouting racist shit a paki.

>rampant gun use


Hell, even Pakis aren't a race, they're literally a tumor that the Indians cut off. Fact is, whatever race you are you're fine by me as long as you are not: A. A Mudslime. B. A Mudslime-defending cuck. C. Just an all-round uncivilized prick.

>"we're not racists or want to do harm to minorities at all why are u guys so triggered lol"

Nice Facebookblr meme, how about fuck off back there?

>Have to look up an image file to post completely irrelevant ad hominem to try and win an argument
>Thinks he somehow has the moral highground on being pathetic when he sits on Sup Forums posting Sup Forums memes all day


shut the fuck up, i hope you die too.

Stop worshipping a pedo prophet, stop raping kids, it's that simple.

>"I'm not a racist! What I'm doing is not Racism!"
>"Alll races are cool except THIS ONE RACE"

ffs the denial going on here is both hilarious and disconcerting.

I hope you realize trying to appear superior to others when you were just outed as an embarrassment doesn't really do much.

>It's a tourist cucks appropriating Sup Forums memes episode

Fuck, this. I'm ashamed to say it but this alt right termite infestation has really caused me to entertain the idea that some people should not be allowed to have opinions, despite the fact that I've always been a libertarian. They think they're opposing SJWs, but in reality their incessant lying and malicious agenda-pushing strengthens dogmatic extremist leftism. It literally feeds them with examples to prove their points.

>Facebook and Tumbrl refernces

All in one post well done.
+1 Sup Forums point.

I agree it's obnoxious to have every single discussion turn into the same dumbass argument about racial issues and such. But it's not a "Sup Forums invasion." It's not a Sup Forums-specific problem. This is happening EVERYWHERE. The exact same argument plays out in every comment thread for every news article. The articles themselves are just slightly more eloquent variations on the same obsession.

Sup Forums is just reflecting what's happening in the world at large. It's impossible to avoid these discussions on Sup Forums because they've become such a central part of the entertainment industry itself. The actors, writers, and filmmakers are all taking part in the very same discussion. There's really no way to plug your ears and escape it at this point

can you answer this:
am I meant to be angry or what?

>You fail to see the hypocrisy

You, meanwhile, just fail. Loser

u first m8 ;^)
Yeah because fat white lardasses in britain like yourself never raped anyone before the Muslims arrived. tip top fucking kek

Guns are fucking everywhere in Hollywood, are you retarded?

Not him but I've been to Sup Forums, half the threads are
>we should nuke Mecca
>we should send all the niggers to Africa and then nuke it
>we are all Israels puppets we should let hitler kill the Jews
He is saying that you, being from Sup Forums, are a racist who wants to kill everyone

In case you didn't get it before.






Fucking hell, this is terminal retardation.

Meanwhile Richard Sammel doesn't complain about getting Nazi's roles
