2 down, 8 to go.
Apologies for the quality, but it was the only video I could find online.
Hansen vs Predator episode 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>all white males
Any better quality video? That recording the screen shit is garbage.
Has Hansen always called them monsters? It seems in this new series he's extra brutal
you wont see no asians on this show because the asian guys have huge underground rings where they pass around white girls and immunity from the police because the police don't want to seem racist, they wouldn't up on chris handsen because they just call Mohammed on speedial
k Sup Forums
you got episode 1?
1's on Crimewatch.
I hope there's a twist to this season and they bust Hansen in the last episode.
>Hey baybeeeeeee
What are their names?
I seriously hope this is scripted and Americans wouldn't actually stoop this low for entertainment
>my country just got our own version of this show
>some real creepy motherfuckers on it
>predators identities are completely censored
what's the fucking point
>Johnny Connecticut
>A hug?
>what's the fucking point
Not all cultures value public shaming.
Once a man has been publicly shamed and has little left to lose they tend to become extremely violent and some countries dont like encouraging that.
You know, what kind of message does it send when they use 19-year-old decoys to play 13-year-old girls?
>15 year old boy wants to get his dick sucked by a friendly older gentlemen/mentor
>whoa whoa hol' up, let me jus throw you in jail bra
and the niggers call it progress
Guide to how to be a naive liberal on Sup Forums:
1. Go through threads on boards Reddit is fond of, seeing only what you want to see
2. When confronted by things you don't want to see, blame Sup Forums
3. Repeat
makes the show pretty fucking pointless then
Not an american stop calling me shit idc you fucking tinfoil hat piece of shit.
they use real pictures of kids to lure predators, so when they go to the house they sincerely believe they're going after a child and not "jailbait"
Not sure if it's the full thing but here user
It is just about shaming people. It is about showing people how easy it is for strangers to approach their kids. The shame part also might cause predators to stop chatting with the underage girls.
>a hug?
>runs away
Come on at least the older decoys weren't THIS obvious.
>Just going to watch the game...
>Just talked about salads....
Thanks bro from europe. i have no idea which time and when this show airs so i rely on you bastards to notify me.
>about to watch the ep this dudes hair looks legendary
>Just going to watch the game...
>why dont i have a seat
How is setting up traps and filming this even legal? I'm not to fond of pedophiles but its natural to be attracted to 13 y/os, so I cant really blame him
It seems like 90% of the "predators" are literally special needs individuals and/or complete autists who don't understand society.
Shaming them accomplishes nothing because they are mentally defective in the first place. They need to be put in mining/forestry camp towns where there are no children so they can function to society in a useful way.
>its a Sup Forums defends paedophile episode
How can they legally film and arrest an article four free inhabitant sovereign citizen?
>How about a hug
>Ehhhh i don't know.
>*Chris enters*
>Hey, boo.
>You don't work for UPS anymore? So what do you do now besides talk to young girls?
Ok i just watched the ep
Chris was super intimidating this ep,like he was ready to beat the guy down, that was great but man this ep was short i wish the interrogation part was much longer, i love watching those. and holy fuck dude got 8 yearslol no idea why this idiots choose to speak without a lawyer
"this does not look very good for you john...the chat..the appearance..the dark chocolate"
line of the ep
i have no
>hey boo
chris pls
why doesn't NAMBLA just kill Hansen?
I'm sure one guy doing time in the can for it would be less damaging than all these gentlemen getting sent up for 2-8 over texting
fail to plan, plan to fail man
Fucker didnt have much prep time, caught me off guard and kek myself that he knew which teams were playing that day
Whites are like 70% of the population and depending on where you go much more than that so it's not very strange that 10/10 would be.
Next to the first guy on the bottom row, is that..?
jurassic park tshirt guy looks a bit like hugh mungus
stop assaulting us
Looks like they post the full episodes a couple hours after they air
Frankie has been trying everything to get viral again
no suprise this is what he ended up doing
What channel is this on?
Or is it not on television or what?
I want to watch it, yet somehow I missed 2 episodes already
>stop blaming Sup Forums
>blame le reddit boogeyman instead
>Chris Hansen will never call you his boo
Sup Forums and reddit boogeymen are both non-arguments that get tossed around.
You are just as much of a faggot as the other two. Definitely worthy of a single bullet.
Depends on where you are in the US
>hmmm I wish I smell your body baby
>hey boo
now only 15 minutes ?
last episode was like 18 minutes
whats going on whys it even shorter, when will this show get its own time slot, this is ridiculous
>Waived his rights
>Admitted what he was doing
In combination of being a "sick" fuck he's a dumbass too. Pedophilia is not a sickness it's these mother fuckers choosing to be this way.
Chris just blasting the fuck out of these guys and I love it, wish the episode was longer though.
I love how with the HD you can see the copious amounts of sweat on the guy's forehead
The fuck wrote this? He wanted to >come inside.
Anyone else feel really bad that they dont censor the faces? I mean cool and all, we actually get to see their faces, but remember that their lives are basically destroyed forever now. They will lose their jobs and forever be unemployed
They're are getting risky as fuck, used to have them say "I'm doing laundry, come inside and have a cookie."
"pedophilia" doesnt exist. 2000 years ago greeks married 10 year old girls and they were probably impregnated at age 12 or 13.
What about mohammed? The prophet that almsot 2 billion people follow?
>What is Europe?
Fuck them they're not getting jobs in prison except license plates anyway.
Dubs were wasted on you pedophile.
it doesn't really matter if their faces are shown or not they are marked as sex offenders for the rest of their lives and their mugshots or w/e can be found with the sex offender search thingie
>t. pedo
Somebody PLEASE think of the pedophiles!
>Hey boo
so he goes to jail and she get's all those treats, that's fucked
And this is why USA is rife with crime, and why it will never get better, because your penal system is fucking garbage.
Ever heard of Norway? You know, the country that actually treats prisoners well so they dont return to crime as soon as they're out?
Our prison system is a hot mess, but not because we treat pedophiles like the actual garbage that they are.
Norway is totally white you fucking moron.
It's all public record, anyway. It was reported on when it first happened - now they're just going more in-depth to a wider audience.
this new decoy is cute but kind of a shithead
Reminder, in Britbong land, Asian = Muslims
In Burgerland, Asians = East Asians.
Chris Hansen show is Burgershow, so when you have someone that mixes the two, the result is a weird fuck up like this.
>eating or drinking anything a creeper brings you
They usually get their balls cut off then kill themselves outside of prison. Pedophiles don't deserve anything less than death.
>people still watching these scripted-as-fuck shows
I wish. Uncle Billy still isn't out of prison
You know who's getting the treats...
36:33 look how close this pajeet gets and she is qt. At least that fat one isn't around to eat them like the fat shit she is.
I wonder where all the old decoys are?
>This what pedos think
Hansen better show more of this female cop's ass or else I'm going to hunt him down
'hey boo'
Did they Show her face?
'hey boo'
man you have to feel sorry for these guys they obviously have some form of autism
>dat awkward decoy
Daily reminder that according to US statistics, most pedophiles live in the ghettos and they go unreported
Seiously take a look at Africa. It's no different than a Detroit ghetto
barely. looks like a phat ass milf
>feel sorry for these guys
haha, nice1m8
Shit from side profile bet she's cute as fuck.
Wonder if she looks like Jill from Resident Evil in her badass cop form?
Every fucking thread...
>has that pickup line ever worked before?