Hmmmm, monkey soup. It's delicious!

Hmmmm, monkey soup. It's delicious!


uma delicia



Eu saio do 55, mas o 55 sempre vem até mim.


aquilo é um lixo, tomei ban por escrever '-'
um simples: '-'

Você mereceu e sabe disso. Somente imbecis usam esses tipos de "carinhas".

carinha? isso é um código desde o início das eras mmos, deixa de ser burro, cara

Sim, no 55 os admins banem por motivos bestas

why do global health organizations get so pissy about bushmeat


Fuck you stupid brazilians. Making this fucking shit country even worse every day.

Blah blah blah.

Want some coockie?

o brasileiro mediano é nojento cara. Puta cara de macaco do caralho. Ele deveria estar na sopa, não o macaco. Cada besteira digna de zoeira (pena) no facebook. Como tem preto filho da puta que posta foto em piscina com o fundo de tijolo e favela atrás? Essas merdas são de cair o cu da bunda. Maldito portugal, deveria ter feito igual o UK e dizimado a população em vez de passar a rola e trazer os pretos pra cá.

whats in it besides monkey

No, want you all to fucking stop destroying this country.

every brazilian's misery



isn't this like eating your own baby?

the alive monkey is more disgusting than the dead one

This is fucking disgusting.

When will we gas South America, Africa and the Middle-East?

Vieram explorar.

>when will we

Fuck off faggot. You are nothing but a basement faggot. No governement has an idiot ideology like yours (despite north korea).

Do you think you've got any power? I've got bad new for you. Take your trap girlfriend's dick, suck it and shut up.

Don't worry, these worthless monkeys will destroy themselves eventually. Brazil is just a piece of garbage giving free money to the US.
Economy will break around 2019/2020 and that hell hole will become total chaos.

>implying niggers wouldn't destroy US before
>implying sand niggers won't destroy Europe first and launch world into darkness

I wonder if he has prions yet.


>loses against vietnam
>thinks americans can win every battle
AAhh the american hollywoodian ego :P